Those who pre plan their meals/calories. Pet peeve



  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    You're not alone in that. I hate when I have everything planned and I feel like I can relax because I know I'll be under my limit...then of course something happens and it turns out everyone wants to go to Burger King for dinner or a friend pops in and decides they want to go out and do something and you can't say no because you don't see them that often etc etc.. It pisses me off.

    But that's life. You can't always be in control. And that sucks.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I think koalas might be protected. As cute as kangaroos are they're also considered a pest here, so in doing my civic duty by eating them :p
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but people here in the US eat weird stuff, too. Bison has become fairly popular, and as a kid I lived in a place where hunting was big and we ate bear, elk, deer, etc. In some parts they eat alligator, opossum, etc.

    It sounds pretty gross to me now, but I guess if it moves, someone's gonna eat it. That includes ostrich, snakes, squirrel, whatever. {shudder}
    I can make the best alligator sauce picant!! Alligator is quite good, actually! So is armadillo, but I recommend against eating armadillo, as it carries leprosy… even the farmed ones…
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I understand that this would be frustrating, but that's LIFE. Random things come up. Instead of being annoyed at your boyfriend, be a little spontaneous and say "sounds great!". Be excited that he is taking you out! Even though your calories and macros for today won't be lined up exactly as you want them, you will gain the invaluable skill of being able to choose healthy-ish options and control portions when meals don't go as planned. :flowerforyou:
    My thoughts on this. We are trying to eat like normal people, right? This is a normal occurrence. Just be prudent when you choose your food. Don't eat french fries covered in ranch with a 1/2 lb bacon cheese burger and a large Coke followed by a fudge sundae or anything like that.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but people here in the US eat weird stuff, too. Bison has become fairly popular, and as a kid I lived in a place where hunting was big and we ate bear, elk, deer, etc. In some parts they eat alligator, opossum, etc.

    It sounds pretty gross to me now, but I guess if it moves, someone's gonna eat it. That includes ostrich, snakes, squirrel, whatever. {shudder}
    I can make the best alligator sauce picant!! Alligator is quite good, actually! So is armadillo, but I recommend against eating armadillo, as it carries leprosy… even the farmed ones…

    That shouldn't be a problem, as long as it's cooked through. Leprosy can't survive an oven. :)
  • Do Aussies seriously eat kangaroo, or were you just trying to be stereotypically cliche? Where can I get some? Color me intrigued...

    Sure. Can be bought from the meat section of any major grocery store.

    Even as a New Zealander I kind of find this weird. It'd be like roasting up a kiwi in the oven for dinner. Next time I got to Oz though, I'm going to give Kangaroo meat a go.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread.

    I would so try kiwi. Does anyone eat koala? Or is that a no-no?
    Nooooo Kiwis are endangered! I think kangaroos are pretty rampant in oz, it's not quite the same :)
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I pre-plan. Sometimes it works out, sometimes I have to re-adjust. It's no big deal. Yesterday I had my meals all pre-planned. Then my fiance and I went to get him new glasses. We walked back from there and I ended up burning over 500 calories and we got subway, so I was able to fit the subway into my meals and had some calories left over for some MUCH NEEDED chocolate(The commies are in the funhouse if you know what I mean).

    Just go with it, or if it bothers you so much, explain to your partner how important your planned meals are to you, and come to some sort of compromise.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but people here in the US eat weird stuff, too. Bison has become fairly popular, and as a kid I lived in a place where hunting was big and we ate bear, elk, deer, etc. In some parts they eat alligator, opossum, etc.

    It sounds pretty gross to me now, but I guess if it moves, someone's gonna eat it. That includes ostrich, snakes, squirrel, whatever. {shudder}
    I can make the best alligator sauce picant!! Alligator is quite good, actually! So is armadillo, but I recommend against eating armadillo, as it carries leprosy… even the farmed ones…

    That shouldn't be a problem, as long as it's cooked through. Leprosy can't survive an oven. :)
    By golly, you are right!!! I can eat armadillo again!!
  • This drives me crazy!
  • It annoys me too so I just say to my dad who without fail tries to corrupt me in eating junk food no I'm not eating the crap but you go a head and eat it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I leave dinner open most days just because of this.
  • My BF pulls this one on me....he did it on Fri night. I had my food all set, then suddenly he called from the subway and wanted to meet out for dinner. I just said no! Haha. Or I will go with him and just have a drink (compromise).

    Another this is, just go and eat well there....and eat your meal tomorrow. Sometimes it's OK to do what others want to do!!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yea, can be very frustrating. Partners, Friends, etc, just don't always understand it unless they're watching calories or planning meals as well. And it gets you labeled as "uptight" or "diet obsessed" in my experience, and that's annoying. Just because someone doesn't gorge themselves on a 2000 calorie meal 5 times a week doesn't make them obsessed. Sigh.
  • If I didn't have my cheat meal for the week I'd just consider that my cheat meal. However, if I already had my cheat meal then you gotta get creative and order whatever's lean and fits your macros.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i try to plan my meals before the day starts . i can totally relate to switching gears . my life brings on switching gears too often. yesterday for instance i had a last minute meeting to go to at a restaurant .i ordered healthy thankfully. when i got home i had to readjust everything though .. eventually i hope it becomes habit that i can do that all without having to document it all the time ... there are days i have three or more meetings/events to go to and that is a killer. everything is always around food. most events i do not eat at any more
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Unfortunately, this is life. I pre-plan as best I can, but sometimes life gets in the way. You can always tell him that you'd rather not go out, but I find it easier (and more fun) to just find something on the menu that fits your calorie/macronutrient needs.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I've never heard of eating kangaroo!!:noway:
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    Okay rant time

    I pre plan my meals pretty much every day, and do so to fit my calorie and more importantly for me macronutrient needs.
    So I find it really, really annoying when somebody "hijacks" my meals. For example today my partner have plans to go out later in the evening. So I planned out my meals yesterday and included a kangaroo dish I have an hand as I needed it to get my protein up to where I want it for the day. I made a point to mention it to my partner.

    Now he had turned around and said, "oh I want to do X before we go out so we will just grab dinner out"

    I tried to remind him that he knew I had planned out my meals and already eaten a fair bit of that plan for the day, and now my eating would be screwed up for the day. However it just gets me labelled as unappreciative. I DO appreciate being taken out, but some forewarning would be nice so I can plan around it!

    If this happened rarely I wouldn't really stress about it. I get that in real life you can't always plan everything and you need to learn to work around these things but lately this seems to happen REALLY often. Am I insane for getting bothered about this, or does it happen to you too?

    I had a partner like that, but the hijkacking occured like 2 or 3 times a week. After having lost 80 pounds over a period of 8 or 9 months I received no understanding from her and eventually put on every pound I lost, plus 10.

    If it is constant, sit him down and become dead serious. If I had to go through that again, I would show my partner the door. I don't recommend that for you, but I am not putting this weight on ever again.
  • KJFairywings
    KJFairywings Posts: 24 Member
    I think we all have someone who sabotages us some way, some how at some point along our journeys. I know I am a people pleaser so I try to accomodate everyone but at the same time I NOW feel that my people pleasing is a BIG part of what got me to this weight because I FORGOT to take care of ME and MY HEALTH first. SOOOOO, now it is my time and my turn and I make sure I am going to come first with what I have planned!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Sometimes it seems that life gets in the way of our health plans. Sometimes it seems our health plans get in the way of our lives.

    You are the only one to decide where to draw the lines.