Over 40, hopefully not too late!



  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    47 here and have never felt better. It's totally possible!! Good luck.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    as long as you're still breathing, it's never too late.
  • kapoorpk
    kapoorpk Posts: 244 Member
    I am 41 and am in relentless pursuit of my goals. You can do it as well!!

    If interested, feel feel to connect.

    There a many very nice, encouraging and helpful people around.

    Thanks...good luck!
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Tired of making the excuses, just hit my 42nd birthday and yet again I'm still not where I want to be! So I'm starting all over again. Really need to add like minded women to motivate each other to reach our goals!

    OMG! I hope it's not too late I've just started out and I'm 48. You do right to take control now. Don't get to this time next year still thinking the same thing.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :drinker: No its not too late-I'm new too! & 50 ish! just move your body more & drink the darn water!!!!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Umphmph!!! What do you mean 'hope it's not too late'. You are but a babe yet. I am 61 and I know it is not too late for me. So go for it and enjoy doing it. Make it fun and enjoy life whilst you are doing it.
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    Are you still breathing?:huh: (Yep) Then it's not to late. :bigsmile: Good luck! :drinker:
  • Mezzta
    Mezzta Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there. I'm in my late 40's. I don't think it's too late and as one fellow quoted earlier... If you are breathing, then it's never too late. :)
  • MrsSensible2013
    I'm 41 and have just started again a couple of weeks ago, please feel free to add me :)
  • XXbrendaXX
    I decided 6 months ago at age 42 that I was finally ready to end my weight struggles. Do I wish I would of taken it this seriously when I was in my 20's or 30's? Of course. But I could see myself at 50 thinking "I wish I would have done this in my 40's".... It was time. And I have lost 88 lbs so far! I have a long way to go yet, but I am confident that I will get there. It is never too late!! :smile:
  • leelees10
    leelees10 Posts: 18 Member
    Hoping it's not too late. Reading all these posts inspired me to keep trying. Thank you.
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I'll be 45 in exactly 1 week. I started trying to get healthy Feb 2010, lost 35 lbs and now I gain and lose the same 10lbs over and over:) I'm okay with that. I can run 5 miles now, its a slow 5 miles, but I can run it. I couldn't run to the end of my drive before my 43rd bday. So no, its not too late. Hard work, dedication!!! Feel free to add me if you want:)
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    Umphmph!!! What do you mean 'hope it's not too late'. You are but a babe yet. I am 61 and I know it is not too late for me. So go for it and enjoy doing it. Make it fun and enjoy life whilst you are doing it.

    This. I am 63, joined in August and have lost so far 16.3 Kgs (36 lbs). Only 2 Kgs from my goal, although I may revise that down by another kilo. I haven't finished yet.
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    45 in March and NEVER TOO LATE!! Feel free to add me ( everyone can!) two weeks in and loving it!
  • LauraS1018
    I just turned 43 a few weeks ago and I have lost almost 35 lbs in the past 4 months, so it can be done. I never had a problem with my weight until I had a baby at 38, and then spent a few years thinking that the extra weight was just what happens when you hit a certaing age. Then this past fall, I had a wake up call and took a hard look at my eating habits and realized that my attitude had allowed me to develop some seriously bad eating habits. Once I went back to exercising and eating better, I started to lose. Yes, it has definitely been harder to lose and tone at this age. Gone are the days when I can drop a dress size in a week or have ripped arms after a few work-outs, but that doesn't mean I can't get there eventually. On the plus side, I'm older and have the patience and self-discipline to make it to my goal. Something my 20 year old self might have lacked. Best of luck to you.
  • sdemcivor
    sdemcivor Posts: 1 Member
    Hello eureka,

    I'm also 42 and I know it's not too late :0)

    I recently discovered this Site,as in yesterday, and decided to have a look in the forums to see what is happening. I've been through the weigh watchers plan twice and met with some success, admittedly the failures were on my part for not sticking with the program. Have any of you had this experience? Weight watchers doesn't help with nutrition as much as it counts calories. Maybe I'm just making excuses... I am making excuses.

    The upshot is that I have 50 more pounds to loose. And I need help, beyond a frontal look lobotomy.

    I live in Canada in the province of Saskatchewan and I'm an industrial carpenter at a potash mine. I know, I know,... It sounds SO glamorous but the reality is that it is a great job. Work with 1000 guys, wear dirty clothes all the time, swear, dirty jokes, talk crap, then go home. I'm currently single but I do have a three legged beagle I rescued while I was in Taiwan. He can't open pickle jars and he does hog the bed but he can't talk (except with his eyes) and sometimes that is a wonderful thing.

    So post on with details of your life and what we euphemistically call our weight loss "journey ". It should be weight loss bungle in my case.

    Have a great day and keep that heart rate up.
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm almost 65, ,and had gained and lost the same 25 lbs for decades, so thought I "could not lose". Baloney! It's just a matter of setting your number and then eating to that- and of course logging.

    I'd wish you good luck but luck has nothing to do with it. It's a matter of behaving in a way that gets you the results you want. Welcome!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Just turned 41. It's never too late!
  • liz40h
    liz40h Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my thoughts exactly. I turned 40 last September and felt great, since then diet and exercise have gone down hill. I found this site and I am determined to do it this time, once and for all.
  • sabgirls5
    It's never to late....41 over here and feeling awesome :) Feel free to add me :) You can do this!!