What do you do for a living?



  • tjjennifer
    I'm an Executive Assistant at a Big 4 accounting firm. I find it much easier to stick with my plan at work because I bring my own healthy snacks (yogurt, fruit, etc.) and salad for lunch. Supporting four partners keeps me very busy, so don't have time to think about picking in between my scheduled meals/snacks. I'm not much of a sweets eater, but would knock down anyone for that last bag of chips! :bigsmile: Also, being in NYC makes it easier to eat out, as there are so many places to find healthier choices.
  • dougspot
    dougspot Posts: 12
    I'm a director in an IT office Junk food isn't much of a problem, but going out to lunch every day has been. Since I've started packing lunch it's been the single most incredible change in my eating habits. My wife is an amazing cook and has that metabolism that doesn't gain weight. She's been helping a LOT. The other big change is portion control. I'm finding if I eat every couple of hours instead of all at once, my brain doesn't focus on the eating. So when I pack my lunch, it gets my sammich or entree of pasta, yogurt, banana and 100-cal pack of something. I'll have the banana at 10, sammich at noon, yogurt at 2. The 100-cal is for when the urge strikes me. Yesterday, I didn't eat my 100-cal snack? Curse you MFP for somehow training me away from my bad habits! *smile*

    Oh, and last night we cooked up some freshly caught bluegill. Usually when I fish I just release them back, but wow, these things actually taste amazing! And there should be a calorie count for cleaning fresh fish, because when they're little like bluegill's it becomes a workout! *laugh*

    Good luck to all!
  • hollyroode
    I'm a Child and Youth worker.. I work straight midnights and am alone in the house all night with cupboard full of chips, cookies etc... sometimes it is soo hard not to just sit and eat all night long when I'm bored. I don't really care for my job...but it works for now and allows me to be home with my daughter as much as possible..Plus I wear sweats to work every night because I have to do cleaning...I'd be a lot more motivated to look good if I had a job that I could dress up for :)
  • lazygalina
    I am an accountant and I sit all day long in front of the comuter.... food everywhere.... birthdays every month...but my coworkers are supportive and understanding... they support me in my weight loss ..
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I just recently started working for a water utility company. Everyone in my office is always complaining about how fat they are and how they can't stop eating the candy, chips and cokes that the office provides us with. I asked my manager who goes to the store to make the purchases for the office why she even keeps buying us candy and chips and she said its b/c we will complain if she doesn't buy it- I said I wouldn't complain. Either way, we are complaining about it so I think they need to stop, but thats just my opinion!:tongue: I try to kind of plan out my meals, I'll bring breakfast, a mid morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack so I can (hopefully) stay away from the candy. My healthy eating and desire to stay away from the candy bowl has actually motivated some of the people in my office to start eating healthier and stop eating the junk so it's kind of nice that we have eachothers support.

    Maybe you could suggest that, instead of cookies, candy, etc. they provide fresh fruit/veggies or other healthier options. You could try talking to the other people in the office and see it they would be interested in that sort of option. :o)

    I am a substitute teacher at the moment (trying to get a full time position). :o) I stay at home with my son most of the time so that is no problem for the good choices. However, when I am at a school on a Friday they bring in a bunch of treats. Fortunately they keep it in the teacher's lounge, so as long as I don't go in there I'm usually okay. :o)
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    Production Planner / Scheduler in a Foundry. That's what pays the bills.

    Hoping to retire in the next few years, move to Las Vegas and go to the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School. If I could turn back the clocks about 35 years that is the career I would pursue. Unfortunately, life is what happens while you are making other plans.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I do computer networking for the Air Force....Has its ups and downs, either Im busy or not, and Im usually on here which tells you that Im not...
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    I'm a Realtor,I took a year off since I had my son..I am the one in the model home baking cookies,and it is so hard to be good when when you have about a thousand Otis Spunkmayers within your grasp.Nothing is selling so I may just have to back to selling cosmetics in the fall:indifferent:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am a daycare worker out of my home. When the kids have snack time I exercise on my elliptical. They usually take 15 min so I get 15 on the elliptical. Same for lunch time. After school we go for walks. My difficult time is the afternoon. I always feel so unsatisfied. I just try to not have anything bad in my house. My downfall is gourmet jelly beans. Last night I broke down and wen to the store for a bag and they were all out. Guess someone was looking out for me :)
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    I am an accountant and I sit all day long in front of the comuter.... food everywhere.... birthdays every month...but my coworkers are supportive and understanding... they support me in my weight loss ..

    I work in the financial services industry sittin in front of a computer sometimes for over 10hours a day, it doesnt help at all.... and with similar staff incentives as this (grr) i too had to struggle a bit on my journey but....now, 2 of my coworkers have joined me and woohoo! we are losing together :drinker: ......nothing like a slap on the wrist when you want to eat the last donut in the birthday treats box or order an unhealthy lunch delivery but know you'll have someone to answer to for it :laugh: :glasses: and not to mention, grilling each other about leaving work on time to go work out/work out together sometimes...and offering advice as a team rather than competing on who loses quicker... at different stages over the last year, each of us have had a "good" period of losing and a "bad" period of losing and i feel it helped to have the encouragement all day thru those coworkers:smile:
    might be a good idea for offices of day to day sitting workers everywhere:flowerforyou:
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    I do computer networking for the Air Force....Has its ups and downs, either Im busy or not, and Im usually on here which tells you that Im not...

    LOL the air force - it has it's ups and downs hehehe

    I too have my diploma in Child and Youth Work, and I have 3 jobs, one part time at a group home for teens, one part time supervising parents court ordered access to their children (they don't have custody of their kids and one full time as a case coordinator for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
  • Chantelle160
    I'm an Admin. Assistant so I sit pretty much all day at a computer. I don't find it to hard, I don't even want to eat the snacks they bring in for birthdays. I just tell myself it's all willpower. How bad do I want it and then I'm fine. lol. That donut isn't giving you anything good. Sometimes it's slow so I get bored so I just drink tea and that seems to help.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I work in the office at a car dealership (payroll/accounting). I pack my lunch and snacks just about every day. My co-workers are always bringing in cookies, cakes and other assorted junk and getting angry with me for not stuffing my face right along with them. They order pizza or pick up fast food for their lunch on a daily basis and always complain that they need to lose weight :grumble:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I deliver mail for Canada Post, I have a walking route, takes me nearly 6 hours to complete, great exercise! I'm done by 1p.m and then I teach step, power flex, step n flex, zumba, sculpt, cardio groove, core 1000 and spin at our local health club, 5 evenings a week and saturday mornings.
  • StephanieJ82
    I sit all day at a desk entering orders. That part I hate. I wish I could walk around or something. But I actually find it easier to stick with my diet at work. I have my shake before work. Then on my first 15 min I eat an apple. At lunch I Have usually a big salad. then on my next 15 I have a yogurt with bran buds. So the week is very organized and easy to follow. It's the weekends that kill me.
    Also tomorrow is our staff meeting and the company usually orders pizza or Chinese. So instead I am going to pick up a California roll...
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I work at a very small boutique dealership that does the high-end stuff, so I'm often out of the office delivering cars or picking up cars, meeting with clients, etc. And even though we don't keep food on site normally, every time I stop at a gas station the snack aisle calls to me. I'm one of the few females who does my exact job in my very health conscious city (even though it's a rather large industry) so there's a lot of pressure to look a certain way, especially since almost all of our clients are male. My problem the last few months has been being too hard on myself as my boss and co-workers think that having the cute skinny girl in the office is a lot better for business than having the nice, sweet "thick" girl. Who wants to buy a $150,000 car from the place with the chubster when they can go down the street to the place that hires tan, blonde bikini models as their receptionists?

    Also, I'm currently looking for a new job in a different industry. LOL :laugh:
  • doughd2
    doughd2 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm an engineer at a consulting firm.. when I'm in the office, there's always some kind of bagels, cookies, leftover sandwhiches and salads, chips, and everything else that people leave on the counter. When I'm working on construction sites.. some of the guys I've worked with like pizza. It's tough say no thanks when you've got 10 guys chowing down on a stack of 8 pizzas and wings. :laugh:
  • RJursik
    RJursik Posts: 13
    I research insurance claims for a medical office. It's a very small office - I'm only one of six who work here - and there is a fridge and a microwave. Fortunately, most everyone else leaves for lunch so the fridge in usually filled with assorted staples like half & half or condiments, nothing that could really threaten a diet. I keep some of my own foods on hand so I don't pay any attention to what other people bring.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm a waitress at a gourmet pizza restaurant. It's so hard to resist temptation! Especially since when an order gets messed up, it's free pizza time for employees! I bring my own food for dinner though, and eat during my shift. And I've gotten in the habit of saying "No thanks" when co-workers want to share a pizza...they also get the hint now and hardly ask me.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I'm a middle school computer teacher. I walk around the classroom non stop and sit at a computer for part of the day. I'm good about bringing my own lunch and snacks. I avoid the vending machine and treats that people bring in (almost daily) to the teacher's lounge.