smoothie recipes pleaseee



  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I add flax to make it filling too.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    1/2 c non-fat plain greek yogurt (more filling then regualr yogurt, also more protein)
    1/4 c 1% or skim milk
    1 tbsp organic whole flax seed
    squeeze honey
    1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder
    4 strawberries or 1 banana or 1 mango or (you get the idea here) (i get fresh fruit and freeze them whole myself so I dont' need t o add ice to my smoothies. LOL)

    Blend till smooth (mines pretty thick!)

    About 350 calories.

    you can add peanut butter or an egg if you need it to be more filling
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    There are tons of options out there. The one I made today was 1 scoop chocolate protein (I like the 100% whey Muscle Milk from Costco), 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed, 1 cup sliced strawberries, 4 oz of soy milk and some ice. You can get a big bag of flaxseed for just a few bucks or omit it from the recipe.

    Approximately 275 calories, 20g carbs, 4g fat, and 34g protein.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Mine this morning was cold brewed coffee, tablespoon heavy cream (50 cals-for the fat), vanilla protein powder and a quarter cup non fat chobani. Store didn't have any 2% chobani. Tastes like coffee cheesecake. As an aside, I'm not choosing this as a healthy shake, just a healthier option for my coffee addiction. I'll keep drinking coffee with half and half or cream until I'm full.

    This is interesting.. I'm going to try this.. never thought of putting yogurt and protein powder in coffee.. I love cheesecake.. lol
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Mine this morning was cold brewed coffee, tablespoon heavy cream (50 cals-for the fat), vanilla protein powder and a quarter cup non fat chobani. Store didn't have any 2% chobani. Tastes like coffee cheesecake. As an aside, I'm not choosing this as a healthy shake, just a healthier option for my coffee addiction. I'll keep drinking coffee with half and half or cream until I'm full.

    This is interesting.. I'm going to try this.. never thought of putting yogurt and protein powder in coffee.. I love cheesecake.. lol

    Lol, I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't actually do it for the flavor, I did it because I was trying to make my macros fall in line. The flavor was just a really excellent side benefit. :)
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    My standard morning smoothie is:

    1 cup almond milk
    2 tabl ground flax
    1 cup blueberries
    1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    1/2 banana
    2 tabl chocolate chips

    Its 360 calories and keeps me beyond full till lunch.
  • SilverSquid
    I have one in my recipes section c:
  • MrGuitarDude
    Drop the yogurt and milk... add water and Kale.

    Then eat some eggs.
  • Mom2fourbabes
    I make one every day. Frozen banana (this is key, because then you don't need ice, and it does not get watered down), 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1/2 cup fat free GREEK yogurt, (more protein), about 1/2 cup almond milk (enough to thin it) Blend all of that well... then put in as much spinach as your blender can hold. Usually about 3-4 cups. The spinach will fill you up, and you honeslty don't taste it. They are amazing !! I am full until lunch.
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    thanks for the replies everyone! I made one with oatmeal last night and had it this morning g, it was more filling than a regular smoothie but I was still hungry. I'm going to look into whey protein powder, chai seeds and maybe flax seeds maybe. how do I add chai seeds??