What frustrates you the most about weight loss?



  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    well im done with my weight loss but honestly what frustrated me most in the beginning was that i was consuming FAR less calories than i was before and it was still a very slow process...

    for instance i was consuming 4,572 calories a day on average, and dropped that down to 1,300 in the beginning
  • Grognit
    Grognit Posts: 50
    Having a bad eating/exercise day and mentally fighting to get out of my "F it....I screwed up so let's go eat a cheesecake".
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Changing 40 years of bad habits! Losing weight is easy, I do it all the time! Staying healthy, now that's the tough part.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I get frustrated with people who fall victim to fad and ineffective diets. They insist what they are doing will work, they starve themselves, eat ridiculous foods, take worthless pills, and never, ever, consider doing what truly ONLY works: eating less and moving more. Then, when they get frustrated and cry "Oh why can't I lose weight??? OH WHY?" and you offer your wisdom because you've done it the right way, and even offer to be their exercise buddy, they say "Oh no no no, I don't want to EXERCISE -- heaven forbid I actually have to move!" THEN, they decide YOU are the enemy, because you're losing weight and they aren't, and you're not hungry all the time and giving into tempation and they are.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hitting a mini goal and getting really excited...celebrating a little...and then realizing that I still have a long way to go. I'm motivated though...I know what it feels like and I know what I look like when I'm lean, fit, and strong and I want to get back there. Mostly I just kick myself for letting myself go this far for so long.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Wow, congratulations to all of you warriors! None of you are giving up when its tough!! Thanks for the feedback! :)

    Not giving up no matter how hard it gets! :mad:
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    The realllllly working at it element while friends I've known for 20 years have never gone to a gym and eat and drink like troopers
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    My personal experience has frustrated me the most. I can eat basically the same calories, same macronutrients, almost same sodium from one week to the next and have different numbers show on the scale. I've been hovering around the same weight for MONTHS now.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I am mostly frustrated by all the different theories about weight loss. I mean do we eat low carbs,no carbs, meat, no meat, no dairy, drink green tea...or raspberry keytones. Nobody knows what the one key is because everyone is diff when it comes to weightloss! The trick is to find the ONE thing that works for you! Most of the time its a small change that you missed!

    Add me as a freind so we can help eachother make sense out of these theories!

    Creating a calorie deficit through reducing your intake and increasing your energy expenditure is the only requirement. Higher protein and strength training for muscle retention. All else is optional or downright bunk trying to sell you something.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    The times when it stalls, and you cannot figure out why!!
  • Sherman7057
    Sherman7057 Posts: 88 Member
    I am mostly frustrated by all the different theories about weight loss. I mean do we eat low carbs,no carbs, meat, no meat, no dairy, drink green tea...or raspberry keytones. Nobody knows what the one key is because everyone is diff when it comes to weightloss! The trick is to find the ONE thing that works for you! Most of the time its a small change that you missed!

    Add me as a freind so we can help eachother make sense out of these theories!

    Creating a calorie deficit through reducing your intake and increasing your energy expenditure is the only requirement. Higher protein and strength training for muscle retention. All else is optional or downright bunk trying to sell you something.
    I agree to a point, some people do better when their macros are adjusted.
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    Logging for 101 days straight and only losing 5 pounds....................................................................................

    THAT PISSES ME OFF. :explode:

  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Yes everything you said frustrates me too but also plateaus!! I would even say the nut me the hell the up!!
  • KReduced
    KReduced Posts: 98 Member
    If I mess up once I just start this mentality of "well now I might as well eat that bag of m&ms because I already ruined the day". I'm really trying to work on this! On day one of the biggest loser this season Jillian said "Just because you drop your phone on the ground doesn't mean you stomp on it then too". VERY TRUE! I try to remember this!
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    The length of time it takes and the bumps in the road.

    I am not "fat" but rather have a little fat I want to get rid of. So, I have to lose weight much slower than someone much larger than me.

    The fine tuning at lower body weights I suppose. That is the most frustrating.

    ^^ this
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    If I mess up once I just start this mentality of "well now I might as well eat that bag of m&ms because I already ruined the day". I'm really trying to work on this! On day one of the biggest loser this season Jillian said "Just because you drop your phone on the ground doesn't mean you stomp on it then too". VERY TRUE! I try to remember this!
    This, too.
  • When your schedule and location screw with your normal diet and you stall out. Vacations are the worst, but what a fun way to screw up....lol
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Buying clothes that I know I'll have to replace.
  • gillesse
    gillesse Posts: 66 Member
    Well, what really frustrates me is the thought of me allowing myself to gain so much weight in the first place (I gained 25 lbs in two and a half years).

    There are some days that I feel really lazy and I have to push myself even more to exercise, and it feels like an eternity when I finally do exercise. But not all days are like this, just my lazy days.

    And I get super frustrated when I over eat one meal, and have to work out even more just so that i can eat my other meals :/

    I'm slowly getting the hang of things, but there are plenty of moments where I feel completely frustrated and pissed off. I usually push through though, and the results are definitely worth it =)
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    That sometimes I won't lose any weight for a month ...