What kind of workout equipment do you have at home?



  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    I'm primarily a gym goer, but when I can't get to the gym I work out at home. I have:
    - yoga mat
    - 3, 5, 8 lb freeweights
    - resistance band

    I plan to get more freeweights soon
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Bowflew and a stationary recumbent. Also a big pile of firewood and lots of home improvement to do. Put lots of calories into that woodpile. lol
  • NurseEmmyRN
    NurseEmmyRN Posts: 10 Member
    Some dumbells, a jump rope, running shoes. I'm in an apartment and don't have room for too much stuff. I get a discount at my gym through the hospital I work at.
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    I go to the gym and never work out at home....but I always have good intentions when it comes to working out at home so I have...

    weight machine
    adjustable weight dumbells
    yoga mats
    exercise ball
    weighted jump rope
    pull up bar
    resistance bands - 2 different types

    Then come the DVDs and Games for weight loss
    Yoga for weight loss
    30 Day Shred

    Wii Fit
    Zumba (wii)
    XBox 360 kinect
    Just Dance

    I get bored with the same thing so I keep picking up new stuff thinking that is what I am going to do. In the end I just go to the gym.
  • Well, I just moved almost 800 miles and we are temporaily renting a much smaller place. I had to leave behind a stair stepper, weight bench, rack of free weghts, and a smith machine. I was able to bring my treadmill, a few weights, rx ball and some bands. In my opinion, there are a lot of factors in what you want to get for yourself. What's in your budget, the space you have, the results you are looking to acheive for yourself, and if you buy it, are you going to use it? Good luck.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    we've got a power rack, bench, bars and plates, bands and mats, plus a calf raise machine, medicine ball, 35lb kettle bell and exercise ball. For cardio we have a spin bike. (though mostly we just run outside)
  • Barbell, Dumbbells, Elliptical Trainer, Step, Medicine Ball, Swiss Ball, Resistance Bands, Foam Roller, Skipping Rope and Kettlebell,