Drinking and Diet



  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    IPA's on the weekends, or Shock Top or Blue Moon but when I'm trying to be "good" during the week, I drink Bud Light Platinum, less calories, bolder flavor than a light beer and twice the alcohol so I drink less. :drinker: :drinker: CHEERS!
  • When I went 2months clean eating I drank a couple times and instead of beer/wine coolers like I always had in the past I mixed vodka with water and added flavored water like Mio, for some great taste w/o the added sugar/sodium that pop or juice adds to mixed drinks. Plus adding the water minimized the hangover the next day:wink:
  • stick to white wine or champagne, not too bad on calories
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am a fan of beer, and not this ultra-lite no flavor beer, but hoppy, robust, kick-*kitten* beer. The problem is, as I am sure you know, that one of these lovely beers has several hundred calories per bottle! So, in an effort to help my weight loss, I have decided to switch to other types of drinks. You might say, "you would be healthier and loose more weight if you didn’t drink alcohol" or "Alcohol is full of empty calories and sugar" to which I would reply "yes, indeed, now pass me that bottle opener". So, please don't take this the wrong way, but if your only helpful advice is abstinence, then this thread is not for you. I am looking for some tricks of the trade, other options, tasty beverages that are a little on the lighter side and just some good ole' drinking dialog. Let’s lose weight and celebrate!

    I like wine or a diet soda and rum/ vodka:drinker:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have noticed that wine gets on top of me a lot faster than beer, so I tend to drink less wine than I would beer, but man I get the worst hangovers! Makes me think of the next topic "How to drink wine without head splitting hangovers". I really like the idea of adding seltzer water, good tip! I have mixed merlot with coke aka calimocho - which is terribly delicious and terribly not helpful to losing weight, but hey when the Basque are in town what do you do?
    It's the sugar that gives you the hangover ya know... sugar free wine?? Does that exist?? my friend swear by skinny girl wine.. i'll have to try it lo.
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    lol! looks like alot of us are in the same boat! I am enjoying reading all the great suggestions! Thanks to the OP for posting this! Our problem with limiting alcohol to the weekends is, for some reason we seem to think the weekend is Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! not good for counting calories!:drinker: :happy:
  • i'm in the same boat. Drank cider heavily for many years and now i'm paying the price. but with MFP logging everything in and exercise, it's helping me to save up calories and have a blowout at the weekend. I'm now realising that if i do a little bit more exercise as well, i can add another pint or 2 to the well deserved session!!! I used to be 10 pints a night, 7 days a week but now i'm 7 pints a night, twice a week, it's hard but worth it in the long run....
  • juditanne
    juditanne Posts: 59 Member
    for some reason we seem to think the weekend is Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! not good for counting calories!:drinker: :happy:

    exactly! haha
  • bloomlately
    bloomlately Posts: 532 Member
    Beer isn't *that* bad in moderation. The higher the ABV, the higher the calorie count. So, a typical 4.5-5% ABV beer is about 150-200 calories for 12 oz. There's some charts online that provide a rough estimate. There will be a little guesstimation involved since no microbreweries provide calorie counts and some beers are sweeter than others in the same ABV range.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    for some reason we seem to think the weekend is Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! not good for counting calories!:drinker: :happy:

    exactly! haha

    and monday and tuesday.. and wednesday.....LOL

    (no.. i do not drink everyday. lol. only friday and saturday)
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    oddly enough guiness stout is actually lower in calories than a pale Lager beer. when they toast the grain to make the beer dark
    some of the sugars are burnt off. At 123 calories per 12 ounce it may not be light beer but it's on of the richest and most satisfying
    brews there is. Personally I'd rather drink club soda or than "light beer" It taste the same and has no calories
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    Stella Artois Cidre, 106cals per 440mls...
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    oddly enough guiness stout is actually lower in calories than a pale Lager beer. when they toast the grain to make the beer dark
    some of the sugars are burnt off. At 123 calories per 12 ounce it may not be light beer but it's on of the richest and most satisfying
    brews there is. Personally I'd rather drink club soda or than "light beer" It taste the same and has no calories
  • kxxooo
    kxxooo Posts: 434 Member
    Think if you are accountable for your calories, be truthful log it all. Calories in calories burnt... that's one hell of a lot of exercise for those few drinks... but hey sometimes it is just WORTH IT!
  • Thanks for all of the suggestions! You are some creative drinkers and I applauded you.

    I live in the Northwest so I have a tendency to lean towards Microbrews like Crooked Fences’ Rusty Nail IPA (yummm!) or my all-time go to beer is Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale and sometimes I dabble into a Deschutes or Rogue beer - always a good option.

    My finance has started making his own beer, anyone know of a way to tell what calories are in home brewed beer? We have the gravity readings which let us know how much sugar the yeast has eaten, is there a formula to go from there to determine the calories?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    No point in swapping what you love for an unappealing alternative. My "tricks of the trade" are to only drink out of exercise calories to make sure I'm getting enough nutrition out of food first, pre log if I know I'm going out so I know how much I can drink and stick to it, only drink with meals so it doesn't slip down too easily, and to have at least three days off drinking altogether every week.
  • EBurke0723
    EBurke0723 Posts: 17 Member
    I used to only drink microbrew wheat beers but I have since gave them up (or only save for special occassions) and now stick to flavored vodka with club soda. I really want to lose weight but I also need one night a week where I can unwind and have fun with friends. :-)
  • Bumping for later! Great ideas!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I still drink the big beers. I'd rather have 1 awesome beer to finish a day off than to not. This past saturday, I tore into Founders Breakfast Stouts. I also ran 7 miles that morning.

    It's ALL in moderation. If you'd rather drink two 115 calorie beers, go for it. I'd rather make room in my day for something awesome though.

    There's an Avery Samael in the beer fridge right now. It's getting cracked open once I finish a measured half marathon.
  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    Ahh yes. Abstinence is best but oh such a bore sometimes.

    I love the meal in a glass beer myself but usually only partake when I can get it on tap. Since I'm old and married with a 4 year old I don't get to the bar much any more. Took care of that.

    Now my drink of choice is red wine... might not be a problem if drinking 5 oz. was enough to satisfy but alas I'm greedy and have minimal will power. So usually avoidance works better for me.

    In my younger WW success story athletic body that had nothing better to do than hang out at bars and nightclubs with friends I would drink vodka, club soda, and lots of lime. Now with all the different flavored vodkas this is even better... I like citrus flavors personally.