Very frustrated!



  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    Sometimes it takes a warm hug, a supportive word or a harsh but truthful comment.
    Toad is stings but she basically didn't embellish it for you, and actually, if her comment was directed at me, I'd smart for a while but know what she said was what I needed to hear.

    Apart from that, all the other posts have hit it spot on...don't give up, drink lots of water, go to the loo, eat clean, keep going and keep in touch!

    But don't throw the scales out. I made that mistake and couldn't monitor my progress and ended up heavier.

    Oh, and by the way, I gained 4 pounds this week, but it isn't fat, maybe muscle with my new lifting regime, maybe sodium water retention, maybe the time of the month...whatever, i won't let it stop my focus.
    Keep it going!
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you can't live with what you're doing now, you'll just gain the weight back eventually. Maybe you should re-think your strategy.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    If you are giving up that easy then you deserve to gain that 1 ittle bitty pound. Look nothing in life is easy. You have to work at it. Big whoop its one Effin pound. Get a grip on yourself Young lady and just kick *kitten*. You think all of us just magically lose a pound. This should just be a wake up call that you need to revamp your diet and exercise. Start looking into what you should be eating...start asking advice...start changing up your gym routine. If this was easy we would all be models with six pack abs.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Weight loss is a journey, not something that is quick. I can eat at some restaurants and be up as much as 5 pounds the next day. I know I didn't truly gain 5 pounds. Usually by the end of the week, its gone and I am fine. Don't give up. That one pound could have been 5 pounds if you were not tracking. I am a person who will always have to track. Over the years I have done much worse not tracking that with tracking. When I started MPF about a year ago I only had 13 pounds to lose. I have lost 11 pounds of that. It has been slow, but worth it as I am now 11 pounds lighter! You can do it, don't give up!!
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    Success doesn't come without blood, sweat and tears. I am sure everyone has had that "I want to give up" moment and a lot of people have. However, the people that didn't are the ones that you see success stories for. When I get frustrated and want to give up, I just look at the success stories and sometimes even write them a message to see if they have any tips. That might help. Good luck but don't give up, the end result is worth it.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    If I eat 4 or 5 lbs of broccoli, I will weigh 4 or 5 lbs more after. But I did not gain 4 or 5 lbs.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    You have lost 4 in two weeks, though! Are you weighing at the same time of day, under the same conditions? I admit that I weigh every day, but I only "count" it on Thursdays. There are tons of reasons for fluctuations. Give yourself time to see the numbers move. Keep going. You can do it!

    Ditto on the having an official weigh in once per week. Same day same time every week. As I was losing I weighed myself 3 + times per week but I logged only the Saturday AM number. The balance were sneak peeks to see how the week was going.

    Also, as others have mentioned, take body measures and keep track of those as well. Weight is only one measure of success. Depending upon your starting weight, level of fitness, eating habits and exercise regime. It is possible that you are adding muscle mass. Muscle is significantly denser than "fat" so, your body measurements may be improving while the scale shows little or no movement.

    The important thing is to keep at it! Success may take some manipulation of diet and exercise but it is achievable and logging what you eat provides you with and idea of what individual foods add to your calorie count per day.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    If logging your food is to time consuming, what about exercise?
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    Stick with it..It is a distance race not a sprint.

    Some weeks I lose, some weeks I don't, if I don't. I usually have a bit of an inkling as to why, so I just make sure I drink the water, eigh and log everything.

    I just look st the bottom line.. .38 pounds since October and 6 inches off waist and i know it works.

    One pound, in the grand scheme of things, is nothing.

    Go for it, stick with it. Succeed!
  • heiditracker
    heiditracker Posts: 18 Member
    I don't know how long you've been trying but, don't be discouraged. I lost 3lbs my first week, gained all 3 back the next but lost 2 the week after that. But I know that I'm doing something right by the way my clothes are fitting. It takes time to lose, just like it took time to gain it. And you're not wasting your time eating right, your body will pay you back for it with energy and eventually, a great shape. Please don't give up.
  • c_melanson
    c_melanson Posts: 34 Member
    I started logging on MFP about 3 weeks ago. The first week I lost 5 lbs and the second week I lost 4 lbs, into the third week I stepped on the scale and seen that I had gained back 4.2 lbs. I was exercising 6 days of the week, eating the proper TDEE -20%, and I have to say, I was frustrated too. I looked back into my food diary and noticed that I was consuming way over my daily intake of sodium and was going over my sugar intake. Too much sodium can result in gaining water weight, maybe you could take a look back into your food logs and check that out. :) You should also do your measurements every week. I may have gained back almost 5 lbs but my clothes are fitting way better than they did three weeks ago. Never give up! Check out your food diary, see if you can improve eating habits and measure weekly. I'm sure you will notice a difference in them. I believe in you, you can do it. :)
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    great attitude... giving up ALWAYS works!!!

    This......totally this........
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Your scale is a big, fat fatty liar!

    Your scale will almost always go up without you gaining a single ounce of fat:
    1. If you go overboard on the sodium for one meal
    2. If you haven't been to bathroom in a while
    3. If you are going through that time of the month (though some people get it during ovulation)
    4. If you just started a new exercise routine

    Your scale will go down without you having lost a single ounce of fat:
    1. If you are dehydrated
    2. If you pee or poop
    3. If you just sit around and do nothing (including eating or drinking)

    These fluctuations can easily be up to 5 lbs, which is frustrating because it obscures weight loss, which is usually only 1 lb a week for most people.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    And do what instead?

    Very sad indeed.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Get rid of the scale and measure progress in other ways. Measure yourself for inches lost, how do clothes feel, fitness levels? The scale is not the only way to measure progress.
    this 100% Iv done the 30 day shred for 13 days and lost 2lbs but lost nearly 2 inches off my waist! Scale weight can change for so many reasons, even just moving the scale - my kitchen gives one amount, bathroom gives another
  • b_stroke
    b_stroke Posts: 14 Member
    Get on scale this morning only to find out 1 gained a pound. This will be my last week here if next Monday I haven't lost. Too frustrating and time consuming to be logging food, making healthy meals and snacks only to gain 1 pound. Very sad! :sad:

    great attitude... giving up ALWAYS works!!!

  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I weigh myself daily. I'm not advocating that you weigh daily, but my point is this. I weigh daily, generally at the same time every day, and my weight fluctuates up to 2 pounds a day. Sometimes I can see the reason for the increase (too many carbs or sodium). But more often than not I cannot see the correlation. It's just up. But when I look at my overall weight loss - I see a very clear trend line going down. When I zoom in on the chart it's very choppy. When I zoom out - it's a nice slow downward line. Based on what I've learned about how my body works with a scale I would never judge my progress from a single or even a half-dozen readings.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks for the sarcasm Tavistock Toad! That is real motivation and support! Please don't reply to my post if you haven't anything nice to say or honest words of encouragement.

    Sometimes it's not pity you need, but a swift kick in the backside. You know the difference between a winner and a loser? Winners never quit.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Thanks for the sarcasm Tavistock Toad! That is real motivation and support! Please don't reply to my post if you haven't anything nice to say or honest words of encouragement.
    Yay, quitting! Seriously, how can we be positive about you giving up?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    So give up then.

    And then when you gain those other 3 pounds back, you'll be back here complaining about how you gained all the weight back.

    In all seriousness, a pound could be attributed to anything... I bet if you drank water and peed a ton today, that pound would be gone tomorrow.