Depression and Weight Loss



    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    Hi - I have been in your shoes. I, unfortunately gained 100 lbs in 1 year during the depression because I wasn't even together enough to deal with that. I placed my baby boy for adoption in 1991. It will get better, but you need to focus on taking care of yourself. Please, please get help. I nearly died before I got the help I needed. I went off a 100 foot cliff trying to end my pain. I truely understand. Get meds - it's not a sin or a crime. Maybe talk to your parents - mine are super religious too and they came around. Talk to them with your counselor or a pastor or minister there with you. If they disown you, at least you were honest with them and didn't harbor such a painful secret. You didn't have an abortion - they will appreciate that I'm sure. Please get help - you need to be around for your baby even if you are a "secret parent". You never know when you will be needed. Bless you for giving her life and having the courage and strength to give her a better life than you could provide. :heart:

    I'm on medication everyone and going through therapy. : ) I have been through it all... drugs, sex addiction, alcohol abuse, trying to kill myself, cutting, rape... everything and I have had plenty of interventions and drugs! Haha.

    And even though I'm not medication and seeing a therapist, it's still hard to go each day with out my child... : (

    That was my question: It's hard to get out of bed because I'm always missing her.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    I don't know if I want to forgive myself... ya know? I feel like what I did was right so I have nothing to forgive, does that make sense?

    You're right Honey...I understand now that your sadness comes from missing her...I know you know you did the right thing...sure hope your depression passes...there is always hope for the future!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Hi - I have been in your shoes. I, unfortunately gained 100 lbs in 1 year during the depression because I wasn't even together enough to deal with that. I placed my baby boy for adoption in 1991. It will get better, but you need to focus on taking care of yourself. Please, please get help. I nearly died before I got the help I needed. I went off a 100 foot cliff trying to end my pain. I truely understand. Get meds - it's not a sin or a crime. Maybe talk to your parents - mine are super religious too and they came around. Talk to them with your counselor or a pastor or minister there with you. If they disown you, at least you were honest with them and didn't harbor such a painful secret. You didn't have an abortion - they will appreciate that I'm sure. Please get help - you need to be around for your baby even if you are a "secret parent". You never know when you will be needed. Bless you for giving her life and having the courage and strength to give her a better life than you could provide. :heart:

    I'm on medication everyone and going through therapy. : ) I have been through it all... drugs, sex addiction, alcohol abuse, trying to kill myself, cutting, rape... everything and I have had plenty of interventions and drugs! Haha.

    And even though I'm not medication and seeing a therapist, it's still hard to go each day with out my child... : (

    That was my question: It's hard to get out of bed because I'm always missing her.

    Yep - even 18 years later I still thought about my son and missed him and loved him. Unfortunately, last summer he died after a skateboarding accident at 18 years old. Kind of got to relive the pain all over again, ya know. If you have an open adoption, make sure you keep in contact and visit and send cards, pressies, etc. That helps a lot - even though it will be incredibly hard. Really, it's just a time thing. It does get easier - slowly over time. Keep doing what you're doing to get healthy, emotionally, spiritually and physically. When you get way depressed, turn to friends or therapists not drugs, sex and rock 'n roll (sorry . . . couldn't help myself :happy: ) And remind yourself that you did an awesome thing for your daughter. You gave her 2 gifts that no one else could - life and a chance to have a better life than you could give her. That is a wonderful and precious thing you did. Remind yourself that you are strong and courageous. You did a wonderful thing for your daughter and you will be blessed for it - even through the pain.
  • Rosie31056
    I know you said your parents are very religious and you didn't feel like you could confide in them, but I'm gald you could confide in others. I nwouldn't call myuself "religious" but I do have a personal relationship with Jesus and I know that God forgives anything that we ask Him to. As hard as it might seem to be, you have to forgive yourself. We all do things that we feel are so terrible and some of us suffer from depression, but you can always depend on God. You did an incredibly wonderful and loving thing when you gave your daughter to a family who could better care for her. It was the unselfish act of a mother who loves her child. You are very blessed to still have contact with her. Try to look at all the positives in your life and remember that God will give you peace and strength. I admire you for your willingness to share and I hope that you will have a wonderful future. Take care of yourself and remember that we are here for you.