Calling all formerly/currently obese runners!



  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I'm not sure how safe it is, i am not really that knowledgable but i did start the couch 2 5K program a while ago and i'm 212 adn 5'3. I do repeat sometimes when i feel i cannot move onto the next week comfortably. I most likely jog slower than most people too. I do 4.0 for jogging on the treadmill on a good day. Bad days 3.5. And i walk at a pace of 2.5

    I started at 270-275 and had no problems, it's safe as long as you are healthy. I have another friend on here who started at an even higher weight...
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    I started the C25K program at 230lbs. I just completed week 6 jogging 22 minutes. This is really a good program to help you start. There is not a set speed at which you need to run and if youcan't get through a workout the first try then you can continue until you do and then move on to the next step.
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    Yeah I am slightly concerned about my knees! Thanks for everyone's input. :smile:

    Because of a prior try a couple years back, this time I started taking osteo biflex supplements when I started running and I had no problem at all starting up. I think if you do the C25K which I did, it might work good for your knees.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I've just started running again and I'm around 270. If you are wanting to run for the calorie burns, one thing I've learned is that hill intervals can be more effective for calorie burn than running is for me. Over the past year I've built up my endurance by walking a bunch of hills outdoors and doing incline intervals when I'm on the treadmill. I can walk a fast pace with a fairly high incline now, and it is killer for burning calories. I have to "run" at a fairly slow pace with low incline right now and in 15 minutes time burn the same calories running as I do walking the hills. I actually find it easier to get my heart rate higher and keep it higher with the walking on hills than with the running. I eventually want to progress to running hill intervals, but if you are wanting the calorie burn, walking inclines may be easier on your joints than running.
  • whittlelauraann
    I did have knee pain when I tried when I first started at 240.... so I took it easy and continued walking until about 210... then at 210 I had less problems. I now have no knee pain when running! :)
  • Magoominuseighty
    Magoominuseighty Posts: 18 Member
    I am currently @ 272 and run and I love it!
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I'm not really a "runner" per say right now, but I usually run 1-2 times a week for my cardio and I'm about 270 lbs right now. I haven't injured myself or anything, but I have to say I find it quite difficult. I haven't been able to run for any longer than 20 minutes so far because my legs get too tired, presumably from the extra weight they have to bear. I used to run regularly when I weighed closer to 180 lbs, and it definitely wasn't this hard! And I made progress WAY faster.

    So you can certainly go for it, just make sure you have proper footwear and you are listening to your body to make sure you don't injure yourself. Take it slow at first and gradually work your way up! Because, like in my case, even if your cardio fitness is good enough to run for an extended period of time, your legs/joints still might have some catching up to do.
  • xAmes
    xAmes Posts: 3
    Not sure if it is safe, but I'm 5'4'', 275 and I do the C25K 3 days a week
    ETA: injury free so far
  • porkchop_13
    Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.

    Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I started in my 250's! I called it wogging and I mixed in yoga and biking, but it's doable!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I started running at around 270. I did too much too soon and wound up screwing up my hip, which only got better months after I lost 60 lbs primarily through a diet change. I started running again at 208 and the difference is remarkable. It's so much easier.

    You have to do what it best for you. Make sure you don't injure yourself and make your road harder. Like people said, get GOOD shoes. I would also suggest not running on concrete until you lose some weight. Grass, dirt, and real tracks are much lower impact surfaces than concrete, and this will help keep you from injury!.

    Good luck! I hope you can safely get into a great new hobby because it's worth it!
  • shehil70
    shehil70 Posts: 5 Member
    I started running at around 300lbs Very short intervals; it wasn't pretty, but it gets easier. It was a great way to get the weight to come off for me. I am currently starting to train for my 3rd half marathon. I'm not quick, but i do finish with a smile on my face!
  • agw1973
    agw1973 Posts: 20 Member
    I started the C25K program at about 375 and was able to complete it no problem. Just take it slow and get a pair of shoes that are professionally fitted. That helps greatly. I'm about 300 now and am still running as the weather allows (darn nebraska winters). its a great stress reliever and a great sense of accomplishment. GO FOR IT!!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.

    Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship

    Hahaha! Lovin' the Star Wars/Master Yoda reference. Big thumbs up! :drinker:
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Thank you all for your replies! I have looked into the C25K program and will be trying that. I'll also be investing in a new pair of shoes! You all rock! :drinker:
  • withabandon
    withabandon Posts: 168 Member
    I trained for and completed my first 5K @ 260lbs. Admittedly, I walked a good part of the actual race because what I thought was nerves was actually a stomach flu. My profile picture is of me coming along the finish line. I am not currently running (though I am clocking 5-8KM per day walking between dog walking and walking to work) but am hoping to take it up again.

    I haven't read the whole thread because I'm at work but a few things:

    - SHOES. Lay out the money for a good pair of running shoes. I hit up a "Dollar" sale at my local Source and managed to get two pairs of identical pairs of "last year's model" of nice Saucony runners for $100. They also don't last forever. Make sure you change them out when you've run X miles in them or they are breaking down (I can tell almost immediately when my shoes stop giving me the support I need). I used to be an "Oh I can buy the $30 Dr Scholls at Walmart" type of person, but now I understand the value of a good running shoe.

    - JOINTS. Pay attention to them. Make sure you rest between running days - at first, I would not run every day - even later on, I am not sure running every day is healthy (depends on who you ask, I guess), but I never experienced much joint pain. I also iced my knees post run in the beginning because I knew they would be the most problematic part of me.

    - STRETCH. STRETCH LIKE A MADPERSON. DO IT. DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS. It is SO important. I had no idea... until I ran without stretching pre and post run.

    Also, bear in mind that running on a treadmill is a whole different ballgame than running outside, hauling your butt around on ground that isn't also moving under your feet. To be honest, I prefer the exercise of running outside to running on a treadmill, but do what you can do and have access to! :)
  • Hennipenny
    Just do it. Listen to your body
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I used to run when I weighed 160 but had to stop when I developed a burning sensation in my hip. It got to the point that it hurt just to walk. I had been on a slow marathon training schedule and was up to 18 miles per week at the time. I don't know if it was my weight, if it was my form or what, but I had to give up running consistently for a very long time (I have only just started running again and only for short distances at a time).

    I suggest, at your weight, that you rely on an exercise physiologist for recommendations, not members of this board (as helpful as they may be). It would be a shame to get on the right track and then injure yourself (thus maybe stalling your work).

    Whatever you choose to do, good luck! Running/jogging can be a great way to work out and can be tons of fun to boot!
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I'm considered obese at 175 right now, and just started running.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    You do have to be more careful because the extra weight puts alot more stress on your back and joints. However, I would not say it is dangerous nor inadvisable to try. I'm not an expert, but I have learned a few things over the last year or so, through trial and error and personal experience, that have helped me tremendously. My advice:

    1. Go to Fleet Feet or another store that specializes in running shoes and/or running gear to get fitted for a good pair of running shoes. It is a little more expensive to go this route, but they take a look at your height, weight, gait, and the shape of your feet. They also take measurements to make sure you have the correct size. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. Last year when I started the C25K program, I started having severe knee pain about two weeks into it. It took several weeks to recover from the patellar tendonitis resulting from using improper running shoes. I didn't have any more problems with knee or hip pain after I bit the bullet and shelled out the extra dough for the right pair of shoes from Fleet Feet. I still have them a year later and they still have alot of wear in them. Well worth the $110-$120 I had to pay.

    2. Make sure you have a good training regimen in place. C25K is a good place to start as others suggested. However, I have also discovered that a good strength training routine for your legs and core, performed a couple times/week, also works wonders to improve running form and muscle endurance. A good Tabata routine once or twice per week helps improve your cardiovascular endurance, too. (In case you are unfamiliar with the Tabata method, here is a link to a brief description: Alot of local gyms are now offering Tabata classes.

    3. Nutrition and hydration are key. Running expends alot of energy in a very short period of time. Making sure you have proper nutrition before and after your running sessions will go a long way in improving endurance and stamina during your workout, and a small snack after running will help in your recovery. Also, make sure you stay hydrated. During the winter months, I am usually okay just drinking water. However, in warmer weather (because I am losing alot more fluid via increased perspiration), I like to drink a 50/50 mix of gatorade and water before and during my workout.

    I agree with the good shoes and the C25K suggestion. I spent about the same at Fleet Feet and couldn't be happier - I used to get shin splints when I was younger and weighed a lot less, but I've had no trouble at all. I also recommend you invest in a good running bra if you need to worry about those sorts of things. I got an Enell and it's been worth EVERY penny - I never thought anything could keep those babies safe and secure for running! FYI I was about 200lbs when I started C25K and could barely run one full minute. It is amazing. I've run on and off for a year and a half now and have run/walked four 5K races now. I really enjoy them and find them to be super motivating. Don't wait until you can run a whole 5K - just go do it for the fun of it even if you walk most of the way!

    *Edited to add my agreement on stretching before running - when I do that I don't cramp up at all, which was always a problem for my calf area
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