Drinking and Diet



  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Ok, here is some advice from a professional;
    Spiced rum with Diet Dr.pepper or Diet grape fruit soda is a great choice at 112 cals.
    You can make your own spiced rum by adding a split vanilla bean and several cinnamon sticks to a bottle of amber rum. Takes about two weeks to steep.
    If you like fruity stuff, flavored vodka (I prefer watermelon) with lime and club soda 146 cals.
    Add a couple drops of Angostura bitters to either drink to open up all the flavors.
    With either drink add 2 oz of booze then top it off with your mixer.
    Good times...
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I know it's a love or hate thing, but Guinness is a fairly low-cal beer. 126 calories per 12 oz… I'm also a fan of tasty beer, my faves are Spaten Dunkel, Sam Winter Lager, and LPPB's '76 Frostbite Ale. However, Guinness is my winter favorite. Iin the summer, my go-to drink is Ketel One and club soda, sans fruit. If you're not into vodka, wine spritzers made with club are pretty reasonable in the calorie dept.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I indulge once a week in an IPA or homebrew. It's all in moderation.
  • millabird
    millabird Posts: 5 Member
    I am a hard cider drinker. My current favorite is FoxBarrel pear cider (a true perry made from pears), which is only 130 cals a bottle. Crispin hard apple cider (original) is 150 cals a bottle. In general, alcohol has become more of a rare special treat since I started my weight loss program, and I suppose that's a good thing!
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I drink Vodka lime and soda if I am on a night out, or the odd glass of wine at home.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I drink homemade "shandies" instead of straight up beer at home. 1/2 lemon crystal light, 1/2 pilsner or wheat beer... some artificial sweetener there if you're sensitive to that, but it's really refreshing and you still get the taste of the beer
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    savings this for later!
  • Oh god am Addicted :love: to Smirnoff Vodka and all it's many flavors...... :drinker: hahaha but am on this diet / eating clean plan that doesn't allow me to drink any alcohol... and so far it has worked as I've lost 16lbs in 19 days.... and no am not starving my self nor killing my body with crazy exercises ......
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    <--- Dry martini.

    Or, I'll start drinking one or two quality beers and switch to lighter beer for the rest of the evening. Corona light is pretty good compared to other mass brews.
    Jack Daniels on the rocks.

    Don't like Jack, but, you can cut it with a bit of sweet vermouth, add a drop of bitters, and you've got a Manhattan.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the best trick for me is just to limit myself. like when you started learning how to have less portions at dinner, and driving past a McDonalds or whatever, you have to stop having 2-3 beers in a row.

    some tricks might be to just keep 1-2 in the fridge at a time, that way you can only enjoy the cold ones.
  • I being a beer drinker from WI have switched more to wine or vodka, club soda, and lemon. I got a great tip from someone on here to add a shot of MIO (flavor your choice) into the vodka and soda...I tried blueberry and it was soooo good! I still leave some extra calories for days when I really want that beer:)
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Exercise and drink the beer you like :) Calories in is Calories out.

    Thats the way i think about it. If i cut everything out ive always enjoyed id fall off my diet in a heartbeat.

    Work for it.
  • I usually go with Vodka and sprite zero.
    RICANNBLK Posts: 11 Member
    Just drink Vodka or Corona light
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    I would suggest trying wine, volka, or just limiting the number of beers you have. Good luck!
  • I am right with you!! I love beer!! Not just one or two a night but 6. I never realized how much I really drank until I sat down and kept track and posted it on MFP. I realized that I can really put them away. My goal for right now is limit to 4 a night. Tonight is going to be a drinking night. I can tell by the day I've had!! So I'm going to go home and workout with my DVD and drink my 6 pack!! I should be able to come close to breaking even or only have a few "empty" calories.
  • juditanne
    juditanne Posts: 59 Member
    SO GLAD SOMEONE POSTED THIS. i am in the same boat as OP. i enjoy my hoppy craft beers. the city i live in is thriving in the craft beer movement. three floyds, half acre, two brothers, finch's, etc.

    when i broke my leg, i was out of commission for a little over a month and i was not drinking at all. i lost 27lbs. i was amazed when i was able to step back on the scale. i came back home after staying at my mother's and had a few beers, which led to a bunch more... you know the drill. i gained 17 of those pounds back!

    it sucks loving beer, but i feel in order to be happy you cannot completely take away the things you love. moderation is key and..... i am bored. haha.
  • Missellaneous02
    Missellaneous02 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in the same boat you are, plus I don't like wine or most hard alcohol. What is working for me so far is a Citrus Vodka, like Absolute Citron, and plain soda water with a lemon wedge (Citron and Soda). Soda water has no calories or sugar, and It's a simple refreshing drink that you don't have to consume too much of in order to be on the same page as your friends on a Friday night.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I also go for the guiness, or a vodka and diet juice of choice (I suggest cranberry or pomegranate). Another good little trick is to drink a full glass of water between each beer/drink - it slows down the alcohol intake, helps you get your water intake, and help stave off hangovers..
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    Several dietitians and nutritionalists have told me the "healthiest" option when drinking is vodka and soda water. You can flavour it with lemon, lime, berries, cucumber, watermelon, any natural fruit juice really. I've tried this with some grated ginger, it's actually really nice, and super refreshing. It doesn't bloat you like beer. Another option would be gin and tonic.

    Best advice I received was drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink, it helps hydrate the body. Every now and then I will give in a have a Guiness or Kilkenny, but only one or two pints. I figure if I gonna drink beer then go for the strong stuff!