the way people are trying to lose weight



  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I agree. I feel those miracle pills or crazy diet plans are just setting people up for failure.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    i eat food the healthier betches!! <3 so yummy :D

    but, i agree! annoys me. rocks & so does It even lets me clip & add recipes from this site : )
    & I am right there with you OP. :flowerforyou:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Wait...WAIT...WAIT... mean to tell me raspberry ketones are NOT the secret to losing weight?????? #sarcasm
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Sometimes it takes a lot of fails before you find the win. Have compassion.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    amen sista
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    And another that gets me is these food programs. How does that teach you how to live? It may work for some people. But do you want to be 60 and still converting your meals into points? Why is it that some people cant face reality that weight loss takes work,

    I do Weight Watchers. I count points... I use MFP because my support system is here and I like to keep tabs of my calories - I like knowing how my 29 points add up - is it 1200 calories... is it 1500 calories... is it 1700 calories... I can get 2000 Calories out of 29 points if I really want to ....

    I do not get an easy road. I still work my *kitten* off (Literally), I still eat properly, I still do EVERYTHING I did when I was calorie coutning infact more so because I have learned that certain ratios give me lower points - lower points... more food... more food... less b!tchy me. I still watch my proteins, my carbs etc. Do I want to be 60 and converting my meals into points? Well what the hell is the difference if I am going to be 60 and still counting calories? And face it some people even in maintinence still count calories.. you don't get to just lose weight and know your good.... the realitiy is that it is all a life style change. IF I choose to be 60 and count points instead of calories thats my lifestyle thats my choice. I have faced reality... and when come can come to me in 2 years after getting stuck multiple times, getting battered with health issues (Not weight related), after giving up and waking up the next day andtrying again than come talk to me because I am goin on 3 years of this 'reality' that weight loss is hard. Just because I choose to count points and not calories does not make my choice any less valid than yours. POINTS are not a magic bullet, and I can still eat everything I want - it just makes more sense to eat that apple thats zero points than that chocolate bar thats 7 because those 7 points can be used for a damn steak. So please be a little less judgemental of those of us who choose something that is not the same as yours. I do not rely on someone to deliver my meals to me, I just use weight watchers as my tool... just like I use MFP as a tool.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    Sometimes it takes a lot of fails before you find the win. Have compassion.

  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I find it really ironic that Sharon Osbourne is a spokesperson for the Atkins Diet....when she admittedly had lap band surgery (and then had it removed). What message does THAT send!?!

    Well after having lap-band surgery you eat a high protein, very low carb diet so Atkins would fit the bill.

    I see nothing wrong with using a protein shake for a meal. I do it often for breakfast because I'm not hungry in the mornings but I have to get in my protein.

    You can use some of the products and still eat healthy right along with it.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    the "lose six pounds in two weeks on the special k diet" coming from my television yesterday made me go "what the ****?"

    I am having this same reaction with the various women's magazines that litter the register at every grocery store (And with the new year, these headlines are freaking EVERYWHERE). Lose 10 pounds this week! Lose 35 pounds this month! I'm like "WTF? And which body part would you like me to chop off????"

    They have very convincing testimonials of people who did lose the weight - but no returns on them long term. In the last few years, I've only read a few articles about people who have lost weight and kept it off - and it was always people who did it the slow, sane, sustainable way.
  • DianaMcarter
    Hiya everyone....I just joined today and I'm very happy I did. I was amazed at how much fat I was eating in my "healthy breakfast" of oatmeal and toast! This site is going to be great for me to educate myself about the foods I eat.

    I am an American living in the UK and the number of obese people in this country has risen dramatically. I believe that obesity is becoming a worldwide problem, not just America. It is due to our frentic lifestyles. Working long hours, too busy to cook a healthy meal and sitting for long hours at a desk in front of a computer. When we have down time, we want to relax. We're too tired and exercising becomes more difficult than it should. I have become lazy as a result. I hate to exercise.

    However you decide to lose weight, please be safe and healthy. :flowerforyou:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Good on you.

    The funny part is after you lose the weight people will still refuse to believe you did it that way.

    "So what did you do? What's your secret?"

    "Diet and exercise. Counted my calories and started working out."

    "Yeah yeah, but really, what was it? What pills did you take? Did you cleanse? I bet you cleansed. And no way I could lose weight, I'd hate to give up bread. I've been watching Dr. Oz and ordered a bunch of stuff, so I should be in a bikini come summer!"


    I have this conversation at least 2 times a week in real life. :noway:
  • rio66
    rio66 Posts: 49
    Agreed. People are always desperately disappointed when they ask me how I have lost weight and I reply 'eating less and moving more'. They want me to tell them about some 'magic' weightloss idea!
    Omg yes! I get this all the time! It's like they want me to say "Oh yeah it was this magic pill"....
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    We will learn when we are ready.

    I fell pray to the quick-fixes and failed every time. It wasn't until I was mentally ready that I took the plunge and started counting calories. THIS is what worked for ME. Other people need to figure that what works for them on their own.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    People want a "Quick Fix" and everyone knows it. I see countless forum posts a day from people already on MFP asking about every "diet helper" under the sun. And when you say "no one needs that, just eat less and move more" everyone gets all up in your face about it. People believe from commercials and magazine articles that they need something "jump start" their weight loss. No. Really you need need to strap those old sneakers that are hidden the back of your closet on your feet and leave the house for an hour. Go through your pantry and pitch all the junk food and replace it with lean protein, veggies, fruit, low fat dairy and whole grain products. Weigh your food and eat logical sized portions. Eat until you are full, not until there is no food in front of you.

    But I whole heartily believe weight loss has to be a mental thing before it can be a physical thing. You need to figure out how you get to be fat in the first place so that you don't end up back there. Fix the bad habits, because maintenance is harder than losing, I kid you not!

    You are so right. Maintenance is the key. I put on 42lbs.... then lost 28lbs yippee..... and then put on 32lbs... I'm on my way back down now and have lost 26lbs this time. All of this in less than 3 years. It has taken about 10 months to do my 26lbs and I am excersising in a way I have never done before. I am realistically hoping to hit my target around July and if it takes a bit longer then so be it...I just wanna keep it off this time.

    However you get there, it's learning to stay there that is the tough nut to crack!!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    good plan best of luck, I did it a few eyars ago on here and lost 80 LBS. Sadly i went back to my old habits and put back on 50 in 2012. Now I am back at it.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    my mum and I just had a talk like this a few days ago. we both go to the gym and I do dance workouts at home. and she said to me, "well if there was some magical pill or whatever for you to take to make you lose weight, wouldn't you?" I was just kind of like. meh. I LIKE dancing and eating healthy! it makes me sad that so many people would rather just be unhealthy.
  • MsAmulet
    Following the Special K diet *is* a form of calorie counting. The fact is that people lose in all kinds of ways and we all find our path. The principal is to be healthy and the method varies. Support each other and don't worry so much about the path that other people are on. I'm following a PSMF and people FREAK about it and spout all their common wisdom but the fact is that is full of great studies that support this choice for people in my situation. While for others it may not work for others and may seem like a 'fad' to some.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Thank you for the honesty!
  • paighton0102
    i completey agree with you!!!! I find the biggest problem is alot of people want everything to be instant,( ex... instant promotions at work, lose the 80lbs that took 2 yrs to gain) people dont want to work for the things they want! People are willing to try so many ridiculous things in order to lose weight....meanwhile if they had just been watching what goes in their mouth and getting some activity in their lives they could have already lost the weight and saved a boat load of money!!! Sometimes things in life aren't instant but it makes it that much more rewarding when you suceed!!!
  • Queenb1212
    Queenb1212 Posts: 108 Member
    Show some luv MFP. For many of us, coming to the conclusion that we must make a intentional desicion to make a "lifestyle change" to our eating habits has taken awhile. No, everyone's "light bulb" does not click on at the same time. We all learn different lessons in life at our own pace. Some of us may not have the diet formula correct YET, but I'm sure we all have some type of "shortcomings" we are still trying to figure out in life. People watch your actions. So show them the right way and that it works, but don't degrade them, or you can become "the problem".

    ....and yes, I am one who is now eating healthier and exercising. NOW GO OUT THERE AND SHOW SOME LUVVVVV!!!