Crying over a TV show or Movie



  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I just started watching Grey's Anatomy (never saw it before), and it gets me pretty emotional at times.
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    I recently saw The Silver Linings Playbook. This movie really has something for everyone. It's emotional and heartbreaking, but funny and moving. I got misty, but not full blown tears during the scene were the main character was looking for his wedding movie and how the situation escalated. I did cry like a baby during the episode Killer Within of the most recent season of Walking Dead, felt like I was punched in the stomach.
  • disdatdude
    Being a military guy, I think my worst cry ever was Saving Private Ryan. I won't even watch it anymore...I run when it comes on tv. buddy said, "When you leave out of the movies look at everyone's eyes." I was choked up in the movie, but I didn't cry. At the theater's elevator there were women openly crying, but almost all of the men's eyes were crimson red - LOL. So it's Saturday night and I go home to start drinking and getting ready for the club. 45mins have passed and I'm dressed leaving out the apartment. All of the sudden I just start balling uncontrollably and fall out on the bed. I must have cried for 2 hrs straight! The scene with Tom Hanks (one of my favorite actors) sitting on the bridge, dying and firing his gun?...just too much :sad:

    I cried during the last Shrek too. Poor guy just wanted his woman back and everything was going wrong :sad:

    Ok. I promise to start a happy thread next time - :laugh:
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I am so sensitive its ridiculous I cried over The Walking Dead, especially when "she" died ... I couldn't take it! Batman, hated to see Bane die ( weird I know), Titanic, Pearl Harbor, Green Mile, My Sisters Keeper, and the Notebook ... that is just a few believe u me there are a LOT more lol

    Spoiler alert had to fix the name from the Walking Dead lol
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I am an emotional pisces. I cry over the channel changing itself.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    '"pay it forward" got me
  • McChubbyruewho
    I will cry at the drop of a hat! with movies commercials, tv shows, those commercials about adopting where they show parents being silly always make me cry lol, ((Its just so beautiful :sad: )

    or little house on the prairy gets me every time
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    Maybe I'm a weirdo, but movies like The Notebook and Walk To Remember never got to me, I kind of expected them.

    The ones that get me are the animated movies because I'm really not expecting an emotional response.
    Toy Story 3's ending gets to me even though it's really a happy ending. I've rewatched it a few times trying to figure out why that gets me, eh, don't know why.

    I guess I sometimes shed a tear or two when something is really pretty too. The lantern scene in Tangled got me too.. lol

    I'm not a crier, don't know why it's the animated ones that get to me. Most other sentimental movies I spend the time mocking..
  • dunadan
    dunadan Posts: 105 Member
    Les Miserables- SO beautiful! Cried at a few different parts, especially at the end!

    Yep, me too. Although I definitely get more teary-eyed during the stage show than at the movie...both times it was when Jean Valjean was dying, and the dead Fantine is there to comfort him. Otherwise kept it together during the movie pretty well.

    The stage show is a different story...because the performance is live, the emotional effect is more visceral and immediate. I'll definitely get misty during "I Dreamed a Dream", "Who am I?", "Fantine's Death", "A Little Fall of Rain", "Bring Him Home". The more powerful numbers where I get goose bumps include "The Confrontation", "Stars", "One Day More", and the finale. I'm a softie when it comes to musical theatre. Let's not even discuss "Rent". :)