Working out, tracking, and no weight loss!! Why?!?!



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    what your mind tells you is too much food isn't going to equal what science is going to tell you is enough food.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    if you're only eating 1400 calories and you're working out twice a day you're not eating enough. Boost your intake. Also, toss the DVD's. In my opinion and experience, those DVD's don't produce the best results. I get a much better workout when I'm out running or lifting. Try doing some HIIT training and some weight lifting.

    Agree with the not eating enough - completely disagree with the tossing the dvd's....YOUR results might have been bad - I have seen tons of results from people doing dvd's at home that was really good...

    I just mean that after 6 months of DVD's, you're not working out as hard as your body can. After re-reading my post I realize I didn't quite say what I meant lol.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    if you're only eating 1400 calories and you're working out twice a day you're not eating enough. Boost your intake. Also, toss the DVD's. In my opinion and experience, those DVD's don't produce the best results. I get a much better workout when I'm out running or lifting. Try doing some HIIT training and some weight lifting.

    again, THIS.
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Is it possible that you are underestimating the calories you are eating and overestimating the amount you burn through exercise? I know that MPF cardio database tends to grossly overestimate the amount of calories burned.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Is that a current picture of you? You look pretty good.
  • smokinjackd
    Just saying, you don't look like you need to lose any. Just be happy that you are toning.
  • blondie_girl14
    blondie_girl14 Posts: 198 Member
    2 workouts a day, and eating 1200 calories.. There is your problem.

    too few calories, too much exercise..believe it or not. try doing just one workout 4 days a week with 1300-1400 cals
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Is it possible that you are underestimating the calories you are eating and overestimating the amount you burn through exercise? I know that MPF cardio database tends to grossly overestimate the amount of calories burned.

    ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ I know plenty who have eaten back based on highly exaggerated MFP values, by picking Intense over light effort. Then once the got a HRM and discovered they were only burning half that number. Then they got back on the right track.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    2 workouts a day, and eating 1200 calories.. There is your problem.

    There ya go. You need more calories to support all of that working out... or to scale back your workouts.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    google "scoobys calculator" - enter in your info. You're very likely eating too few cals. I upped my cals to 2000, I eat more than that when I double up and have been losing.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You definitely are not eating enough and you may have some water weight to contend with.

    I don't have the link but if you search the forums for TDEE BMR you can find a page that will help you figure out how much you should be eating for your activity level. I set my calculations to sedentry so I can eat back about 1/2 my calories burned on top of my minimum calorie intake. I have not lost a lb in two weeks but I have lost 'thickness' my waist and hips are smaller and fit into smaller pants again and my arms and upper body have certainly lost since it doesn't feel tight in my clothes and undergarments anymore even though the scale hasn't changed.

    That brings me to a second thought that you may not be losing lbs but you may be losing inches, have your clothes fit looser in the last few weeks?
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member

    Follow the instructions. I agree with others that you may not be eating the right amount of calories, especially for the amount of exercise you do.
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    2 workouts a day, and eating 1200 calories.. There is your problem.

    ^^^^^This! You have to eat more than 1200 if you're working out twice a day. You're starving yourself.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Bumpin this. Because I feel the exact same way. Except I have been stuck at 156-160 for about 3 years. Tried upping cals for a few months, tried lowering cals. I work out for at least an hour 5-6 days a week too. Nothing, nada.

    I've almost decided that this weight is just where my body wants to be, unfortunately.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    If you're doing cardio there is really no point if you're eating so few calories. I'd stick to a strength building regimen. It may depend on your macro ratio as well. Your protein levels may not be high enough and if you're just eating mostly carbs even if they're healthy like veggies you're not going to preserve or even gain muscle. You need all three: protein, fats, carbs and the smaller you are the more important the ratio matters.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Is it possible that you are underestimating the calories you are eating and overestimating the amount you burn through exercise? I know that MPF cardio database tends to grossly overestimate the amount of calories burned.

    ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ I know plenty who have eaten back based on highly exaggerated MFP values, by picking Intense over light effort. Then once the got a HRM and discovered they were only burning half that number. Then they got back on the right track.

    I agree! MFP is notoriously bad when it comes to estimating calorie burn (besides we all burn calories at a different rate depending on what our weight is).

    When I started I ate back every calorie estimated by MFP and didn't lose a pound. I bought an HRM and found the calorie burn was double what the HRM was saying (Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD being a classic example - if I log it as circuit training it says I've burned 400 calories when, in reality, I only burn 190 calories due to a lot of it being strength rather than cardio).

    I bought an HRM, a set of cheap kitchen scales (I always log in weight rather than by spoon or cup size etc as it's more precise) and took up running as it's a great fat burner. Finally the scales are going in the right direction.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Bumpin this. Because I feel the exact same way. Except I have been stuck at 156-160 for about 3 years. Tried upping cals for a few months, tried lowering cals. I work out for at least an hour 5-6 days a week too. Nothing, nada.

    I've almost decided that this weight is just where my body wants to be, unfortunately.

    Could well be the case. Besides, with all that exercise I bet you are a smaller size inch-wise than people of the same weight. Sometimes the scales do lie!
  • jmac263
    jmac263 Posts: 87
    no on the clothes fitting any different *sad face* i know my arms and legs look much nicer but i don't think i am losing inches!
  • lkherna
    lkherna Posts: 15 Member
    I have been thinking the same thing today... I was told to up my water intake that since I am working out so much I need more water than normal... I know I am bad on water so I am going to make a conscious effort the next few days to drink a ton and see if that works. It is worth a try! (preparing myself to pee all day)
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    google "scoobys calculator" - enter in your info. You're very likely eating too few cals. I upped my cals to 2000, I eat more than that when I double up and have been losing.

    Thank you for posting this. It is much better than the other calculators I've tried!