HUGE Binge Episode; Support/Motivation?



  • moozak
    moozak Posts: 5 Member
    Hi porcelain dissonance!
    I love your style. An insightful strong woman who knows when to put out a hand to find others who can empathise. Reading your last couple of posts I was really impressed with your eloquence. Apart from that you remind me so much of me. I used to work as a sexual assault counsellor too and found the strength of those clients to be amazing. Most of my clients were adults who had experienced abuse as children. It was such an honour to assist them to find their place in the world again and go on to blossom. But i was on call to attend ER for victim support. Kudos to you for volunteering to sit with victims as they have the rape kit administered. I assume you realise that not every woman could stand to do that. You make a difference o those woman who you sit with.

    Now on to the bingeing. Yes it has been in my history too. At one stage last year I felt like I was trying to kill myself slowly with over feeding. I was terrified I couldn't stop, and terrified that I had to. You are so right! It's not about knowledge, we all know what we are supposed to do. I don't have any answers for you, it is not my place to do so. But I do hope that you know that you matter, and the world would be a darker place without you.

    Good luck in your studies and if you would like to, you are invited to get in touch with me for any reason.

    All the best,
  • paperiniko
    paperiniko Posts: 6 Member
    Interesting thread, I have often wondered how and why a binge is triggered. I know that in the last year I have been much better equipped to manage them because I have adopted a new frame of mind that allowed me to get rid of most of the sense if guilt and hopelessness following a binge episode.

    When it happens I put that in perspective and most importantly of all I journal every single food I eat or drink, it still happens that I give in to sugar cravings and I eat over 5-6000 kcal in a day but it never happens any more that I do it without registering on my journal keeping track of my overall deficit, This helps in two different ways, first and foremost it allows me to "budget" the binge compensating over the next few days or weeks and secondly does prevent me from running to the scale generating further anxiety and possibly a vicious cycle. I actually do not even weigh on the scale any more at fixed intervals but only whenever I hit a fixed energy deficit vs the previous weigh in, generally 30000Kcal. This way it is very unlikely to see irrelevant weight fluctuations and I only use the scale every few weeks.

    In your case I understand where you are coming from and it seems to me that you actually have a very good grasp over the problem and its roots, it looks like you are quite mature and I am sure you have it in you the resources to manage it. The only tip I can give is to accept the fact that there will be some days in which you will need to eat more and do it without running to scale right after it. Just take these days as an holiday from your normal regime and journal everything you eat, one or two days at 6000 kcal every few weeks do not make a big difference if you then eat sensibly most of the other days, they can actually even be positive because they release some pressure, just drop the guilt and embrace the progress you have made managing your food habits since you are now in a much better place than you used to be when you grew up with unhealthy habits.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
  • Interesting thread, I have often wondered how and why a binge is triggered. I know that in the last year I have been much better equipped to manage them because I have adopted a new frame of mind that allowed me to get rid of most of the sense if guilt and hopelessness following a binge episode.

    When it happens I put that in perspective and most importantly of all I journal every single food I eat or drink, it still happens that I give in to sugar cravings and I eat over 5-6000 kcal in a day but it never happens any more that I do it without registering on my journal keeping track of my overall deficit, This helps in two different ways, first and foremost it allows me to "budget" the binge compensating over the next few days or weeks and secondly does prevent me from running to the scale generating further anxiety and possibly a vicious cycle. I actually do not even weigh on the scale any more at fixed intervals but only whenever I hit a fixed energy deficit vs the previous weigh in, generally 30000Kcal. This way it is very unlikely to see irrelevant weight fluctuations and I only use the scale every few weeks.

    In your case I understand where you are coming from and it seems to me that you actually have a very good grasp over the problem and its roots, it looks like you are quite mature and I am sure you have it in you the resources to manage it. The only tip I can give is to accept the fact that there will be some days in which you will need to eat more and do it without running to scale right after it. Just take these days as an holiday from your normal regime and journal everything you eat, one or two days at 6000 kcal every few weeks do not make a big difference if you then eat sensibly most of the other days, they can actually even be positive because they release some pressure, just drop the guilt and embrace the progress you have made managing your food habits since you are now in a much better place than you used to be when you grew up with unhealthy habits.

    Ugh, people like you really keep me sane sometimes, I swear! See, I know all of the things that you mention about taking breaks and being more understanding with myself, but the problem is when I'm in that mind state, I don't truly believe them. I think there is a distinction between knowing something/having knowledge about something, and believing it.

    So, thank you so much for your kind words and support. Sometimes I really need people to just reinforce the things that I've come to learn, yet question due to my disorder(s). :') I hope you're doing well yourself!
  • ive been having this problem since just before christmas, i start off the day really well and stick to my diet but then at night i can consume 3 days worth of calories within an hour and feel like i cant control it :( so i know how you feel! i find that if i go to the gym it stops me feeling the need to binge as i dont want to ruin my hardwork!