Do it with me, or get the heck out!!



  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    "Either do this damn thing with me, or get the hell out of here!"

    Totally motivational! :flowerforyou:
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    So, I started the 30 day Shred 3 days ago. I'm suffering for sure, but I'm sticking with it. The bigger problem is, last night my husband comes into the room and stands there eating a handful of chips (chomp, crunch, chomp) and WATCHES me do the video!! That pushed me right over the edge! I looked at him and said, "Either do this damn thing with me, or get the hell out of here!"
    Am I sorry I lost my temper? Sort of. But, mostly not. He thinks he was being supportive by being in the room with me. On what planet is that supportive?
    Sorry, I just need to complain. I've started this "diet" and excerise thing pretty much alone. It's really hard to stay focused when everyone around you is just doing and eating whatever they want. Every night I hear, "Let's go get a Blizzard." to which I respond, "None for me, thanks. You guys go ahead." I'm fine with that, but I'm drawing the line at someone eating snack food while watching me excerise!
    Deep breath! I feel better!

    Not quite the same... but my husband comes in and has to get things off the printer sometimes when i do the video... and he fakes having to do lunges and deep breathing while he retrieves the papers...

    At first I found that very irritating, now its amusing. He generally stays out of my way because I keep asking him to try it with me and he wants no part of it. I think you were spot on... keep asking him to do it with you and I bet he'll steer clear...
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My wife is trying to lose 50 lbs this year. I ask her often how it's going with intake and exercise. I send her encouraging texts on days with her trainer. She says I'm bugging her too much. Then I read this. There must be a happy medium somewhere.

    All I ask of my partner is that he listen when I need to talk (and I am pretty good about being clear - even if I start at a bad time, I will notice he isn't paying attention and ask if he can please pay attention now or set aside time later) and do something active with me once in awhile on the weekends. I don't want him asking about my intake (questions about nutrition in general are fine), exercise only as a "what did you do today" kind of thing.

    He is allowed, but not expected, to make suggestions - if I am hunting in the pantry he can make a healthy suggestion; if I have already opened up a brownie, I hope he keeps his mouth shut. If I have already said I kind of want to or should do something, it can be nice to be nudged (he got me to go through with my Biggest Loser workout on Sunday night by chanting "Biggest Loser, Biggest Loser" in a cute voice), but it isn't expected of him and I imagine there will be times when even that wouldn't be appreciated.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I don't like people watching me exercise, especially videos, I look ridiculous. So it's "don't bother me" time while exercising.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Well, this is one of the most male/female polarized threads that I've seen in a while!

    Our home gym is in the basement, which is half home theatre, half gym. Personally, I'm not comfortable with starting a workout (treadmill or resistance bands only) if someone is already utilizing the home theatre, but I'm OK with-it, if someone decides to come-down to watch a flick whilst I'm working-out, and they happen to bring "movie snacks/crunchies/yum-yums", that's their business.

    I'm not going to snap at them because I'm sweating/hurting/stinking & they're relaxing/pigging-out, they're doing what they want to do, & I'm doing what I want to do.

    So I say to you "Stop whining and focus on your damned workout!"

    Now that I've annoyed every female on these boards, I'll also say that I fully agree with you, it really is kind of insensitive (OK, damned RUDE) of him to do that to you, but remember, you're improving yourself for you, not him... you'll have the last laugh in the end, I'm sure.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Well, OP, at least he was doing something he thought would make you feel better, so his heart was in the right place.

    It's okay to have your workouts be "do not disturb" time, but you might want to talk to him about this when you feel more level headed and explain to him that it makes you feel weird to have him standing there and watching.

    I'm having to get used to my bf watching me do certain things because we live in a TINY studio. I prefer the british term "bedsit" because it gives you the right mental image. But if you have another room you can go into, that's cool. If he wants to be supportive maybe come up with a physical activity you'd both enjoy doing together?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i have the same problem but with my extended family, (parents, aunts, uncles)... they know i have a plan and im sticking to it, they know that there are 2 days a month that i will go out with them and not worry about what we eat, however, they constantly go out, and try to get me to go. then, when i say no, they call my kids... i have 5... and they rally my 5 kids against me, and i feel like its a complete terrorist takeover situation when all 5 are whining and complaining about wanting to go out with everyone. then, they try and talk me out of going to the gym, because... its gotten a little better, because ive been avoiding these people... i really want to succeed and dont need other people trying to sabbatage me. like i said, i have comprimised with my family and 5 kids, and 2 days a month, im open to going anywhere and eating anything... BUT DANG IT... LEAVE ME ALONE THE REST OF THE DAYS!!! i think when people are not on the same page with healthy and changing lifestyles, it can cause a little irritation when you feel like thier support is not what it should be. however, that being said... i cant make my mom and aunt eat better or go to the gym, so, all i can do is continue to turn them down and do my thing.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    i have the same problem but with my extended family, (parents, aunts, uncles)... they know i have a plan and im sticking to it, they know that there are 2 days a month that i will go out with them and not worry about what we eat, however, they constantly go out, and try to get me to go. then, when i say no, they call my kids... i have 5... and they rally my 5 kids against me, and i feel like its a complete terrorist takeover situation when all 5 are whining and complaining about wanting to go out with everyone. its gotten a little better, because ive been avoiding these people... i really want to succeed and dont need other people trying to sabbatage me. like i said, i have comprimised with my family and 5 kids, and 2 days a month, im open to going anywhere and eating anything... BUT DANG IT... LEAVE ME ALONE THE REST OF THE DAYS!!!

    Yikes, that is a problem! I hope you find a way of dealing with THAT!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My husband has settled in to watch me exercise before; talk about ruining my concentration! Now I either go to a gym or time it for when he's somewhere else.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    This isn't what I came into this thread hoping for

    Who cares. No one types a post to meet someones needs. Obviously it did something for you if you had to leave a comment. :noway: just sayin

  • cpa6533
    cpa6533 Posts: 12
    If he really wanted to be in there with me, he could have said something like, "Girl, look at that body!"
    To which I could have responded, "I work out!"

    At least that would have made me laugh.
  • LoveTexas
    This isn't what I came into this thread hoping for

    Who cares. No one types a post to meet someones needs. Obviously it did something for you if you had to leave a comment. :noway: just sayin


    Because fitness and weightloss are a serious matter.