It's either Food or Cigarettes?



  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Have you tried going to the Dr. and talking about your urges??? It might be deeper than just WANTING a cig or eating lots of food due to stress.

    I was an overeater bc of my stress levels were over the top! Talked to a Dr. and was prescribed Wellbutrin XL. I know meds aren't always the answer, but if you really can't control yourself maybe you should talk to someone about your compulsive impulses.

    Suprise, suprise! They use Wellbutrin for muliple stress "relievers". My friend is on it now to help him quit smoking. It works for a lot of people.

    Meds are not always the answer, like I said earlier, but since going on Wellbutrin I do not overeat anymore. I exercise at least 4x a week and have lost around 25 lbs since last year. REALLY, REALLY talk to your Dr. It might help you to get through a tough time!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You can only quit smoking when you want to and are ready. I wanted to quit for years & even did for a few months a couple of times. Guess what, when I started smoking again those times, it wasn't any easier to quit the next time I tried. I finally quit the habit in October 2007. I say "quit the habit" because I still occasionally have A (ONE) cigarette every few months if I'm at a party or if the mood strikes. I haven't been addicted since 10/07.

    Anyway, I started losing weight and being healthier in September. Since then I have smoked more cigarettes than I smoked the entire 2 years before that. Not a lot -- maybe a pack over 6 months but I had to put a stop to it. How does smoking fit in with my wanting to be HEALTHY?! It doesn't. At all. And since I'm on a quest to be healthy (and not just to lose weight), it wasn't going to fly for me.

    But, realize that it's not that you CAN'T do this without the crutch of food or cigarettes, it's that you don't know how. I don't have much advice or a solution for this other than contacting a counselor and your feelings are completely understandable. I'm not saying that with the intention of being rude (although I'm sure it is), but sometimes you have to be realistic and call a spade a spade.

    Addiction is crappy. I've been there -- with cigarettes and food. I hope you can conquer it some day.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you Missy, its either food or *kitten* (I'm a Brit btw). I'm cutting down the amount I smoke slowly, but during high-stress situations the smoking goes through the roof - more so now that I'm watching my weight.

    Given that you quit smoking, it's not worth starting again - as some of the others have pointed out the health side of things and the money side of it just aren't worth it.

    I'm going to try the suggestions made here and see if I can quit smoking and not put on weight while I try and quit. I wish you all the very best and hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • PoisonSugar
    The first time I lost baby weight, my breakfast, lunch and dinner consisted of cigarettes with a carrot stick in between for snack.

    When you feel like you want a cigarette is there anything else you can do aside from smoking or eating? How about go for a walk? It would get you out of the in-laws house, give you some excellent cardio, FRESH air, and you can even do it WITH your daughter. Your in-laws live in a semi-seccluded subdivision so it's easy to do.

    What do you always turn to (as far as food is concerned) when you are stressed? Crunchy, sweet, salty...? Find a healthy substitute. I've heard frozen grapes or blueberries work wonders on a sweet tooth. Banana's, btw, help curb the craving for cigarettes.

    Call a FRIEND, play Farmville, look up a new recipe for dinner that night. Do you really want your daughter to associate that smell with her mother? Being a non-smoker for this long, you know what stale smoke on someones person smells like. A smoker doesn't smell it, remember? It's absolutely disgusting. Do you remember waking up some mornings with your chest hurting so bad it felt like someone was sitting on it every time you drew in a breath?

    Life is stressful. Push through and teach your daughter HEALTHY ways to handle stressors when she gets old enough. I have all the confidence in the world that you can do this. You have come a long way, baby! Push through. :)