I want to loose weight..



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.
  • lilmissbamaqueen
    -First, go to the website I listed below (a friend just gave it to me and its great) and calculate your TDEE. Once you have that number, subtract 20%. That should be the amount of calories you eat, however, if you skip the gym, make adjustments and eat less calories.

    -Next, go to the next website and calculate your BMR. Never eat below this number.

    -Lastly, start strength training. Lifting weights will help you lose the weight you want to. All the cardio is great, but you will have to continually increase the amount you do to get the same results. Try a bodypump class or a circuit training class if you do not feel comfortable going out in the "big boys" area at this time. But strength training is important for long term weight loss.

    According to this, I should be eating between 1900 and 2200 calories a day. That seems kinda crazy, especially since MFP put my goal at 1400.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    According to this, I should be eating between 1900 and 2200 calories a day. That seems kinda crazy, especially since MFP put my goal at 1400.

    Trust the BMR calculations. MFP is great as a tool for tracking food/exercise, but as far as using it as a "you should eat this amount" there's a lot to be desired.

    If you're honest in the calculations on the fat2fit site, it'll work for you and give you a much better number to live by than the blanket assigned number that MFP provides. After I had lost the biggest chunk of my weight, I couldn't figure out why it just stopped... for two months... thought I should eat less, then I started reading. Now that I'm eating at a TDEE deficit, I'm noticing a difference again.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    1. Continue to eat as HEALTHY as possible.
    2. Cardio MIXED with strength training. Mixing it is a must for ideal calorie burn.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    If you're going to the gym here is my beginner weight lifting routine. if you want a body by summer you should start lifting weights, this will give you a great starting point.

  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Awe, you're too sweet for apologizing. Now I feel bad! :P
    Thanks everyone for your advice.. Sorry about my spelling!
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    So I have been dieting since Jan. 3rd, more of a lifestyle change and an eye opener, keeping my calories around 1200, drink 64 ounces a water typically, and going to the gym and running on the elliptical and the stationary bikes.. And going to Zumba 3x a week.. Please dnt make me feel bad with any rude comments.. Please use tact.. I have seen some weight loss.. But just I'm not patient.. Am i seriously going to have my body back before summer?...

    Things I have changed in my daily routines:
    I use to not go to the gym and now I'm in the gym all the time
    I use to drink 2-8 cokes a day.. and I haven't had a coke since Jan. 3rd
    All I drink is water
    I use to never count calories, or carbs.. Now I count them and count my sugar intake..

    Is there anything in the gym I could be doing that will help me get my results?

    It's 80% diet. Although exercise helps yes, it you are meeting your daily goals of 1200 calories by eating fast food and junk food you won't lose weight very fast.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing and don`t give up...you have to be patient.

    You will not lose all the weight over a couple of weeks and you will not get your pre baby body back in a couple of months either.

    Just keep working at it and you will get there x

    There are lots of success stories on MFP try to check them out each day to motivate yourself if you feel like you are losing track with things.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.


    Cardio is NOT pointless. Wanna run around outside with your kiddos when they get older?? Do some cardio!! Cardio is the crux of a good cardiorespiratory system!! You can weight train all day long but never be able to run a mile because your lungs aren't strong enough. Make sure your WHOLE body is strong, not just your muscles that people can see, but also the muscles of the heart and lungs.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Agree. Disagree.

    I think the best method of getting in shape requires three basic things:

    (1) proper eating-this means the right amoutn of calories, and the right amount of Micro and Macro nutrients

    (2) lifting heavy- cuz nothing makes better use of your time. 3-4 x's a week.

    (3) Cardio. There. I said it. I lost 40 lbs using primarily cardio. And it's part of a good fitness program. If you are strapped for time, try HIIT or tabata type cardio. I also sometimes do crossfit style exercises as cardio. 20 mins, 3x's a week is probably sufficient.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    So I have been dieting since Jan. 3rd, more of a lifestyle change and an eye opener, keeping my calories around 1200, drink 64 ounces a water typically, and going to the gym and running on the elliptical and the stationary bikes.. And going to Zumba 3x a week.. Please dnt make me feel bad with any rude comments.. Please use tact.. I have seen some weight loss.. But just I'm not patient.. Am i seriously going to have my body back before summer?...

    Things I have changed in my daily routines:
    I use to not go to the gym and now I'm in the gym all the time
    I use to drink 2-8 cokes a day.. and I haven't had a coke since Jan. 3rd
    All I drink is water
    I use to never count calories, or carbs.. Now I count them and count my sugar intake..

    Is there anything in the gym I could be doing that will help me get my results?

    It sounds like you've made some positive changes, good for you :) I would add strength training or some kind of body weight exercises (pushups, squats, lunges, planks). Also, make sure you're eating the right amount (not too much, not too little) for all of your workouts. And be patient--if you just started these changes Jan. 3, that means you've only been working on it for 15 days and according to your ticker you've lost a nice little chunk of weight already. That's a great start! Be sure to take tape measurements as well as using a scale--you may find that you lose inches and your clothes fit differently, and that is just as important (if not more so) than losing weight on the scale!

    Good luck!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Agree. Disagree.

    I think the best method of getting in shape requires three basic things:

    (1) proper eating-this means the right amoutn of calories, and the right amount of Micro and Macro nutrients

    (2) lifting heavy- cuz nothing makes better use of your time. 3-4 x's a week.

    (3) Cardio. There. I said it. I lost 40 lbs using primarily cardio. And it's part of a good fitness program. If you are strapped for time, try HIIT or tabata type cardio. I also sometimes do crossfit style exercises as cardio. 20 mins, 3x's a week is probably sufficient.

    Nicely said.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    -First, go to the website I listed below (a friend just gave it to me and its great) and calculate your TDEE. Once you have that number, subtract 20%. That should be the amount of calories you eat, however, if you skip the gym, make adjustments and eat less calories.

    -Next, go to the next website and calculate your BMR. Never eat below this number.

    -Lastly, start strength training. Lifting weights will help you lose the weight you want to. All the cardio is great, but you will have to continually increase the amount you do to get the same results. Try a bodypump class or a circuit training class if you do not feel comfortable going out in the "big boys" area at this time. But strength training is important for long term weight loss.

    According to this, I should be eating between 1900 and 2200 calories a day. That seems kinda crazy, especially since MFP put my goal at 1400.

    First of all, War Eagle!! ;)

    Second of all... if that's what the calculator gave you I'd try it for a bit, unless you're seeing good results on what you're doing already. It can be kind of complicated sometimes... trial and error...
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.


    the "bulky" stuff... AGAIN.


    I focused on cardio for a decade and focused on lifting for a year. Nothing has made me bulky.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.

    You had me until the last part. "bulk up like crazy if you overdo it????" umm... no. not true. unless a female is hiding a set of balls somewhere she isn't going to "bulk up like crazy."
  • gleechick609
    According to this, I should be eating between 1900 and 2200 calories a day. That seems kinda crazy, especially since MFP put my goal at 1400.

    Trust the BMR calculations. MFP is great as a tool for tracking food/exercise, but as far as using it as a "you should eat this amount" there's a lot to be desired.

    If you're honest in the calculations on the fat2fit site, it'll work for you and give you a much better number to live by than the blanket assigned number that MFP provides. After I had lost the biggest chunk of my weight, I couldn't figure out why it just stopped... for two months... thought I should eat less, then I started reading. Now that I'm eating at a TDEE deficit, I'm noticing a difference again.

    It's not crazy. There are a ton of us who have ignored MFP's calorie goals, created a slight calorie deficit from TDEE and have successfully lost weight at a sustainable pace. If it weren't for "helloitsdan" I would be chewing my arm off during the day from hunger :) And trust me, I eat everything under the sun except the kitchen sink :laugh:
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Pretend you are a cheetah. Or a gorilla. Depends on what you are doing.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    According to this, I should be eating between 1900 and 2200 calories a day. That seems kinda crazy, especially since MFP put my goal at 1400.

    Please allow me to explain:

    MFP method gave you 1400. With this you are to add in your exercise calories.

    The other method (TDEE) already incorporates exercise, so you do NOT add more calories to your diet because you worked out today.

    The benefit of the TDEE method is it makes more sense of you are strength training because as you may have noticed, 1 hr of strength training doesn't give you as much "calorie credit" as 1 hour of cardio does on the MFP program. But if you are strength training (or doing certain types of cardio like HIIT actually) you continue to "burn calories" after your work out. This means you need to be eating more than the small pittance of calories you burn in the 60 minutes of lifting you just did (or 20 mins of HIIT).

    They are just different ways of going about it.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.


    the "bulky" stuff... AGAIN.


    I focused on cardio for a decade and focused on lifting for a year. Nothing has made me bulky.

    It really depends on the body type. You can't say that you haven't seen women who bulk up from heavy weight lifting. I've seen it happen first-hand.