*need advice about something a bit awkward from ladies!

So, I need a bit of advice/help. I'm a 19 year old girl, and I've never had a Yeast Infection before. and I was explaining to my mom certain pains/itching/burning I've been having for the past few days and she said that's what she thinks it is and got me the 3 day treatment of Monistat. Now I have it right now but the burning is unbelievable. To those of you who have had one before and used Monistat, does the burning go away? is it even normal? And to those of you who have had one and not used Monistat, but something else, what did you use? PLEASE HELP ME.


  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    You have to be kidding. Get yourself to a doctor for a prescription for antibiotics.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I've never had burning with a yeast infection.. Might want to get checked out by your gyn just in case... especially if you're sexually active.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I have always used the monistat 7 day, just to make sure it is really gone, and have no problem. The burning during one got so bad I had to get the extra cream to help. It has always worked for me. But I would say that if things change in anyway you need to go to the doctor :) If it gets worse, or there is a reaction to the meds. Obviously if it doesn't go away after the meds you reallyreallyreally need to see a doctor.

    These things happen :)
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. Yeast infections are fungal, requiring an angifungal, like the OTC monistat mentioned in OP. It can take a day or more to start having symptom improvement.
  • TNR32
    TNR32 Posts: 110 Member
    The itching burning does go away with treatment. Sounds like yours in not only internal(cervix) but also external (vagina). And the cream needs to be used in both places. I know its a little unnerving when you have your first yeast infection not to mentionn uncomfortable. Hope you feel better and get it under control.
  • skinnybysummer24
    Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'm really just very confused and kind of scared. My mom and older sister said that burning can be common in some cases but not all, and they also said monistat does burn when applied. I just figured this was a good place to ask, since my diet has been changing since I've been losing weight and what not, and figured you all are more experienced than me :)
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Are you saying the burning is worse after inserting the medicine? Like the medicine is causing it? I had that happen to me and had to switch to the 7 day. The 3 day is more concentrated and made me more miserable! Go get the 7 day.
  • skinnybysummer24
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "you've got to be kidding" but I'd love to see a doctor, sadly he's booked until Feb, 2nd.
  • skinnybysummer24
    Are you saying the burning is worse after inserting the medicine? Like the medicine is causing it? I had that happen to me and had to switch to the 7 day. The 3 day is more concentrated and made me more miserable! Go get the 7 day.
    Yes! I feel like the burning is one hundred times worse. It's 11:42pm here right now, but tomorrow I'll go get the 7 day instead. is there any reason why it's better than the 3 day?
  • 141by2016
    141by2016 Posts: 179
    If it doesn't resolve, go and get checked for a UTI.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "you've got to be kidding" but I'd love to see a doctor, sadly he's booked until Feb, 2nd.

    Go to a walk-in clinic. It is not difficult for them to figure out if all you need is your 7-day over-the-counter, or if you need antibiotics before you wind up with a serious kidney infection & need overnight hospitalization <--- That can happen in literally 1 DAY.

    If you treat yourself for the wrong thing, and you actually have an infection that you wind up masking, you could become infertile.

    Not exaggerating. Not even a joke. You HAVE to take this seriously.

    Once you've actually been tested, and your symptoms become familiar, it is ok to treat yourself. But you do not know what you have, and neither do your mom and sister, unless they've tested your pee.

    So, GO TO A WALK-IN.

    Or Planned Parenthood:
  • amybjones8
    I've always used the 3 day and it worked just fine. But I will mention that, if you can, go to the doctor. They can give you a pill that will fix it in one dose. One pill and all done.

    Other things to be aware of: Cotton (breathable) underwear will prevent the infection from coming back. As well as having more yogurt in your diet.

    Hope this helps!
  • magicsonata
    magicsonata Posts: 15 Member
    I would strongly suggest you go to the doctor. I have had a few, and every time I research it I read that if you have never had a yeast infection you should see a doctor. Even if the medicine clears it up, there could be a reason you got it. I have only had them when I was pregnant, and before I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Not to say that either is the case for you but if you do not normally get them there may be a reason, and your doctor would be able to help you figure it out. There are other things that can have similar symptoms as well, and as my doctor told me last time (I was treating it with an over the counter med, and the symptoms were worsening) treating yourself for a yeast infection if it is something else is making your personal yeast resistant to the medicine so if you need it in the future it may not work.

    I hope it gets better soon, they are horrible!!
  • amills1152
    amills1152 Posts: 63 Member
    First, DO NOT USE MONISTAT 1 OVULE - it will feel like an egg of fire ants has hatched in your hoo-ha. Just use a 5 day wax capsule Monistat. Second, FOR THE BEST SYMPTOM RELIEF, if not the ONLY symptom relief:

    Go to a pharmacy and get something called AZO YEAST immediately. These things will not only help prevent future yeast infections but offer THE BEST symptom relief for a condition that is BARELY relieveable, but this stuff does the trick hardcore. It's just a pill you take 3 times a day, it's OTC, no Rx needed, it's not anything crazy. AZO is usually something people use for urinary tract infection relief, however the AZO Yeast one is specifically for yeast infections and is the only thing that has ever helped me.

    Won't cure it, only relieve you. Be sure to use some sort of Monistat kind of product to clear it up, you'll be good to go. Also, just like antibiotics, DON'T stop using the monistat just because stuff seems to be better, finish it through all the way and then be back to normal and happy! :)
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    And: if you have an actual fever, go to the ER, if there's no walk in open late.
  • amills1152
    amills1152 Posts: 63 Member
    And yes, the intense burning I've definitely had before. The first time I'd ever used AZO Yeast was when I had the worst infection in my LIFE, so bad that I called my mother over to my house to like take care of me because I couldn't even move from the bed, so he had to make me food, etc. She suggested I try it and by the time I was going to the doctor to confirm that's what it was, I already felt WAY better and it was way way waaay more manageable.

    PS: There was a period where I got them nearly every month - the reason? I was allergic to spermicidal lubrication on condoms - THAT STUFF IS AWFUL, avoid it at all costs. Hope you feel better soon!
  • skinnybysummer24
    Thank you for all the replies! I will definitely go see a walk in after I finish my classes tomorrow. I appreciate all the feedback. And to the person who said about the being infertile, I know you're not meaning to scare me, and meaning to help, but my mom has had a million of these, and my sister's had enough ti where I do like listening to what they're saying.
    I got the Monistat 3 day thing kind of really to try to relieve it tonight, my mom told me the cream would burn like hell when I put it on, so idk, yeah it burns like hell. But if I feel worse or no better tomorrow the nearest walk in will be seeing me.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Thank you for all the replies! I will definitely go see a walk in after I finish my classes tomorrow. I appreciate all the feedback. And to the person who said about the being infertile, I know you're not meaning to scare me, and meaning to help, but my mom has had a million of these, and my sister's had enough ti where I do like listening to what they're saying.
    I got the Monistat 3 day thing kind of really to try to relieve it tonight, my mom told me the cream would burn like hell when I put it on, so idk, yeah it burns like hell. But if I feel worse or no better tomorrow the nearest walk in will be seeing me.


    You do not know what you have, or that what you have is what your mom has had.
  • skinnybysummer24
    Thank you for all the replies! I will definitely go see a walk in after I finish my classes tomorrow. I appreciate all the feedback. And to the person who said about the being infertile, I know you're not meaning to scare me, and meaning to help, but my mom has had a million of these, and my sister's had enough ti where I do like listening to what they're saying.
    I got the Monistat 3 day thing kind of really to try to relieve it tonight, my mom told me the cream would burn like hell when I put it on, so idk, yeah it burns like hell. But if I feel worse or no better tomorrow the nearest walk in will be seeing me.


    You do not know what you have, or that what you have is what your mom has had.
    Thanks. I know. Which is why I made it clear I'd be seeing a walk in tomorrow.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Definitely see a doctor ASAP. There are other things that can be confused with a yeast infection, and a doctor is the person who can tell you for sure.