How often do you weigh yourself?



  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    I try for once a week, but usually end up doing it 2 or 3 times a week. I only record the one, though.
  • cleomouri
    cleomouri Posts: 51 Member
    Every Wednesday at my TOPS meeting.

    I have a scale but I don't trust it anymore. It can give me back to back readings that can vary +10- lbs. For a while I'd take my weight 10 times and then average, but it just takes too long to do that and 9 out of 10 wasn't accurate anyway.

    At TOPS they've a nice Dr. office scale so I just wait for that once a week.
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    Every day Im addicted lol :P
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    Every morning- it keeps me on track and helps me see natural fluctuations/know I'm actually losing. I used to do every Friday and switched to every day. Sometimes you can go up due to water weight or whatever, and I don't want to incorrectly assume I've lost no weight for the week and get discouraged. For example last week I weighed 163 on Thursday (two pound loss from the previous week) and on Friday morning I weighed 165 again. I realized I'd had a ton of sodium the night before and it was probably just water, and I knew I'd lost the two pounds because I saw it on Thursday. If the Friday weight was all I'd seen, I'd be discouraged for no reason.
  • ChrisHill29
    ChrisHill29 Posts: 10 Member
    Every morning. I'm obsessed about it now. It's so bad I know but I can't stop. I go to bed thinking about it!
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Every couple of hours. However Tuesdays are my "weigh in day" so that is the only day I take into consideration and try to not to freak out on other days when it isn't a pretty number.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Maybe once a month at the most. I don't own scales and get weighed at the gym.

    Scale weight is fairly unimportant unless you have a lot to lose IMHO
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    So tempting to do it daily, even multiple times a day. Buy I stick to Tues. mornings.

    Tuesday mornings are my weigh in mornings as well.. once a week
  • Clauduchinno
    Once a week (every Monday morning)

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Maybe once a month at the most. I don't own scales and get weighed at the gym.

    Scale weight is fairly unimportant unless you have a lot to lose IMHO

    Very true which is why I think I should be not getting on it everyday. I need to focus on the tape measure instead now I'm weight training. Weight doesn't matter, size does.
  • keren22
    keren22 Posts: 18
    Maybe once a month at the most. I don't own scales and get weighed at the gym.

    Scale weight is fairly unimportant unless you have a lot to lose IMHO

    Very true which is why I think I should be not getting on it everyday. I need to focus on the tape measure instead now I'm weight training. Weight doesn't matter, size does.

    YES! thank you for pointing that out. I wish I knew how to post a pic in the thread, I have a great one that shows a lb of muscle vs a lb of fat. REALLY eye opening!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Nearly every day, but I'm not the type to get beat down by the number. Daily weighing is not for everyone.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Every few days, even if I am gaining weight. I need a baseline, to know where I'm working from.

    Some days I gain weight from overeating, other days I double my weight loss goal. It also helps you to see where water weight fluctuations come in.
  • AshDawn34
    I weigh in every Wed morning as soon as I wake up.. I may cheat sometimes and take a peak in the middle of the week but I only log my weight on Weds.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    Every day, sometimes more than once if there is a major event that leads me to believe I may have lost even more weight (read into that whatever you want). I've dropped 2 pounds from such events.

    I fluctuate alot day to day; but I can definitely see the weight loss trend. At this point I'd be afraid to weigh only once a week or once a month because I would never know if I was in a local high or local low point on that weigh day. I wouldn't be able to reliably see the trend for alot longer.
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    Daily at 8:30 am so I don't forget and I don't stress over the number unless I haven't lost any for a week. I can go back and see what I ate the day before days that had the most gain and make connections to foods that are "reactive."
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    Maybe once a month at the most. I don't own scales and get weighed at the gym.

    Scale weight is fairly unimportant unless you have a lot to lose IMHO

    Very true which is why I think I should be not getting on it everyday. I need to focus on the tape measure instead now I'm weight training. Weight doesn't matter, size does.

    YES! thank you for pointing that out. I wish I knew how to post a pic in the thread, I have a great one that shows a lb of muscle vs a lb of fat. REALLY eye opening!

    Ummmmmmm........a pound is a pound. If you mean quantity of a pound, yes, there is a difference but the weight is the same.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    Every day, in the morning. Funny, I feel the need to do it every day but I don't feel obsessive about it which I guess is contradictory. I don't stress over small gains but I do get excited about small losses :wink: I'm currently maintaining so I like to see myself staying within a 1-2 lbs range.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    Maybe once a month at the most. I don't own scales and get weighed at the gym.

    Scale weight is fairly unimportant unless you have a lot to lose IMHO

    Very true which is why I think I should be not getting on it everyday. I need to focus on the tape measure instead now I'm weight training. Weight doesn't matter, size does.

    YES! thank you for pointing that out. I wish I knew how to post a pic in the thread, I have a great one that shows a lb of muscle vs a lb of fat. REALLY eye opening!

    Ummmmmmm........a pound is a pound. If you mean quantity of a pound, yes, there is a difference but the weight is the same.

    I think they meant look at a pic of a pound of fat vs a pound of muscle and see that one takes up a lot more volume than the other.

    There is a pic here:
  • scot1026
    About every other day.