Seriously, what the heck?!?!

I am so discouraged! I just finished week 2 of the Beach Body Turbo Jam program. Week 1 I lost 2 pounds, which was fantastic. And then at today's weigh in, The scale said i had gained 1.3 pounds! My calorie goal is 1330, which is my Bmr, and then I always eat back all my exercise calories, which is usually about 500 per day (so I'm still netting 1330) I've eaten completely healthy with no junk food whatsoever. How is this possible?! I use my wii fit scale first thing in the morning after using the bathroom with no clothes, so that's accurate, it can't be the scale making a difference.... There's no way I gained 1.3 pounds of muscle in one week, so that's not it, nowhere near TOM so its not water weight, but the numbers don't add up to make it even remotely possible for a weight gain. So what's going on??


  • kellytil
    Perhaps you are gaining MUSCLE. Give it time. If you're eating healthy and moving your body...the scale WILL reflect those efforts.

    Are your clothes getting looser? That's one way to tell if you're getting healthier!
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Well it actually may be water weight, don't freak out yet! You're only in week 2, and when you start a new exercise regime your muscles have a tendency to retain water for repair.

    It sounds like you're doing really great, don't give up, it needs more time. You should also take your measurements TODAY and go by that as well as weight, measurements are an accurate portrayal of the physical effects of weight loss.

    Keep it up, good luck :)
  • AmmeJayne2
    Muscle does weight more then fat so it is poss for it to be just muscle you gained. also you are prob using muscles that have not been used for a while so they getting stronger x
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I'm no expert, but I'm confused. If you are eating your BMR plus you are eating your calories burned through exercise, why do you expect loss? You have to have a net loss in there somewhere. Also, unless you know your own actual BMR, remember that it's only an estimate. And sites often give GROSS calories burned during exercise rather than net. Try not eating back your exercise calories - at least not all of them.

    Also - make sure that you are taking in enough water. When you do that consistently, you will be less likely to retain water

    Also - PLEASE REMEMBER that women of child-bearing age have monthly weight fluctuations caused by water weight as a result of hormonal changes. Once you've been dieting for a few months, you will clearly see your pattern and be able to remember to NOT weight yourself during the predictable weight-gain times.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    It can still be water weight even if you aren't around your TOM.

    Patience. :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It's not muscle this fast and while eating at a deficit. But it has only been two weeks. Often you will see a good loss the first week, and then not the next - could be water weight, could be your body adjusting to new eating habits and calorie intake. Give it time. And yes, measurements are a great idea - often the scale will show no loss, but the tape measure will.

    Just keep at it and don't let the scale get ya down.
  • Wenlck
    Wenlck Posts: 1
    Keep up the great work, you WILL see and feel the differnce. :wink:
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I'm no expert, but I'm confused. If you are eating your BMR plus you are eating your calories burned through exercise, why do you expect loss? You have to have a net loss in there somewhere. Also, unless you know your own actual BMR, remember that it's only an estimate. And sites often give GROSS calories burned during exercise rather than net. Try not eating back your exercise calories - at least not all of them.

    Also - make sure that you are taking in enough water. When you do that consistently, you will be less likely to retain water

    Also - PLEASE REMEMBER that women of child-bearing age have monthly weight fluctuations caused by water weight as a result of hormonal changes. Once you've been dieting for a few months, you will clearly see your pattern and be able to remember to NOT weight yourself during the predictable weight-gain times.
    BMR is the minimum your body needs to live off. TDEE is what you actually use in a day. OP is right to be eating BMR + exercise cals as this still gives a deficit from TDEE.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Perhaps you are gaining MUSCLE. Give it time. If you're eating healthy and moving your body...the scale WILL reflect those efforts.

    Are your clothes getting looser? That's one way to tell if you're getting healthier!

    NO to the first sentence. You cannot GAIN 1.3lbs of muscle in a week,seriously. No.

    Second sentence,yes. Take measurements....your weight will fluctuate, inches are often a better indicator.
  • janiedemp
    Don't get discouraged measure yourself you might be changing your body shape.
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    I ran into this 2 weeks ago, You should be measuring as well, I had gain but lost inches.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It's not muscle this fast and while eating at a deficit. But it has only been two weeks. Often you will see a good loss the first week, and then not the next - could be water weight, could be your body adjusting to new eating habits and calorie intake. Give it time. And yes, measurements are a great idea - often the scale will show no loss, but the tape measure will.

    Just keep at it and don't let the scale get ya down.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    She's not going to gain over a 1.3lb of muscle in 2 weeks whilst on a calorie deficit.

    It's just water weight from working out, drink lots of water and make sure you have a rest day at least once a week.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    If you are using the Wii check you have it on a level surface and check that the batteries are okay in the board. Mine were going the other day and it told me I'd gained 3lb (in one day?) I replaced them and my weight went back to what it had been the day before.

    Even if it's correct, you've still lost 0.7lb overall (she says trying to think positive) just give it time. What I found was that my weight seemed to go up and down during the period of about 2 weeks, but after about a month I would see a definite drop on the progress chart.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I felt this way the week of Christmas! Gained .8 pound and I was really careful and continued regular exercise. I know it wasn't much of a gain but still upsetting.

    The next week, I lost 5.4 pounds! Did nothing different but our bodies like to do their own thing. Just keep going and don't let the weekly numbers upset you!

    You can do this!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I agree with the others - water weight, not muscle. You can easily gain that much in water just with your muscles repairing themselves. Plus, if you had any high sodium days in there, that could do it too. It happens to me ALL THE TIME; I'm very prone to water gains. So try not to worry, just keep at it!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Its water retention. You are NOT building muscle this fast. It doesn't happen that fast - EVER.

    Stay off the scale, get a tape measure and when you hit the end of what ever you are doing weigh in. your body will fluctuate EVERY day, anywhere from 1 - 5+ pounds.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    MEASUREMENTS!!! can you check by a certain piece of clothing that used to fit tighter??
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Exercise swells the muscles, making them retain more water. It'll ease when they get used to it. As another member put it, your muscles are just "fluffy" right now. Keep on keepin' on and the scale will show the difference.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Perhaps you are gaining MUSCLE. Give it time. If you're eating healthy and moving your body...the scale WILL reflect those efforts.

    Are your clothes getting looser? That's one way to tell if you're getting healthier!

    NO to the first sentence. You cannot GAIN 1.3lbs of muscle in a week,seriously. No.

    Second sentence,yes. Take measurements....your weight will fluctuate, inches are often a better indicator.

    ^ this.

    it's water weight. 1 gallon of water weighs about 8 lbs. there are several reasons that the OP may be holding onto water.

    obsessing about the number on the scale is the single worst thing that "dieters" do to derail their progress. forget the scale. weigh in once a month. stick to the program. the scale is a long term trend tool, that's all.