When do you eat most of your calories?



  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    I try to divide it up fairly equally, but I prefer to keep my last meal of the day on the light side, otherwise it affects my sleep. But then again, I'm old. :laugh:
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I don't really eat much for breakfast. Then I eat my main meal at lunch (12:30). Usually what most people would have at supper. For supper (7pm) I eat a light meal like soup, salad, sandwich or leftovers. I try not to eat at night, but I still usually have enough calories left for a fruit or something at night. It works really well for me.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I do have lunch, its just usually quick. I am vegetarian so the choices for me to grab and go that are healthy on the way to work are limited. I usually have crackers and an apple, or salad or something like that (that I don't need to have the time to cook it)

    Add some nuts in and you won't have so many later, unless you like it that way
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    I eat about 300-500 in the morning, and 1200+ after 4:00...usually in one meal. I think a lot of us are that way.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i eat most of them while i'm awake
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I personally consume calories until i go to sleep.
    If you're an active person during the day, you'll burn those calories faster than an inactive person regardless of time consumption.

    I wouldn't recommend going to sleep on heavy starcy foods, fats or carbs though. You may want to stick to more of the fiberous carbs at night, such as veggies, and you can eat protein anytime.

    good luck :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    About 1/3 to 1/2 of my cals are surrounding my late AM workout. The rest between dinner and bed.
  • anumberger
    I try to space mine out as evenly as possible throughout the day...This allows me to never feel like im starving and lead myself into over-indulging and it keeps my metabolism up to speed...I try to eat about the same time everyday..i know when your schedule changes day to day this can be hard though.

    I know you said it was a little difficult for you to do this, but if you pack your food for the day first thing in the morning you can stick to your diet, as well as sneak in some calories in between your busy schedule. Protein shakes can be made in advance, cutting up veggies/fruit and throwing them in a ziplock with some hummus are easy options...hope this helps a little!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    All my meals have lately been pretty evenly matched, approx 400-500 cals per meal.

    Today for example my breakfast was 373 cals, lunch was 400 cals and dinner should be 441 cals.

    I only eat more if I continue to be hungry but try to never exceed my suggested + workout cals earned.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    All the times.

    Probably "afternoon snack" is my highest calorie "meal" on average.
  • Jonesyuno
    I eat small meals all day long. For instance, I eat at 7:30a, 9a, 10:30a, 11:30a, 1p, 2p, then dinner at around 5 or so. I am able to do this, so I am blessed in that way.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I normally have around 900-1100 calories left after work. I will eat those between 7 and 10ish.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    As long as you don't feel "drained" or "tired" during the day, it absolutely does not matter if you eat the majority of your cals at night. If you DO feel drained (and it's not due to sleep deprivation), try sneaking in a few protein packed snacks (you said you were a vegetarian, not vegan, so I'd reccomended string cheese, greek yogurt, hardboiled eggs. All relatively portable items).

    Also, this nonsense about "stoking" your metabolism is just that: nonsense. You do not "jumpstart" or "stoke" your metabolism by eating breakfast/small meals throughout the day. Your body does not have a timer, and it doesn't stop burning calories simply because it has nothing to digest.

    Listen to your body. Eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not. If that means you eat almost all your cals at night, that's fine.
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    Usually dinner time! but I have dinner around 4:30 ish With my daughters and a snack at around 7 or eight.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat most of mine in the evening, dinner and dessert.

    Me too. I usually leave myself around 500 calories for post-dinner snacking. Just be aware that eating late at night might effect your scale weight in the morning and some people find it difficult to sleep if they eat right before bed, but all other things being equal it won't effect fat loss.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    My day is kinda similar, but I have 1600 calories, what happens is I have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, and usually work out at night because I'm busy during the day, so if i've met my goals already then I still have to eat between 300 and 600 calories when I am done working out, so I eat those late at night, and it hasn't been an issue for me. I just try not to eat too close to when I go to bed.
    And make sure you eat throughout the day, because if you have breakfast, and then have a long time before you eat again, your metabolism will slow down.
    Maybe just increase your portions a little bit for your meals earlier in the day so you don't have to eat so much late
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I pretty much only eat at night, doesn't matter when you eat. You can even average your calories weekly. I save my calories till the evening time because that is when I am hungry. I am never hungry in the morning or in the daytime.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I eat small meals all day long. For instance, I eat at 7:30a, 9a, 10:30a, 11:30a, 1p, 2p, then dinner at around 5 or so. I am able to do this, so I am blessed in that way.

  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    Sounds familiar! I seem to get majority of calories in the evening BUT am trying to have a 'loaded' protein shake for breakfast its around 500 calories once I add everything in. I try not to snack much, so I get about 350ish calories for lunch and the rest is at dinner.

    If life were perfect I'm sure it would balance out, but since its not :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    right before I catch the cotton mouse.