anybody feeling thin?



  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    So I have been contemplating how I feel vs. where I am in my weight loss. I have lost almost 50lbs dropped four sizes and feel exactly the same granted I have another 50 to lose.... I asked a coworker who had the gastro bypass surgery and lost 150lbs and looks amazing at what point did she feel different and she said "never". WHAT?

    Does this mean no matter how much I lose its all in my head and since I'm accustomed to feeling like a "big girl" I will always feel like a" big girl"?

    There is bound to be someone out there who has lost significant weight and gained a new perspective on life because of it! Are we so bound to how we see ourselves that we never feel differently regardless of what we change?

    I reflected on this earlier today. I'm down 39 lbs from a year ago today and I don't feel any different. It's kind of like I'm trying to talk myself up but it hasn't really worked. It's like someone said before, if you've been this way for so long, it's hard to see yourself as something different despite the fact that smaller sizes fit, you see a smaller "you" in the mirror, people noticing your weight loss and telling you about it.

    Not a completely accurate description, but it's kind of like disbelief that it's real and actually happening and that the body has gotten thinner.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Having lost over 50lbs, I finally feel 'slim' but I don't want to be 'thin'...don't want to be 'ripped' either LOL, striving for a happy medium..."feminine-toned" :tongue: :laugh: Very happy with my progress.

    And tonight I had a Chinese take away and dark chocolate, and last night I drank a lot of alcohol.

    I live by the 80/20 rule...I was good for the rest of the week! :happy:
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    I had to think about this for a few minute. Physically I feel totally different. Mentally, not to the same degree. I think that the mental part is something that many will always struggle with at times.
  • Built_Strong
    Built_Strong Posts: 114 Member
    I definitely feel thinner but not thin. I dont want to feel thin. I want to feel strong & I feel that little by little with each workout. Now...there are days when I look in the mirror & I still see the 350+lb person from a year ago. I know that'll take time to change.
  • oceangirl37
    oceangirl37 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm not sure about thin, but I feel AWESOME. I can't believe how strong I've gotten, and how clothes look on me. If I stayed at 182 lbs forever, I'd be pretty darn happy
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What I realized is that what I see in the mirror isn't what everyone else sees. Photos help with that... taking regular progress photos.

    I honestly don't feel THAT much different than before I started. But even then, when I started, my perception was skewed... just in the opposite direction. Someone would snap a candid shot of me and post it to FB and I'd think, "I don't look like THAT, do I???"

    Now, I look in photos how I *thought* I looked before. I like photos of me now, even unposed candid shots.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    That is good because that means that you have lost it slowly. If you lose it too quickly you are more at risk of putting it back on and more.

    Try on some of your old clothes or look at old photos next to new ones.

    Well done you have increased your life expectancy
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I feel thin every chance I get and hope that it does not get me slapped.... :devil: :bigsmile:
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I am struggling with this at the moment. I am about 10 pounds less than september/october but I still don't feel thinner. Infact I think it has me more aware of how much I need to lose before I become thin. I don't look in the mirror and suddenly think 'Wow I look amazing'.
  • adrBB
    adrBB Posts: 19
    Great way to solve that problem is by taking pictures, every month. Then after a few months start comparing, you'll see the difference and hopefully be conscience of the change :) Worked for me, I lost around 60 lbs, but still had the feeling I was the same until I saw some very confronting pictures.
  • klackey23
    I'm at 129 and struggling with whether I really need to lose 4 more pounds. Some days I feel thin (like when I tried on bikinis last week -- yay!), but a lot of time I have to remind myself that I am not fat and that I will not get fat by eating what my maintenance calories are. I say to myself, look -- you're a size 2, you can wear a bikini, everyone keeps saying you're looking thin and adding 'don't get too thin!', you can see muscle tone that didn't used to be there, and so on. I think we all struggle with this to a certain degree. It also doesn't help when we hit that time of the month and bloat up. YUCK!

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  • secretchallenge
    As far as I know from psychology, our brain is trained to stay in status quo - simply because of the survival reasons. It is safe to have the world at the same place each day. That's why the picture of yourself in your brain will not transform automatically, that is the job you have to do yourself. This is probably the nice part :) Take pictures of yourself, try to feel thin, shop new clothes, talk like a thin person you are now and so on. This is a big change to lose so many pounds, that's why you have to make it a safe and normal situation for your brain, then the body will follow (the feeling of being thin).
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    There are days when I feel thin and days when I feel fat. Days when I feel thin are increasing, days when I feel fat are decreasing. I'll never feel thin all the time, but feeling thin more of the time will help.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm one of those who is always shocked at photos of myself because I look so much heavier than I feel. This was true even at my highest weight. I was thin growing up and until I had kids but my youngest is age 26 so it's odd I never saw myself as obese when I was.

    I exercise a lot by lifting, running, cycling, etc., so I definitely feel strong and fit now. I'm just waiting for the strong/fit me to start showing after I get a few more layers of padding off.
  • MissDarlaDoll12
    MissDarlaDoll12 Posts: 27 Member
    Ive been overweight most of my life. After I lost a lot of weight, I was seated and looked down at my lap and was startled( my heart actually sped up) because I did not recognize my thighs! They were so thin. Then, after I had my daughter and had gained a ton of weight with the pregnancy, I seriously thought I was still going to be able to fit into my size 6. I dont have a lot of mirrors in my house and when I did see myself, again I was shocked at how huge I was.

    I read somewhere that a person will see themselves differently if they look at their body in the mirror without looking at their face. So I tried it and I would say that I did have a slightly distorted image of myself vs how I actually looked. I totally understand when someone says they dont feel thin or even fat for that matter. I have to look honestly at myself and now I just try to make healthy choices and know that "healthy" can come in all shapes and sizes. In many ways, my body is healthier at 40 pounds overweight than it ever was when I was at my goal weight. Ive lost almost 20 lbs before joining MFP and I dont feel thin, althought I can fit into a few outfits I was not able to before and my endurance and muscle tone have improved from the workouts. Im not feeling thin, though I am feeling stronger.
  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    i´ve lost around 30 lbs and still feel like a FAAAAAT person even though i haven´t been this "light" since 2007 hope it will come when i reach my goal, after 40 - 50 lbs....
  • lucasriggs
    I still feel as fat as I was 30lbs a go.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Nope, I like my top half but still look in the mirror and see a huge *kitten* and fat thighs. Not cool.

    I'm in the same boat. Drat those saddlebags and that jiggly butt. Not to mention that it makes it hard to shop for dresses when my lower half is significantly larger than my upper half. Does make it awfully hard to feel "thin."

    Whatever, though! Squats and lunges are my friends, and I don't care how *big* my butt and thighs are as long as it's all muscle ^^

  • AnewMe2cor5seventeen
    The First Time I lost 80lbs I couldnt see it! My image of myself was so twisted when I gained back 50lbs I looked at pictures and thought I must have been out of my mind to not have been happy or seen my body change! I decided I needed to heal emotionally before I could Heal and become healthy inside. I got heathy emotionally lost 50lbs gave myself permission to have a subvaginal purse removed(hanging skin brlow my belly button that was floppy from weight loss and csectionsNOT A TUMMY TUCK FYI ) lost another 47lbs for a loss of just under 100lbs and am feeling skinny :) I love my new body!! (Although My thighs have a long ways to go!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I feel thin. All of sudden since I got back to what I consider my 'normal' (just after college) weight. I look in the mirror and I look skinny. My husband walks in the room when I change my clothes and tells my I look tiny. My mom told me she doesn't remember me ever being this thin (I've been thinner - and have pictures to prove it).

    I felt really good and like I losing a lot when I had lost 10% of my body weight. But now, at 25%, within 5 pounds of my 'idea' weight - yes, I feel thin and great about how I look.

    And yes, I even feel sexy.

    Not bad for a 54 year old lady.