How Many Calories are you Drinking?????



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I don't track my black coffee which is probably 10-20 calories on any given day. Should I have a skim latte I count that.

    I count beer, wine and skim milk. Most days I have 64 calories of skim milk on my cereal and 64 calories of skim milk with my nighttime cookie.

    If I have an adult beverage with dinner that's either about 120 calories of wine or 200 calories of beer (but sometimes 120 calories if it's a Sam Light)

    So not couting coffee I'd say 130 to 330 calories but 64 calories of it I'm eating.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    25 kcal for daily coffee (50ml of semi-skimmed milk, sweetener)
    55 kcal for day cup of hot cocoa (50ml of semi-skimmed milk, 1 tbs of cocoa powder, sweetener)

    The rest is green tea or black coffee without sugar, or lots of water.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    daily. hmmm. i mostly drink black coffee, diet coke and water. so 0 i guess
    when i drink alcohol i consume around 700 just from booze per night :(
    i have to stop that.

    You look great and if you are only doing it on the weekends then who cares. Enjoy life!!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    30ish calories, black coffee and sugar free creamer (just a splash) no sugar. I mean daily if I have an alcoholic drink then I log it like I log anything else I put into my body but it's a rarity.

    Otherwise drinking your calories is a huge waste.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    about 70/day, that comes from my cinnabon coffee creamer I use in my coffee, all my other drinks are water
  • katies2boys
    katies2boys Posts: 69 Member
    540 every Sunday for my Starbuck's, otherwise just water and plain tea for me during the week.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    On a typical day the only calories I drink are my treat at Starbucks but I budget for it. Other than that it's water, water, water.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    I drink about 110 calories a day. 1 glass of orange juice, 1 or 2 glasses of Coke Zero, and 1 or 2 cans of sugar free V.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 270 Member
    Zero, or as good as most of the time. The only thing I drink during the week is water or black coffee with no sugar or any other kind of sweetener, at a weekend I might have a beer or a glass of red wine.
  • Freshstartingmyhealthylife
    My teas are only ever 1-2 calories mostly 0, i only drink green teas and herbal or fruity, never add milk or sweetner. If i have fresh lemon water maybe 15-20 depending on the size of the lemon but thats still not alot.

    Maybe try cut down on the amount of sugar you use or find another way to sweeten your coffee :)
  • losinglbslovinglife
    about 150 calories on recommendation from medical professionals. :)
  • savyjenn
    savyjenn Posts: 41 Member
    Some days its zero others it is 30. But I love water enhancers...I am slowly trying to ween them out too just cause I dont like to consume lots chemically created sweeteners or those new ones with little known side effects....just read that truvia can cause reproductive issues....what with aspartame causing brain bleeding...I guess it is best to go with moderation on real sugar or use honey.... I dont know if this happens to anyone else but I find after I cut sugar out that the smell of sweet from the candy aisle in the grocery store is almost overwhelming!!!!
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    I drink lots - I do try to choose calorific drinks that have nutrients like milk and juice. Sometimes I do drink stuff like Coke and root beer. I drink regular Coke and no additional sugar added juice (or juice my own). When it comes down to it I'd rather eat a bit less or exercise a bit more than not have a milky coffee or orange juice.
  • LynnieG85
    LynnieG85 Posts: 157 Member
    I really don't drink any calories. If I'm not drinking water, I'll have diet coke, and I don't drink tea or coffee. When it comes to alcohol, however ... these can make a huge difference! Especially if you drink cider like I do :ohwell: So no alcohol for me while I'm trying to straighten things out!

    Instead of sugar in your tea/coffee, why don't you try sweetener? That'll cut out a huge chunk of calories throughout the day.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    About 80 calories for my morning coffee. I only drink herbal tea or water after that. So 80/1600 calories....not terrible.
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    Drinking calories are the sneakiest, and I used to not count them until I looked up the actual numbers. I really, really like craft beer. We also homebrew our own. One of our beer batches in November had a lot of grain and turned out to have quite a bit of alcohol. The more alcohol a beer has, the more calories. We estimated somewhere around 300 for a 12 oz bottle. I also like IPA's which range from around 200 plus or minus 30. So, if I'm hanging out with some friends on a Saturday and have 2-4 of those beers over say 3-5 hours. it can easily be anywhere from 400 calories and up. Clear liquor like rum has about 97 calories in 1.5 oz of 80-proof. Spiced rum is even higher I think.

    So, yes, if you're not counting them, you could be consuming way more calories for the day than you think.
  • sljohn84
    sljohn84 Posts: 107 Member
    I have my breakfast drink (carnation breakfast) which is basically a glass of milk, one cup of coffee if im at work and the rest of the day is water. Occasionally I will have a glass of wine or juice.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I realized that during the week when I am on track I only drink water and coffee. My coffee has 5 calories per cup and about 90 calories of sugar. That is 95 calories twice a day, 190 calories a day out of 1200 calorie day that seems like a lot. That is about 16% of my daily calories. I am just wondering how many calories most people are drinking???

    I drink coffee w/ creamer and water most of the time. Or hot tea. My coffee has 70-95 cals a cup depending on if I use 2 or 3 tbsp of creamer. I am trying to cut it back a bit, but it is my one indulgence!! I mostly only have a cup of coffee a day, tho. Hot tea I will either drink w/out sweetener or add like 1/2 a pack of truvia to. So I am ok there.
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    depends on if I make a smoothie that day or not. Usually I do pretty well and stick to just water with some Mio mixed in but when I have my smoothies it can be up over 200 cals
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would say 300-600 cals per day. I usually have a protein shake or 2 and a beer and sometimes some milk.