Very frustrated!

Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    great attitude... giving up ALWAYS works!!!
  • ammadove
    ammadove Posts: 97 Member
    Sorry for your frustration but can sure relate to it. Just curious here, are you measuring your portions? I was shocked to see how far off my "guesstimates" were as far as portions sizes.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Get rid of the scale and measure progress in other ways. Measure yourself for inches lost, how do clothes feel, fitness levels? The scale is not the only way to measure progress.
  • kacysuzanne
    kacysuzanne Posts: 27 Member
    You have lost 4 in two weeks, though! Are you weighing at the same time of day, under the same conditions? I admit that I weigh every day, but I only "count" it on Thursdays. There are tons of reasons for fluctuations. Give yourself time to see the numbers move. Keep going. You can do it!
  • knappcek
    I've found that my weight is dropping slower because of my increase in physical activity. I put on muscle quickly and easily. I still weigh myself but I've stopped using that as my only confirmation of success. Get out the measuring tape! Its just as satisfying watching inches come off as it is pounds.
  • prophetessmom
    prophetessmom Posts: 37 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    have you taken measurements? Sometimes we lose inches before we lose pounds. Also, do you weight the same way, the same time of day? Believe it or not, it can make a difference. Also, salt intake can affect as can hormones. Dont' give up. Sometimes it takes a little longer. Also, sharing your meals can help pinpoint some areas you might be struggling with. Just some thoughts.
  • roxyz925
    Thanks for the sarcasm Tavistock Toad! That is real motivation and support! Please don't reply to my post if you haven't anything nice to say or honest words of encouragement.
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    1 lb? Really?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1 lb? Really?



    excuse me, didnt you read the above post... if you have nothing nice to say.....
  • Kimberly_Tanith
    Kimberly_Tanith Posts: 18 Member
    First of all, throw out the scale. I too used to get frustrated till I started focusing on results I could feel and see and not so much on what I weighed. As fat melts and muscles develop you may find that you may gain some weight but you're actually thinner.

    Please do not give up, once you're eating the correct foods and doing your exercise you WILL see results I promise!
    It just takes longer than some, trust me, I've been there and still working on ignoring the scale as some days I just can't help myself and I have to take a peek lolz... but I'm not as obsessed with it as I was before.

    I hope this made you feel a little better :)
  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    great attitude... giving up ALWAYS works!!! time i feel like throwing in the towel im gonna think of how much this just made me laugh and get right back to the gym! :D leg - end!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Thanks for the sarcasm Tavistock Toad! That is real motivation and support! Please don't reply to my post if you haven't anything nice to say or honest words of encouragement.

    But she was right.

    So it's frustrating and time consuming. How frustrated will you be with yourself if you just give up? Also, it doesn't take me long to log my food every day. Maybe you are doing something wrong?

    Fluctuations on the scale are entirely normal. Anything from the time of the day you weigh, if you have your period, how much sodium you had the day before, how big a *kitten* you took that morning, etc.

    These things can take time. Weight loss is trial and error. Some of the biggest things I have learnt here is that patience is key, weight loss is not about how fast you can get there, and the scale is a liar.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    great attitude... giving up ALWAYS works!!! time i feel like throwing in the towel im gonna think of how much this just made me laugh and get right back to the gym! :D leg - end!

  • Kimberly_Tanith
    Kimberly_Tanith Posts: 18 Member
    the scale is a liar.

    So true lolz! :laugh:
  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    Have you been weighing your food? Monitoring your sodium intake? Those things can really affect your weight! Just a suggestion!

    Don't give takes time!
  • stevetee123
    stevetee123 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, just ignore sarcastic people like Tavis -- its the only game they have, and likely don't have a comforting word for anyone. As for gaining a pound, yeah, it seems so unfair... but remember to focus 4-5 weeks out. The payoff will come, the work is worth it, and worry not... the new habits you are creating will last a lifetime!
  • diana031394
    So true, Lauren! I have to remember that just maintaining my loss, even if it's just a few pounds, is a positive thing.

    Also, if you are working out more, even a little, you are gaining lean muscle mass. One pound of muscle is 1/5 of the volume of a pound of fat. That means you are getting leaner, stronger, and smaller, but it may not be reflected on the scale right away.

    I KNOW how frustrating it is to pass up a tempting dessert on Sunday only to not see it reflected in the scales on Monday! Just remember to hang in there and keep your eye on the big picture.

    I have a sign on my fridge that says, "A YEAR FROM NOW YOU'LL WISH YOU STARTED TODAY."

    What I have to say to you is what I keep telling myself. Hang in there. If you are going wrong somewhere with portions, etc., you have a chance to make small corrections to get it right. If you are not, then it is just your body's fluctuations and you will see results soon!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Is there any tips we can share for maiing the food-logging a bit easier? I know I found it a bit time consuming to begin with, but once your usual foods are in there, it's just a case of looking in the recent meals section.

    And your body (hair, nails, teeth etc) will probably appreciate your healthy meals!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Don't give up! It's probably just extra fluid. The scales will continue to do that from time to time even if your diet and exercise levels are perfect.
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member

    I have a sign on my fridge that says, "A YEAR FROM NOW YOU'LL WISH YOU STARTED TODAY."
