Cleaning Calories?!?



  • spm2010
    spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
    Must say, quite a few different views. And to the ones saying 'don't post on it' THATS WHAT A FORUM IS it not?

    I was genuinely curious what other peoples views were, so thanks for answering. I don't actually get proper worked up over this, I use MFP for support and give support to people and expect it back. So I'm not gonna sit there chanting Way to Go on someones activity if it's cleaning. therefore I am not being supportive. Hence the delete.

    So you support people by deleting them when they put up something you don't like but you say you expect support back? Makes no sense. Good friend indeed. No ones asking you to chant for them, but if thats what you need thats you. But you shouldn't judge others for not doing what you find acceptable. If you don't get worked up or care than why did you say it drives you crazy? Who gives a rats behind what other people do.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    If i could estimate my calorie usage for picking my nose i would put it on there :P


    For me, I log it if I do it for more than an hour or so, or if it's particularly intense (heavy lifting/carrying large amounts back and forth, etc). If it's just dusting, casual vacuuming, wiping/mopping, etc, I don't count that.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Do you know, that always makes me laugh when I see it. Sometimes when I'm really desperate for extra food calories I might log it BUT only if I've spent all day cleaning and then I always change the mfp log calorie count to one-third of what they say as they always really overestimate!
  • spm2010
    spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
    Why worry about what someone else is logging or how they log. I really dont care what people log its there business. I am here to support them and get support in this journey NOT judge them on what they log for there calorie burn. Why would you care?

    Exactly what Im saying.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I log in using cleaning because I clean buildings and let me tell you that cleaning is a whole body workout. As long as your are up and moving you are losing weight! Stay active and let others do them without be looked upon because you think it's wrong. Js
  • MamaToChey
    I can't help but laugh at the idea that someone would look at their news feed and say, "ugh that bloody wanker is cleaning AGAIN!?" *DELETE* :explode:


    Seriously, why does it bother you so much? :huh: Gosh, I wonder what you'd say about the three minutes of dancing I accidentally logged and didn't remove lol There are more pressing issues to be concerned with. Now all those people you deleted (who didn't care) now knows you didn't approve their logging habits. Congrats :ohwell:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I can't help but laugh at the idea that someone would look at their news feed and say, "ugh that bloody wanker is cleaning AGAIN!?" *DELETE* :explode:


    Seriously, why does it bother you so much? :huh: Gosh, I wonder what you'd say about the three minutes of dancing I accidentally logged and didn't remove lol There are more pressing issues to be concerned with. Now all those people you deleted (who didn't care) now knows you didn't approve their logging habits. Congrats :ohwell:

    Lol! I agree! Usually when I see that so wine has cleaned I'm extra impressed and it usually motivates me to get off my *kitten* and clean too!
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    I can't help but laugh at the idea that someone would look at their news feed and say, "ugh that bloody wanker is cleaning AGAIN!?" *DELETE* :explode:


    Seriously, why does it bother you so much? :huh: Gosh, I wonder what you'd say about the three minutes of dancing I accidentally logged and didn't remove lol There are more pressing issues to be concerned with. Now all those people you deleted (who didn't care) now knows you didn't approve their logging habits. Congrats :ohwell:
  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    I log it. I don't care what anyone thinks/says about it. I want to see what I have accomplished - if anything - and what I need to do so my personal activity goals are met. For me, it encourages me to do more and work harder.

    If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.

    PS: I'm a stay at homer, cleaning up after a dog, 6 year old, and a husband who doesn't know how to pick up after themselves. I don't have the luxury to go to a gym. I'm lucky when I have 30 minutes to walk the dog while the child is at school. I do what I can when I can do it.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I only log an actual workout session.

    That said, hard cleaning is one of those things that I don't log but if I'm still hungry at the end of the day, I don't feel guilty having an extra sandwich or snack. Like a casual walk through the park or playing with the kids outside.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Gosh, I wonder what you'd say about the three minutes of dancing I accidentally logged and didn't remove.

    Run while you can!

    But don't log it.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    To the OP, no, it doesn't bother me. If they are like me and have a sedentary desk job, I think every movement counts. I am one of those who wears a Nike Fuelband and let it count every single movement I do as calories burned. It motivates me to move more. If people are housebound and decide that they will get up and clean their house then that beats someone who merely sits in front of the tv all day.

    And another thing, one of my clients runs a huge janitorial company (like as in over $4 billion in revenue) and let me tell you, those people never stop moving. And despite having to clean public toilets, a large majority show up and don't miss work. Seriously, I wish all my fellow white collar workers would pick up after themselves at the coffee bar or kitchen. It must take physical effort because so many people avoid picking up after themselves!
  • MamaToChey
    MBNagel74, you are well within your right to do so. Bump the naysayers!
    CherokeeBabe, ROTFLMAO!! (can I log that? lol)
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    Haha, cheers everyone. The reason (and the question) in the post was Am I being Unreasonable.

    You've actually helped me realise I may just well be.

    And to those who do MAJOR cleaning - thats a whole different score. The ones I mentioned was 'light cleaning' on the count...

    But cheers to all.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I add cleaning to my exercise when I am cleaning my butt off. Otherwise, just doing menial chores doesn't count to me. I have 3 kids, so cleaning can be a couple of hours of great exercise. Plus when I am cleaning, I have stairs and am running up and down several times. Believe me, it is exercise.
  • Dymatized
    Maybe they log it to make themselves feel better since they actually didn't work out like at a gym. Those people won't last long if that's the case.
  • Amanda13108
    Amanda13108 Posts: 34 Member
    Am I the only one who gets totally annoyed with people logging cleaning as an exercise? I'm turning into a bit of a cowbag about it and deleted people off my friends list because seeing it genuinely miffs me off.

    I mean seriously - logging over 600 calories for light cleaning? Seriously? Come on - tell me i am not being unreasonable thinking it's a cop out?

    Listen lady MFP isn't for you to judge others its about personal fitness! So grow up and mind your own business. That being said have you ever tried to chase a 2 and 5 yr old and keep their toys picked up and the house in order? I sweep/mop all hard surface floors and vacuum the rest of the house while dancing, after I clean and separate his toys from hers, when doing so I make it a dancing game with my little one to try and teach them to pick up after themselves, we dace for about an hr picking up their toys and I spend an average of another hr and a half doing the rest of the house listening to music dancing as I clean I try to make it fun, also I live in rural upstate new york with a foot of Snow minimum and about an hr from the nearest city with a gym so yes in the winter I get a little creative and log an hr of "dace cleaning" under light cleaning. I keep my heart rate up and body moving as make it a dancing type activity, however I have no idea when else to log it as, so yes I do it no I don't care if you like it!! MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY ISN'T ABOUT YOU GROW UP!!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm with you OP.

    You did this type of cleaning while you were fat and not trying to lose weight, right? If so, then it's a part of your routine/lifestyle, and should be counted as such.

    I believe that only purposeful exercise(IE workout DVD's, going to the gym, going on a run outside etc) should be counted.
  • MamaToChey

    I'm all for promoting activity. This heavy scrutiny is what prevents people from moving their bodies in the first place and going to a GYM. It's just a shame that these same people can't get support on a fitness site. :frown:
  • Kellyeee2013
    If I spent houes hard core cleaning my home, I would probably log it. Why not? Why do people care so much what other people are logging? Maybe this helps them stay motivated? Maybe this works for them? We should be supportive of one another, not hating on each other.