Weird food habits?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    We won't go into all the things I won't eat because of their "texture"........................

    I can't eat tomatoes because of their texture, but I love anything tomato-based.

    You got one of them. I'm the same way. Unless the tomato is on a sandwich. No ketchup, though. Everything else tomato is ok.

    What about cooked Okra? :sick:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Ooooh yeah, texture also plays a major role in what I will & won't eat. Okra has a terrible slimy texture - did you know the more you cut it the slimy-er (word?) it gets? Ugh, it's nast.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I cut my spaghetti noodles into bite sized pieces instead of rolling them on a fork with a spoon. And corn on the cob has to have those little handle thingys, I won't eat it otherwise. I think those are both cleanliness things, but I still get teased.

    We won't go into all the tings I won't eat because of their "texture"........................

    I also cut up my spaghetti noodles -- it just seems so much easier to eat that way!

    Also, apparently when I'm standing and I taste something yummy, I wiggle my butt and do a little "happy dance" -- according to my husband.

    As a child I would dunk cookies into just about any drinks -- chips ahoy into black coffee (omg SO good), vanilla wafers in diet coke... any cookie in milk. Oreos I would twist apart, lick off the cream, and put the wafers into my milk. Then I would drink the milk and eat the oreo wafer mush with a spoon. I still do this as an adult (though I haven't eaten oreos in some time now) but I scrape the cream off and throw it away -- can't stand it! -- I just want the wafer bits. Soaked in milk.

    I used to take a dish of Reese's Pieces and set them in front of a space heater for a few minutes to melt the insides before eating them.


    Oh yeah... over the holidays I would eat sweet pickles dipped in egg nog. Yeah... I know. :sick: My mother would yell at me all the time for that, said the vinegar from the pickles would sour the egg nog and make me sick. Never got sick, though.

    I fear what my food cravings may be like when I get pregnant. :ohwell:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Not sure if this is weird or not.
    I know many people will finish their plate by eating stuff they don't like as much first, and then eat the stuff they like last.

    I have to have a bit of everything left on my plate.
    If I have meat, veggies, and rice, then my last 1-2 mouthfuls always consist of a bit of everything that was on my plate.
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    I'm the only person I know who does this, but I can't eat an egg unless I take out those two little white thingies attached to the yolk. I'm ok if someone else cooks it, but if I'm making it...they have to come out.

    OMG me too!!!!!!!
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I cut my spaghetti noodles into bite sized pieces instead of rolling them on a fork with a spoon. And corn on the cob has to have those little handle thingys, I won't eat it otherwise. I think those are both cleanliness things, but I still get teased.

    We won't go into all the tings I won't eat because of their "texture"........................

    I also cut up my spaghetti noodles -- it just seems so much easier to eat that way!

    Also, apparently when I'm standing and I taste something yummy, I wiggle my butt and do a little "happy dance" -- according to my husband.

    As a child I would dunk cookies into just about any drinks -- chips ahoy into black coffee (omg SO good), vanilla wafers in diet coke... any cookie in milk. Oreos I would twist apart, lick off the cream, and put the wafers into my milk. Then I would drink the milk and eat the oreo wafer mush with a spoon. I still do this as an adult (though I haven't eaten oreos in some time now) but I scrape the cream off and throw it away -- can't stand it! -- I just want the wafer bits. Soaked in milk.

    I used to take a dish of Reese's Pieces and set them in front of a space heater for a few minutes to melt the insides before eating them.


    Oh yeah... over the holidays I would eat sweet pickles dipped in egg nog. Yeah... I know. :sick: My mother would yell at me all the time for that, said the vinegar from the pickles would sour the egg nog and make me sick. Never got sick, though.

    I fear what my food cravings may be like when I get pregnant. :ohwell:

    I typically do a dance every time I eat. I often sing or hum, too (don't worry, not loud). It's weird at restaurants, but it's just because I'm so excited for food! LOL
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Not sure if this is weird or not.
    I know many people will finish their plate by eating stuff they don't like as much first, and then eat the stuff they like last.

    I have to have a bit of everything left on my plate.
    If I have meat, veggies, and rice, then my last 1-2 mouthfuls always consist of a bit of everything that was on my plate.

    My Dad was like that! And he would cut everythng up first and have nice neat little piles.:smile:
  • sheltieroger
    sheltieroger Posts: 264 Member
    Not sure if this is weird or not.
    I know many people will finish their plate by eating stuff they don't like as much first, and then eat the stuff they like last.

    I have to have a bit of everything left on my plate.
    If I have meat, veggies, and rice, then my last 1-2 mouthfuls always consist of a bit of everything that was on my plate.

    I am a food mixer too...My sisters all have their little piles on the plate that don't touch....I purposefully mix bites together
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I can't stand for my food to touch on a plate. My grandpa mixes everything on his plate and I can just not watch it. People make fun of me all the time especially during pot lucks. I just tell them I want to taste the food as the cook/chef wanted it to be tasted.

    I also can't stand gravy's on my food.
  • EvelynnFaith
    I swish everything I drink in my mouth before I swallow it. I never realized that I did this until someone pointed it out to me. Now I really try hard not to do it anymore because I don't want to look like a complete weirdo.

    OMG! I do that too!!! I do that with everything: water, soda, juice....if I find it particularly tasty or if my mouth is a bit dry I'll swish it even more and I didn't know that I did it until someone pointed it out.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    A lot of us have weird food habits...what are yours? :)
    After posting recently a thead about always washing my fruits and vegetables (including fruit I will peel, like bananas and apples, so that I do not cross contaminate), I guess my habit would be called weird, because a whole bunch of people thought washing was unnecessary.

    Some probably wlll probably think that my washing my hands before eating is a weird food habit, too. I even have hand sanitizer to use when it is not convenient to wash.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I typically do a dance every time I eat. I often sing or hum, too (don't worry, not loud). It's weird at restaurants, but it's just because I'm so excited for food! LOL

    That's cute.
  • charleyh
    charleyh Posts: 2
    I don't eat much meat at all. Maybe a sausage no n then but when I eat my food I tear bits into tiny pieces and eat with my hand over my mouth. I just tear a bit of sandwhich and pop it in. I do it with chips if I go out for a meal. I use te knife and fork and cut them into half cm parts :L weird lol but I have OCD so wuldnt suprise me x
  • dawndelicious
    dawndelicious Posts: 22 Member
    If I eat an ice cream bar I have to eat all the chocolate off the outside first and then eat the ice cream. Same with Reese's have to eat around the outside then eat the inside. I like to drink milk only when I'm eating. I can't drink it alone - ick! Can't eat pasta without bread. I'm sure there's more but I'll spare ya all! :ohwell:
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    It takes me forever to eat an orange, every last bit of the white pith and strings must be gone or I will not eat it! My husband makes fun of me and tells me to just eat it and you won't taste it but i will know its still there.