What frustrates you the most about weight loss?

I am mostly frustrated by all the different theories about weight loss. I mean do we eat low carbs,no carbs, meat, no meat, no dairy, drink green tea...or raspberry keytones. Nobody knows what the one key is because everyone is diff when it comes to weightloss! The trick is to find the ONE thing that works for you! Most of the time its a small change that you missed!

Add me as a freind so we can help eachother make sense out of these theories!


  • Sherman7057
    Sherman7057 Posts: 88 Member
    I am mostly frustrated by all the different theories about weight loss. I mean do we eat low carbs,no carbs, meat, no meat, no dairy, drink green tea...or raspberry keytones. Nobody knows what the one key is because everyone is diff when it comes to weightloss! The trick is to find the ONE thing that works for you! Most of the time its a small change that you missed!

    Add me as a freind so we can help eachother make sense out of these theories!

    I forgot to add how weight loss pills magically make you burn fat without eating right or working out! Lol
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    It frustrates me how technical everything becomes and all the different diets/ food regimes people telly ou to follow.

    Before TV, Internet, Publications, fast food, and processed food people managed to get things right. Don't be a glutton with food, the body is meant to walk and work, and you will reap the benefits of eating balanced meals and not being lazy.

    It is as simple as it should be. People trying to make a buck make it complicated.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I can't stand how so many companies commercialize weight loss so they can get a quick buck. I've been one of those dieters who tried every new pill, because this one is guaranteed to work. OH BULL!
    So much easier just to eat right and exercise.
    BOO to the Companies without conscience!
  • margaretabert
    Mostly it's menopause! I have always been able to keep my weight in check, but between medications I've had to start taking, and menopause, I've gained 25 lbs in the last 3 years. And now that I'm over 50 it's really hard to get off. But, new year, new me. I'm getting it done this year. I'm counting my calories, making sure I do some sort of exercise every day - and by summer my old clothes should fit. I hope. : )
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    What frustrates me is the mornings that I see no change on the scale! I've been through this a few times before ( after my kids were born, and now that I quit smoking) and I always get frustrated and want to give up after not seeing the numbers reflect how hard I've worked.
    I'm pretty straight on my diet, as I know what works for me and that is a completely clean diet ( or as close as I can get).
    You can also add me as a friend and we can all kick fat's *kitten* together :)
  • bushokie
    bushokie Posts: 180 Member
    that it takes so long
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    Nothing I love losing weight! :)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    The length of time it takes and the bumps in the road.

    I am not "fat" but rather have a little fat I want to get rid of. So, I have to lose weight much slower than someone much larger than me.

    The fine tuning at lower body weights I suppose. That is the most frustrating.
  • angela9887
    angela9887 Posts: 26 Member
    What frustrates me is when i don't see the numbers move for weeks. But, at the same time, i never have wanted to give up. I lost over 40 lbs with weight watchers and now i'm trying this site out because it's free. This is by far the hardest thing i've done in my life... so far. it's a journey and i'm definitely still along for the ride.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    that it takes so long

    Yeah, this. After putting hard work in for a few months, I want to look great! Patience is the hardest part.
    It's also frustrating when people if your life don't acknowledge your progress.

    The best part, though, is that I do feel great. It's just not quite showing in the mirror yet.
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    It's so dang slow!!! I want what I want when I want it. It takes so much time and effort to get the weight off. In the meantime, idiot people still make snide comments about how much you weigh and why don't you get on a diet, not knowing that you already ARE on a diet and might have already lost significant weight.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    When u reach a point in ur weight lost and stay the same weight for a little bit! It scares me i havent reached it yet but im affraid i will get to discouraged. I had lost 120 pounds 5 years ago and i only have 74 this time and the weight is coming off fast right now but i dread the day it comes off slow!
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    How hard it is! I've had success, but I've also regained 9 pounds since October. I'm so annoyed because it's not like I've been stuffing myself with pizza and candy. I'm still watching what I eat and doing low carb for the most part, yet the pounds have crept back. I'm realizing this is going to be a life long battle and it's so exhausting!!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    The time. I have friends who are bigger, like me, and lose a solid 2-3 pounds every week.

    I have insulin resistance, so I lose 0.5 - 1 pound per week, which I figured wouldn't happen until I got under 175. It's really frustrating because I feel like being over 300 pounds means I should lose 2-3 pounds per week like other big people.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    The internal struggle between eating what I REALLY want to, and looking the way I REALLY want to.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    My main frustration is a common one: Weight is easy to gain, and hard to lose. At my current pace of 5 pounds per week, I will reach 180 in late November. That's a long time to stay motivated. It will be very hard, but I'm glad I have friends here to keep me going.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    The fine tuning at lower body weights I suppose. That is the most frustrating.

    To be honest, this scares me. As someone who used to weigh more than 250 pounds, finishing my weight loss and maintenance just seems so out of reach.

    ETA: I'm combating these feelings with just taking it one day at a time and being patient with myself. I'll get there, and I'll have the rest of my healthy life to do it :)
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I get frustrated with how long it takes! After working hard, I just want all of the weight to vanish.
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    The internal struggle between eating what I REALLY want to, and looking the way I REALLY want to.

  • Sherman7057
    Sherman7057 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, congratulations to all of you warriors! None of you are giving up when its tough!! Thanks for the feedback! :)