motivational saying!

hey everyone I just wanted to start a list of motivational saying that we have all heard or seen! I figure it may help motivate some people more!
here are a few of mine

You're only 1 workout away from a good mood
All the pain you feel today will be worth it on the scale tomorrow
Sweat is fat crying!
A huge part of losing weight is believing you CAN do it and realizing it's not going to happen overnight!
It's not about having time! It's about making time!


  • It never gets easier. You just get better!

    If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up.
  • "I have failed again and again and again. That is why I succeed" - Michael Jordan
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Take twice as long to eat half as much:wink:
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    My favorite was given to me by an older gentleman at the pool...I was telling him that I don't swim "pretty" or fast, but it is a start. He got quiet and said -- "Don't worry about anyone else. Look at it this way; you just lapped every single person sitting on the couch doing nothing." It really helped me to hear that from a stranger. So now, instead of being self conscience in my bathing suit, I am proud I am in one and doing the work! :)
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    You don't have to go fast, you just have to go.
  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    “The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now”

    Zig Ziglar
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    My favorite was given to me by an older gentleman at the pool...I was telling him that I don't swim "pretty" or fast, but it is a start. He got quiet and said -- "Don't worry about anyone else. Look at it this way; you just lapped every single person sitting on the couch doing nothing." It really helped me to hear that from a stranger. So now, instead of being self conscience in my bathing suit, I am proud I am in one and doing the work! :)

    Pretty awesome!
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    Even when you fall on your face, you're still moving forward...

    And this one is simple: Do what you say you're going to do.
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right":wink:
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    No Excuses

    Pain is just weakness leaving the body

    Don't wish for it - Work for it!

    "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi

    At the end of the day who you are is totally and completely up to you
  • "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
    Mary Pickford
  • Suffer now, live like a champion tomorrow. -Muhammad Ali
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    "Nothing beats a failure but a TRY"- great inspiration from my mother-in-law. I don't know who said it before her :ohwell:
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    "Every Jouney Begins with a single step"
    "will power is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets"
  • My will is stronger than my want! :)
  • Sekxy49
    Sekxy49 Posts: 104 Member
    Fat Tuesday is now FIT Tuesday!!!
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    trying and falling in not failure, trying and giving up is failure
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    - Don't be upset by the results you didn't achieve from the work you didn't do.

    - That voice inside your head that says "you can't do this" is a LIAR.

    - If it doesn't feel hard, it isn't.

    And something good to remember, even if it's not necessarily related to fitness:

    - Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
  • LacyJean1
    LacyJean1 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't remember where I saw or heard this one, but it made me stop the excuses.

    "Somewhere, Someone who is busier than me is on a treadmill"
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Your journey starts today, not yesterday.

    It reminds me not to regret bad choices, just move past them.