Raspberry ketone pills



  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
  • mlcastle
    Scam. People need to stop looking for the quick fix.
    blah blah blah lifestyle change
    blah blah blah eat whole, real food
    that's it.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    I have friends that tried them for a few days. I have always felt that the pills were more motivation than helpful. It does say on the packages "with proper diet and exercise" <<<this will help with weight loss not a "magic pill"

    I have never been a fan of putting drugs, pills, powders, etc into my body for any reason. Major concern with what it is doing to my internal organ!

    Never been a fan of "shortcuts"
  • All_Out_Attack
    I received a free sample of them in the mail so I tried them. The only noted effect? Horrific headaches. Awful.
  • BeautifulBrownButterfly
    i have taken them all they did was give me headache and made me burp ***LOLOLOL**** i will stick to eating better and working out that seems to be working much better for me :-)
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    They shrink a type of fat cell while you are taking them. If you stop taking the pill the fat cells plump right back up. So, do you want to take them forever or work out? It is ok if you have an event or going on vacation and want to look great for that small period of time. The don't sell a replacement for hard work yet, sorry.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I don't think anyone said it was a magic pill.

    I been seeing it a lot in people's diaries, but I have no idea if it works. It's probably water soluble and you pee it out anyways :) If it helps to stay on track then I say give a try. Sometimes, taking something gives us the mind set we need to follow through with our goals. Nothing wrong with that!

    I started taking a B12 vitamin because I feel very fatigued and it's supposed to boost metabolism, I don't consider it a magic pill, but it's not hurting me to take it either :)

    Wasting resources on quackery hurts. It undermines the necessary connection to reality. (re: ketones, not necessarily b12)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I don't think anyone said it was a magic pill.

    I been seeing it a lot in people's diaries, but I have no idea if it works. It's probably water soluble and you pee it out anyways :) If it helps to stay on track then I say give a try. Sometimes, taking something gives us the mind set we need to follow through with our goals. Nothing wrong with that!

    I started taking a B12 vitamin because I feel very fatigued and it's supposed to boost metabolism, I don't consider it a magic pill, but it's not hurting me to take it either :)

    Sure there's something wrong with it. If I sold you a piece of gravel to keep in your pocket while you were at the gym, and you had to carry a different piece of rock to the gym every time you went, and you LOST weight and got healthy with the piece of gravel in your pocket, then you might turn around and give credit to the magic pocket stone.

    I'd be making a profit off of these pieces of magic-pocket-gym-gravel. People would think it worked, when they were really just exercising.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    If there was a pill that made you lose weight while eating tons of McDonald's, there'd not be a fat person left in America. Chances are you've become more aware of what you are eating and that's what's doing the trick.

    ^ This. And yes, Dr. Oz goes "quack, quack"
  • msgabismit
    I don't think anyone said it was a magic pill.

    I been seeing it a lot in people's diaries, but I have no idea if it works. It's probably water soluble and you pee it out anyways :) If it helps to stay on track then I say give a try. Sometimes, taking something gives us the mind set we need to follow through with our goals. Nothing wrong with that!

    I started taking a B12 vitamin because I feel very fatigued and it's supposed to boost metabolism, I don't consider it a magic pill, but it's not hurting me to take it either :)

    ^^^^^ this...love the positive attitude among these others
  • bambi_woodward
    It doesn't matter what it is. IF GIVES YOU MOTIVATION TO DO THE WORK THEN DO WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU! I didn't compare B12 to ketones. If you do your research and it doesn't harm your body then go with it.

    You don't have to be so negative towards people. Most people start out having a very hard time stay on track. Your attitude towards their questions is not helping. Why would you want to make someone feel like an idiot for just asking a question.
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    I tried them last year, just in case. I bought a one-month bottle, took the whole thing over the next four weeks completely as directed. No change at all. I didn't have any weight loss that was any different from what I'd been achieving already. The first week though, I definitely DID have a headache every day. Not worth it at all.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I don't think anyone said it was a magic pill.

    I been seeing it a lot in people's diaries, but I have no idea if it works. It's probably water soluble and you pee it out anyways :) If it helps to stay on track then I say give a try. Sometimes, taking something gives us the mind set we need to follow through with our goals. Nothing wrong with that!

    I started taking a B12 vitamin because I feel very fatigued and it's supposed to boost metabolism, I don't consider it a magic pill, but it's not hurting me to take it either :)

    ^^^^^ this...love the positive attitude among these others

    I don't see the positive in giving credit to a marketing scam as compared to giving credit to a person's strength and hard work. Be positive about your own abilities and commitment.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    It doesn't matter what it is. IF GIVES YOU MOTIVATION TO DO THE WORK THEN DO WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU! I didn't compare B12 to ketones. If you do your research and it doesn't harm your body then go with it.

    You don't have to be so negative towards people. Most people start out having a very hard time stay on track. Your attitude towards their questions is not helping. Why would you want to make someone feel like an idiot for just asking a question.

    Why don't you recommend they take a b12. It'll actually do something. Coddling, hand-holding, and encouraging someone to waste their money on some garbage pill from a quack doctor is going to do nothing. They could spend that money on healthier food.

    I'll support ANYONE that wants to make a change in their life, I did it in my own, by myself, and have had plenty of success. I'm sorry you feel the need to pet the OP and make her feel okay that she's wasting her time and money.
  • Leslie_Sumner
    I tried them too. Didn't work for me!!!
  • bambi_woodward
    I'm not recommending anything. If they want to carry your "magic rock" around in their pocket for motivation so be it. No one is saying that they want a magic pill, or that they don't want to do the work to get where they want to be.

    Stop being so harsh. She just asked a question.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Stop being so harsh. She just asked a question.

    Yes, a question. One that has been asked a million times and was answered before you came in to scold us all for answering the question.

    but hey, thanks for the input.

    ETA: Sorry YOU didn't like the honest answers here. I've yet to see a response from the OP.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I love when people say it doesnt matter what you do as long as it motivates you lol

    yeah dont let it bother you that this little pill is also going to be the biggest DEMOTIVATOR you have ever encountered in a few weeks to a month.

    la la la lose 8 pounds because you have a 'placebo' helping you... one month later, run out of pills, keep going to the gym, gain 12 pounds back cause the pills aren't in your system anymore, realise it wasn't a placebo, see the gain, realise that it was mucking up your system and your progress wasn't from hard work, make a Jackie Chan face, lose all motivation, throw your hands in the air with tears in your eyes and give up til April when it's warmer and more logical to exercise.
  • bambi_woodward
    I didn't scold you. I gave her my answer. You can give an answer without being rude or over the top. I'm sure a simple, yes I've tried it doesn't work would suffice. Or No, I haven't taken it. Or don't answer at all.

    You have a wonderful day!