motivated by pants

I don't measure anything just weigh in...i have some 32inch waist jeans that i figure if i can get into them and not have anything hanging over I'll have reached my goal.

Anyone else motivated by pants?


  • AngelaKelly02
    AngelaKelly02 Posts: 73 Member
    I have motivating pants too, I bought myself a pair just too small to keep me motivated so I can get into them because they're way too expensive to let them go to waste.
  • moostrodamus
    We are a rare breed.....

  • carfamily08
    I still take measurements but I have this one pair of pre-kid jeans I'd love to fit back into some day! They finally fit over my hips (victory!) but still have a few more inches til they button :) Definitely great motivation to keep working hard!
  • patinaragazza
    patinaragazza Posts: 37 Member
    Yep. I am totally motivated by some pants I wore 5 years ago! I try them on to see how many inches I've come and how many I have to go. I am half-way there!
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i have a pair of skinny red jeans that give me INSANE muffin top. great if you work in a bakery. not great when you that's around your waist.

    when i fit into those i'll be well chuffed!
  • mmmelissah
    mmmelissah Posts: 7 Member
    My motivation is a NEW pair of jeans!!! When I drop 10 pounds I am going out to buy me a new pair...already have them picked out.....
  • aneedell
    aneedell Posts: 46 Member
    Last 20 years in some way is a story of pants. There are 32s left over from college in a trunk. The 33s are still in the closet, but haven't been wearble for a decade. The 34s now fit comfortably. It was when they started to become tight that I started the program. Realistically, when I can wear the 33s for a month, it will be time to buy a couple of 33 suits for work and take the 34s to the tailor. March is the goal.
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    I have a pretty expensive double breasted suit that I bought 10-12 years ago. It was a little snug then because I planned to lost weight. Oops! :embarassed:

    When I can fit comfortably in that then I will have probably acheived my goal, namely, a flat stomach.
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    I pay attention to lbs - but my real goal is based on pants. :)
  • jaimevondawson
    It is my only motivation! Those damn jeans that I thought were huge, I'd now give my right arm to fit into!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I have unfortunately passed all of my motivating pants. They are all loose in the waist now. I've decided that I am not going to be motivated by clothes until I reach a weight/size where I am ready to maintain.
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    I have a drawer full of pants I want to wear again, including my old favorite broken in cargo pants for hiking and camping. I want to be in those this summer.


    ^ love it. gonna add that to my profile.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Yeah, but more by other people's pants than my own. I look at some women and think, "Dang! I'd like my pants to look like that!!! Squats & lunges, here I come..."

    But when I was dropping weight I did have a pair of old "skinny" jeans from a when I was my thinnest, and fitting in them was a big goal/milemarker. I eventually dropped enough weight that they became too big for me and I ended up donating them.
  • amrita0286
    I've kept mine from my days of being at my goal weight, so I figure when I can get into them again, I'll have reached my goal.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Lately motivated is a weak word for how I am with pants. More like obsessed.

    I'm not that much of a girly dress-up girl, but I have all these old jeans I found buried in my closet, and then I bought this pair of 30-30 men's jeans too, and I keep trying all of them on regularly to see which ones fit and how well.

    So excited to retire each pair as I get smaller. One down, several to go!

    Damn, now I got to go try on the 30s again and see how they fit!
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I do have a particular pair of jeans I'd like to get back into. Five more pounds ought to do it.

    So....YES! I am motivated by pants! :happy:
  • ladybird1771
    ladybird1771 Posts: 99 Member
    I want to be able to wear skinny jeans :ohwell:
  • moostrodamus
    We could be a cult...I mean CLUB....names?..."The Pant People"? anyone?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yeah I haven't weighed in yet just been noticing my pants fit better and the ultimate goal is to get into a certain size pants. Pants seem to be the central theme for me so far. Unsure whether I will use a scale since the pay for one at the supermarket i go to is gone. Hesitate to buy one for home use because I'm one of those people who gets on it too much and cries that I didn't lose weight from 2-3 days ago. So my plan was to weigh only on supermarket trips and had my quarters ready and everything but it's gone.:grumble: :sad: :brokenheart: :cry:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    We could be a cult...I mean CLUB....names?..."The Pant People"? anyone?

    Well my hubby likes to sing that song "we can dance if we want to" with the lyrics, "we can dance, we can dance, everybody take off your pants!" so something like that would be nice.

    Otherwise "PANTS PATROL" has a nice ring. start a group, I'll join if you invite me.