No More Excuses -- Week 19



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning everyone!! What a beautiful day it is here!!!!! I love hot springy weather, too bad that I can't get outside and go walking due to my knee but I might go outside and sit on the porch or something. Yesterday was not a good day for me. I was in a lot of pain so what do I do EAT!!!!!!! I need to get out of that and it is harder than just saying that I need to get out of that. I am determined that today is going to be a great day with my eating. I know that I can do this!!!!!!!!!!

    You are right......YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!.... We are all here for you! Hope your knee heals soon. Yes, definately go outside....It will make you feel better!!!!
  • SeminoleFan30
    Good morning everyone!! What a beautiful day it is here!!!!! I love hot springy weather, too bad that I can't get outside and go walking due to my knee but I might go outside and sit on the porch or something. Yesterday was not a good day for me. I was in a lot of pain so what do I do EAT!!!!!!! I need to get out of that and it is harder than just saying that I need to get out of that. I am determined that today is going to be a great day with my eating. I know that I can do this!!!!!!!!!!

    You are right......YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!.... We are all here for you! Hope your knee heals soon. Yes, definately go outside....It will make you feel better!!!!

    I went outside for awhile and it was great. However for some reason I can't get it together when it comes to food, I end up eating to much. I will not let that stop me from trying though.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Finally finishe W3D3 of C25K. Burnt 361 cals, and did 2 miles.

    Great job, Renae!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Morning to everyone......Have a cup of coffee on me:drinker: .... It's 44 degrees outside and cloudy....Another word gloomy.....what a drag. Going to make the most out of today. Grand kids are so bored that Trey offered to cut the grass with a pair of scissors....:bigsmile: ....of course I told him no! Seem to be off schedule today and haven't eaten breakfast. I really want to skip it, but can't.

    Ann - I tried to watch Castle last night, but kept getting interrupted with phone calls. I sounds like a great show.

    Say a little prayer today.....DH has an interview at 10am for a job. One of our friends said to come in and fill out app and the job is his. We've been unemployed for 1 year now. It's tough out there. Thank God we are not in debt and have no credit card debt. It's amazing what you can live on when you have to.

    Off to much of nothin"


    Have you heard anything about the job yet?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning everyone!! What a beautiful day it is here!!!!! I love hot springy weather, too bad that I can't get outside and go walking due to my knee but I might go outside and sit on the porch or something. Yesterday was not a good day for me. I was in a lot of pain so what do I do EAT!!!!!!! I need to get out of that and it is harder than just saying that I need to get out of that. I am determined that today is going to be a great day with my eating. I know that I can do this!!!!!!!!!!

    You are right......YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!.... We are all here for you! Hope your knee heals soon. Yes, definately go outside....It will make you feel better!!!!

    I went outside for awhile and it was great. However for some reason I can't get it together when it comes to food, I end up eating to much. I will not let that stop me from trying though.

    Laura...I go over on my cals a lot of days. Some days I have to exercise again just to come out even. I love to eat!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...I made it to the gym today for about a 600 calorie burn. Hubs and I went for a 1-1/2 mile walk earlier today. It was so beautiful I just had to get outside. Hope you all have a good night.

    Ann and Renae...I tried my first cup of green tea and can't say that I like it. Is it an acquired taste or did you just love it right away? I added a little Splenda and it still tastes yucky. I got the Lipton mixed berry flavor. Maybe it will grow on me.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Evening team...I made it to the gym today for about a 600 calorie burn. Hubs and I went for a 1-1/2 mile walk earlier today. It was so beautiful I just had to get outside. Hope you all have a good night.

    Ann and Renae...I tried my first cup of green tea and can't say that I like it. Is it an acquired taste or did you just love it right away? I added a little Splenda and it still tastes yucky. I got the Lipton mixed berry flavor. Maybe it will grow on me.

    Well.....I got just the LIpton plain old "green" tea (no flavors) AND.....I'm almost entirely Scotish..My maternal grandparents nationalized from Scotland..:) We like our tea!!! ;) It is definately a different taste than the regular tea. I don't know about the flavored ones though. Sorry you didn't like it? You can get the green tea pills and gum as well. I don't know how well those work though. Give it a couple of tries.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all! the scale was not so kind this morning. It showed up 2 lbs. I guess I better start being better about the foods that go in my mouth. I haven't been really bad, but just a chocolate here and there or ice cream!!!! SHOOT!!!!

    Am going to be in a meeting all morning so will not be eating then!!! ;) However, I have to drive an hour to it and from it! I did bring my grapes and my almonds to keep me tied over!!! ;) Hopefully that will work!

    Everyone have a great Wednesday and HAPPY ST PATTY'S DAY!!!! I'm mostly Scotch but have some Irish in me as well!!

    Talk to you soon,
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Tammy - I have the no flavor stuff that I usual drink (Uncle Lee's Lemen Green Tea). I did not like the taste right away, but it has grown on me. I did buy a small pack of the one you have, but have only tried one cup of it so far.

    Have lots of books to do today, and it is suppose to be nice here, 10C for a high. But man does that make the yard a snowy mud hole. At least the kids will have fun getting dirty.

    Will be going to step aerobics tonight (as long as hubby gets home in time for me to go).

    Ann, I hope your meetings go well, and Tammy W2G with the burn last night.
  • BornNRaised
    Good Morning to everyone:drinker: ....Off and running with the kidooos. We are going on a tour of the Governor's Mansion today. I've never been there myself, so am looking forward to going.

    No word on the job yet...2 1/2 hour interview. I think he's got it. Just don't know about the pay yet. Keeping fingers crossed.

    Everyone exercise hard and sweat. I still can't walk right without limping. My calves are still hurting.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good evening all...Had a busy day today. I typed this morning and then went thrifting with my step-mom at 10:00. We didn't get hom until 4:30. Found some really great bargains and only spent about $10 plus lunch, which was a wonderful homemade buffet (not getting on the scale tomorrow). I decided to turn in my notice and leave my national job. The local work pays so much more and I don't have a set schedule. I get the work one afternoon and have until 1:00 the next day to get it back and I work for a very sweet lady so that is a big bonus. I'm sure it was the right decision, it is just scary. Hope you all have a great evening.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I just have to brag a little on my oldest son. He got an invitation to join the National Technical Honor Society for academic excellence in his engineering courses at Swofford. This is a program that students can take while in high school and finish their senior year. If they go to a technical college, the classes will transfer. If they go directly to a four-year university, the classes will not transfer but the students have the chance to test out of their first 3 engineering classes. He is our brainiac. We are very proud of him
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    I just have to brag a little on my oldest son. He got an invitation to join the National Technical Honor Society for academic excellence in his engineering courses at Swofford. This is a program that students can take while in high school and finish their senior year. If they go to a technical college, the classes will transfer. If they go directly to a four-year university, the classes will not transfer but the students have the chance to test out of their first 3 engineering classes. He is our brainiac. We are very proud of him

    How exciting!!! My youngest wants to be an engineer as well. Good for your son! You have every right to be proud and brag!!! ;)
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good evening all...Had a busy day today. I typed this morning and then went thrifting with my step-mom at 10:00. We didn't get hom until 4:30. Found some really great bargains and only spent about $10 plus lunch, which was a wonderful homemade buffet (not getting on the scale tomorrow). I decided to turn in my notice and leave my national job. The local work pays so much more and I don't have a set schedule. I get the work one afternoon and have until 1:00 the next day to get it back and I work for a very sweet lady so that is a big bonus. I'm sure it was the right decision, it is just scary. Hope you all have a great evening.

    Glad you feel comfortable with your decision. That is 90% of a change. Hope it all goes well for you!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning team!

    Well......I did W1D2 of C25K last night!!!! EGADS!!!! The good news is, I made it the 20 minutes last night.....The bad news is, I am SO....sore this morning. After I did the run, I went to Curves. What a dummy!!! The scale is still not so kind this morning, but I know I didn't drink the water like I should have yesterday because of the meeting and then I walked into a disaster at work when I got back. SHOOT!!! That is my mission today....WATER>WATER>WATER!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday. We are suppose to have 70 degrees again today....Then 30's and snow tomorrow. What is up with this weather!!! I think it is called Spring in Colorado!!!!

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team!

    Well......I did W1D2 of C25K last night!!!! EGADS!!!! The good news is, I made it the 20 minutes last night.....The bad news is, I am SO....sore this morning. After I did the run, I went to Curves. What a dummy!!! The scale is still not so kind this morning, but I know I didn't drink the water like I should have yesterday because of the meeting and then I walked into a disaster at work when I got back. SHOOT!!! That is my mission today....WATER>WATER>WATER!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday. We are suppose to have 70 degrees again today....Then 30's and snow tomorrow. What is up with this weather!!! I think it is called Spring in Colorado!!!!


    Congrats on the run! Running is so hard for me, I usually don't do anything else on running days. Enjoy the beautiful weather today! Me too on the water. That is my goal today...WATER!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good evening team...Hope you all had a wonderful day. I worked until about 2:00 and then rested for a while and had just about talked myself out of the gym, but I made myself get up and go. I did the outside trail again today but for some reason it was terribly hard. I guess it depends on my mood. Then I went into the gym and did 10 minutes on the bike and did the Nautilus machines, crunches, push-ups and stretches. Today it was made official that I am leaving my national job. They started the paperwork for my resignation, so no backing out. I'm sure it will work out fine. It was beautiful here in SC today. The boys are out of school tomorrow so I'm taking my youngest swimming and then his dad is taking him to play golf at the Par 3 course. My oldest is "hanging out" with some of his friends, so no family time with him :cry: The Mentalist comes on tonight so I'd better finish typing so I can watch. G'night.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning...I didn't realize that basketball tournament was on my channel and they didn't show The Mentalist. I was so disappointed. I am one of those rare people who don't like basketball so I went to bed at 10:00 and got caught up on my sleep. Taking my youngest swimming today after I finish typing. Hope you all have a great Friday.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Morning Everyone,

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I don't know about you, but weekends are always the hardest for me to follow my calories.My wfie and I eat out after working out on Friday night so I am usually ok there, but since we don't workout on Saturday's, that's where it becomes hard. I try to plan ahead of where we will be going, but sometimes that just isn't good enough. If anyone has any good tips other than "not" eating out, let me know.

    We are also working out now on Sunday's and skipping Monday's since the gym is too crowded. That really helps since I do a lot of snacking on Sunday's throughout the day.

    Take care, Hawkeye
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Good morning...I didn't realize that basketball tournament was on my channel and they didn't show The Mentalist. I was so disappointed. I am one of those rare people who don't like basketball so I went to bed at 10:00 and got caught up on my sleep. Taking my youngest swimming today after I finish typing. Hope you all have a great Friday.
    My wife and I love the mentalist and were also bummed about it not being on. We were able to catch up on some Law and Orders SVU that we had taped several weeks ago.