


  • Lovable12
    How much are you eating? Changing my calorie goal, actually eating more, helped me out. You've already lost some weight, it's likely your calorie needs have changed, especially if you're working out hard and your fitness is improving.

    My diary is open - I eat 1800+ calories a day and am losing fat and inches, working out 5 or 6 days a week, alternating days of running and weights/strength. I found this topic to be very helpful in getting things going in the right direction:

    exactly this. I was stuck at 2.5 months. Followed the thread that I quoted and have started losing again.

    I've heard of something similar where people eat at the deficit every day of the week but one in which they eat whatever they want... (kinda what I end up doing anyways lol) but I will have to try this!
  • Lovable12
    Read this:

    Actually, I think everyone should read that....

    Sounds really healthy not sure if I have the willpower to make that much a dramatic change! thanks!
  • Lovable12
    1: I don't know your height etc but maybe consider that this could be a good weight for you
    2: If you are determined and you need those last 7lbs then I would recommend going up to maintenance level for a few weeks and then starting back in again.

    I hit what seemed like an unbreakable plateau and then suffered an injury before Xmas so virtually no exercise and a struggle to keep the calories in line with that Xmas food. I managed to go that 5 weeks with only putting on 1lb which wasn't too bad considering but since January 1st I've been back on track and lost around 5lbs which is a real achievement for me. It's fab to see the scale moving again.

    Just remember that when you are this close to your goal its going to come off slooooowly!

    Good luck!

    1: I am 5'3-4ish
    2: I am definitely going to try that as so many people have recommended that. Its not so much as I really need to lose it, just more of a I set that as my goal and really want to reach it lol...
