Advice wanted: How do you cope with STRESS!?



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I find exercise helps me, especially zumba and spinning. I had a stressful day at work today (I teach at a secondary school in England in quite a rough area) and did zumba after and that really helped me chill out a bit!

    I have 2 young kids which can be hard work, and my husband does shift work so I'm often on my own doing everything. My kids are asleep now so I'm making a bath so I can relax in that.

    Getting 'me' time helps a lot. I get my 'me' time a the gym, but you could try going for a walk, going to a café and reading for a bit, meeting a friend for a chat etc.
  • lindawayne11
    lindawayne11 Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with what the others said. Get some 'Me" time in. I do everynight- I walk the dog for thirty minutes (even in the dark in the dead of winter) and it clears my head. I feel so much better when I get home.
    Then when the kids go to bed, I take an hour before my own bedtime to relax, watch TV, read books, magazines, surfing Pinterest or anything else that is non-stress related.
    I couldn't do without these little me times. I also have found that looking forward to being in good shape is very uplifting.
    Keep it up! Better times are ahead! :)
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    I was under a sub par level stress like you a few days ago when I had my exams....
    Advice = listen to calm music whenever possible and workout to temporarily put your mind off the worldly problems around your life... Don't forget to get your sleep, 8 hours to stay happy!
  • bambi5014
    Thank you all!
  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    What I have been doing (which resulted in regaining all I lost last year): ice cream, chips and wine/liquor.

    What I am trying to do: regular morning exercise before the kid is awake and 45 minutes to an hour of Mommy tv zone out time at night with dvds (from the library some cool shows I never saw, movies don't work as they are too long and tempt me to stay up too late) watched while I am on the floor doing stretches and simple strength exercises while drinking my flavored seltzer (while imagining it is a cocktail).

    Good luck!