Those who pre plan their meals/calories. Pet peeve

Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
Okay rant time

I pre plan my meals pretty much every day, and do so to fit my calorie and more importantly for me macronutrient needs.
So I find it really, really annoying when somebody "hijacks" my meals. For example today my partner have plans to go out later in the evening. So I planned out my meals yesterday and included a kangaroo dish I have an hand as I needed it to get my protein up to where I want it for the day. I made a point to mention it to my partner.

Now he had turned around and said, "oh I want to do X before we go out so we will just grab dinner out"

I tried to remind him that he knew I had planned out my meals and already eaten a fair bit of that plan for the day, and now my eating would be screwed up for the day. However it just gets me labelled as unappreciative. I DO appreciate being taken out, but some forewarning would be nice so I can plan around it!

If this happened rarely I wouldn't really stress about it. I get that in real life you can't always plan everything and you need to learn to work around these things but lately this seems to happen REALLY often. Am I insane for getting bothered about this, or does it happen to you too?


  • JessXOVanity
    Nup, annoys me too!

    I plan my meals up to the point of actually downloading a menu for a place when i go out to eat, and it ANNOYS ME when the menu hasn't been updated for ages and has changed and I've already chosen what i want and its not on the menu anymore!!

    But yeh, sometimes my man decides that he wants to have pizza rather than go to the restaurant we agreed on all week and i'm like -_-
  • devastation77
    This can get under my skin sometimes. Tonight after the gym my friend was hinting to go and hit up the burger joint.

    I just said "I got a chicken breast at home calling my name"

    Aaaaaand outta there, lol
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Nup, annoys me too!

    I plan my meals up to the point of actually downloading a menu for a place when i go out to eat, and it ANNOYS ME when the menu hasn't been updated for ages and has changed and I've already chosen what i want and its not on the menu anymore!!

    But yeh, sometimes my man decides that he wants to have pizza rather than go to the restaurant we agreed on all week and i'm like -_-

    I do this too.

    So now I'm extra annoyed because I'm trying to ask him WHERE he wants to eat so I can look at my options, and he's all "oh we can just decide while we're out"
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    This can get under my skin sometimes. Tonight after the gym my friend was hinting to go and hit up the burger joint.

    I just said "I got a chicken breast at home calling my name"

    Aaaaaand outta there, lol

    I wish I had this option! Lol
  • devastation77
    I'm a stickler at the moment and my eating is on total lockdown for the week. Weekends though, all bets are off.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    What's more important to you, sticking to your calorie/meal plan goals and ultimately reach your fitness dream and looking sexy as fuh, or not be labeled "unappreciative"? I personally wouldn't give a flying fornication what anyone thought of me, if I was doing right by me and on the fast track to good health and a rockin bod.

    Sounds like your partner likes to get huffy and pout when he doesn't get his way, and tries to guilt you into doing what HE wants. Explain to him that you will not tolerate being "meal hijacked" from now on. Tell him you very much do appreciate when he takes you out, but if he does not give you X number of hours' notice, it's not going to happen. It may take a few times of you saying "no" for him to really get it, and he may get mad or moody or sulky about it, but if you are firm and don't give in, he will see you are serious about this and will eventually support you and admire you for having such dedication.

    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yeah that would be annoying.

    can you try making enough for two?

    i dont necessarily have this problem but a lot of my friends plan the social outing around eating out. it sucks because on one hand i want to be social and spend time with them BUT on the other hand i really hate not being 100% certain of what i'm eating
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    This got me yesterday. I also pre-plan and pre-log meals. But I got called in to attend a last minute business dinner/meeting to a place with a set menu. Ended up ~1000 calories over for the day. It happens. I'll just go for a slightly longer run today and eat a bit less to make up for it.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    It annoys me too. I had it happen last husband wanted Chilis and was like, LET'S GO! I tried to get a salad but it was still 900 calories and even though I brought half home, I wasn't fulfilled at all.

    That being said, I don't eat back exercise calories, nor do I plan a weekly cheat day so if something like this arises and I am unable to preplan, I don't sweat it. I eat what I want, usually taking leftovers for the next day, and workout a little extra or even don't sweat it because for the week, I may have been under 200-600 calories each of the other days. I know it sucks, but to make this a successful part of life, curve balls are going to be thrown at you and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. It won't kill you if it happens every once in awhile.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.

    In Australia, maybe. :/

    Maybe I can order some online....*strokes chin* I don't know how to cook it though...
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I find I still cave a little too easily on this. I'll have a quinoa tofu zucchini dish planned and my bf will say, "How about pizza?" and that'll be it. I can't really blame him but I do regret it sometimes. On the other hand, I want to be part of real life and not let what I eat completely control my life or prevent me from doing things with others. I'm trying to control the obsession that MFP and dieting in general can bring out, and I want to make this a sustainable lifestyle. That has to include social plans with friends that might include food.
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.

    Even as a New Zealander I kind of find this weird. It'd be like roasting up a kiwi in the oven for dinner. Next time I got to Oz though, I'm going to give Kangaroo meat a go.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.

    Even as a New Zealander I kind of find this weird. It'd be like roasting up a kiwi in the oven for dinner. Next time I got to Oz though, I'm going to give Kangaroo meat a go.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread.

    I would so try kiwi. Does anyone eat koala? Or is that a no-no?
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.
    We can get it in America as well. It is a great lean meat.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but people here in the US eat weird stuff, too. Bison has become fairly popular, and as a kid I lived in a place where hunting was big and we ate bear, elk, deer, etc. In some parts they eat alligator, opossum, etc.

    It sounds pretty gross to me now, but I guess if it moves, someone's gonna eat it. That includes ostrich, snakes, squirrel, whatever. {shudder}
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.

    Even as a New Zealander I kind of find this weird. It'd be like roasting up a kiwi in the oven for dinner. Next time I got to Oz though, I'm going to give Kangaroo meat a go.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread.

    I would so try kiwi. Does anyone eat koala? Or is that a no-no?

    I've never eaten koala, but then I've never seen anywhere that sells it. And I believe they're a protected species anyway.

    Kangaroo is pretty easily found in Australian grocery stores. Emu and crocodile can usually be found in "Australian outback" type restaurants.

    If you do find Kangaroo, just don't overcook it. It's horribly tough if you do. Either stew it, or cook it rare (medium-rare at most). It's good lean meat though.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.

    Even as a New Zealander I kind of find this weird. It'd be like roasting up a kiwi in the oven for dinner. Next time I got to Oz though, I'm going to give Kangaroo meat a go.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread.

    I would so try kiwi. Does anyone eat koala? Or is that a no-no?

    I've never eaten koala, but then I've never seen anywhere that sells it. And I believe they're a protected species anyway.

    Kangaroo is pretty easily found in Australian grocery stores. Emu and crocodile can usually be found in "Australian outback" type restaurants.

    If you do find Kangaroo, just don't overcook it. It's horribly tough if you do. Either stew it, or cook it rare (medium-rare at most). It's good lean meat though.

    I just looked it up and saw some nice juicy rare kanga steaks. My mouth is watering.
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    I understand that this would be frustrating, but that's LIFE. Random things come up. Instead of being annoyed at your boyfriend, be a little spontaneous and say "sounds great!". Be excited that he is taking you out! Even though your calories and macros for today won't be lined up exactly as you want them, you will gain the invaluable skill of being able to choose healthy-ish options and control portions when meals don't go as planned. :flowerforyou: