Natural Blood Pressure Remedies



  • I'm borderline pre-hypertension so they've threatened me with pills before but I told them I wouldn't take them if they prescribed them so not to bother... I've made small improvements by losing weight, eating healthier, exercising, and paying MUCH closer attention to my sodium... switched to potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride for salt and can't tell the difference in taste on food which was a big step in reducing my sodium
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    My husband had a biometric screening in Dec 2011, where his blood pressure was 146 / 100. We switched to using good quality sea salt (Redmond's Real Salt, or Celtic Sea Salt, taking a kelp supplement to avoid iodine deficiency.)

    On the advice of a naturalist, he also started taking a calcium-magnesium supplement daily (Ratio of Cal to Mag is 2:1). Without losing weight, or exercising, at the next biometirc screening (Dec 2012), his blood pressure was 136 / 82. He feels confident that if he sheds the 50 lbs he needs to lose, his BP will go into the no-risk range.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I have high blood pressure (runs in the borderline high area) that is very slowly improving. Seems genetic in my case, as I have a healthy diet, and within 10lbs of my goal (ideal) weight and exercise 6 days a week (cardio and strength training). Even as a thin teen, mine was high-normal.

    I track my sodium. I keep mine in the 1500-2000/day range. I don't know that it's helping me, but high sodium is a culprit for a lot of people.

    Definitely look at tweaking your diet. Wish I had a magic answer. Just keep working on your overall health.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I"m 46 and no longer on BP meds. Was on them about 2 years. As soon as I lost the first 20 lbs my BP got much better. Was taken off of them back in October. Cutting out all salt, drinking plenty of water and losing the weight did it for me.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Check out eggplant water.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Asparagus tea or asparagus extract.
  • I am new to BP meds as well, was just put on Labetalol about 2 weeks ago, its really upsetting because I am 28, I feel way too young to be taking meds but they really seem to help for now. My goal is to lose weight by eating healthier and excercising more to the point where I can get off the meds as well. Like others have said, cutting back on sodium is a very important first step, its really surprising how much sodium you get in regular food that you would never have even suspected, I was never one to use table salt on my food so I would have never assumed I was consuming so much sodium. Looking for foods low in calories AND sodium can be pretty hard sometimes. Bananas, garlic and high cocoa content dark chocolate are the three things I now try to work into my diet daily, they all help to reduce blood pressure. The DASH diet as someone else suggested is also highly recommended. Good luck, send me a friend request if you like :)