It is NOT that simple.



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member

    i eat pizza, pop tarts, and Reese's peanut butter cups and i lose weight.

    what sort of magic is responsible for that if not "calories in vs. calories out", may i ask?

    Including those types of foods in a calorie-restricted diet is doing a serious disservice to your body. It will almost certainly catch up to you. How long will you keep it off?

    why? is my body mad at me? is it holding a grudge and biding its time waiting for an opportunity to enact its revenge on me?

    i don't think so. i think the food i eat is broken down into the various nutrients that my body needs and is used, stored, or discarded rather efficiently, depending on its needs at the time. i'm pretty healthy for a 45 year old guy who still has 70 or so pounds to lose to get back to my college weight. i'm certainly healthier than i was a year ago when i weighed quite a bit more. i ate these foods and many other foods you would consider "bad" during that year. i fail to see what sort of disservice i've done to my body. of course, i eat plenty of "good" foods too. i just don't deprive myself of "bad" foods if i want them. i also don't consider any food to be "bad" (although black licorice is nasty).
  • Leigh012976
    Oy, my head. I think I made it to page 5 of this post. There are a couple of things I would like to say.

    First, I joined this site last year but never logged on. I have logged in almost everyday since the beginning of this new year and I really like it. Everyone here is really nice and encouraging, and I have found no one to be rude or arrogant. I believe, OP, your initial post was rude and arrogant and hence, why you got some rude and arrogant posts in return. I am a big believer in its not what you say but how you say it. If it wasn't that simple for you, OP, but you found another way to lose weight, I applaud you. Good job. However, for you to say to those who do believe in CI/Co that we are stupid or idiotic or whatever is not a nice thing to say. People in glass houses.....

    Secondly, I DO believe CI/Co, but there isalso more to it. Everyone can agree that if you sit on your *kitten* and eat 1100 calories a day, you will gain weight. Also, Everyone can agree that a person who works out 3 hours a day and eats 2000 calories will lose. Also, Everyone can agree that if you are on an 1100 calorie diet, but you drink soda to make up that 1100 calorie diet, you will gain. And even if you didn't, I believe, like most people have said, that you were in starvation mode and not eating enough to keep your body going. If I stuck to a 1200 calorie a day diet but worked out 2 hours a day, I would probably not lose because I was not eating enough to keep my body fueled properly. If I burn, say 2000 calories but only eat 1200 calories, clearly that is not enough to keep my body going and my body will think I am in starvation mode and hold onto those calories. However, if I burn 2000 calories and I eat 1500 calories, well that is a 500 calorie deficit and I will lose a pound in a week.

    I don't believe the people who believe in the calorie in calorie out method don't also believe it's also about the quality of the food you eat and you have to keep your body fuel right. You can't have a lower calorie intake based on eating crap. You need fruits, vegetables, protein, water, etc. It could be they assume any person would also know that 100 calories worth of carrots are better for you than 100 calories of reeces pieces.
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    1100 calories a day isn't a healthy amount for anyone. I don't think MFP ever recommends under 1200 in the first place. No wonder you weren't losing.
  • FierceFox81
    How long did you consume 1100 cals per day for and do you still have those tracking records?

    Roughly a year, possibly more. But it was mostly processed foods--just smaller quantities.

    Weightloss is magic

    what makes you think you were overweight at 1100 calories a day?

    Ummm... Being 235 lb. Am I understanding this question correctly? I was clinically obese and was only consuming 1100 cals a day. I increased my intake, but changed the quality of food, and lost 60 lb.

    I think it is more likely you did not track properly

    We need an eyeroll smiley.

    Yes, because it is so impossible for me to have only consumed 1100 cals and be nearly 100lb oveweight. It MUST be that I just didn't track properly. And the part about losing 60 lbs when adding cals... that was a fluke, right??

    1100 cals for over a year?! No wondering you were not droping any of that fat! You were starving yourself!!!!! Your body was holding onto any fat/calories (whatever you want to call it make yourself feel better) because it knew it was not going to get enough to sustain what a "healthy" body needs to function!

    Yes clean/healthy eating is important. You dump in 1100 calories of crap into your body, you're still going to look and feel like crap. Put in 1100 calories of clean food...sorry but you're starving yourself and your body is going to hold onto what little fat is in that food. YOU were trashing you metabolism.

    Don't be angry at the saying "calories in, calories out" unless you do it the healthy way. It's good that you raised those calorie intake levels so your body actual had something to survive on and burn. Your metabolism got a nice kick start...
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    Can I ask a serious question?

    I do buy the calories in/calories out thing, however, I notice that I do SIGNIFICANTLY better losing weight when I cut my carbs and up my protein. Why is this, if I'm eating the same number of calories? (note: I eat 1500-1600 cals, usually around 100g of carbs & 160g protein).

    Wouldn't this somewhat defy calories in/calories out? I'm not arguing, genuinely curious.

    i don't know how much this will apply to you, but i know that in a ketogenic diet (very low carbs, high fat and medium/high protein) that when the body reaches ketosis (where glycogen stores are depleted to the point that fats in the body are utilized as the sole source of energy through the creation of ketones in the blood), that your body will burn 1 lb of fat for every 2800 calories in deficit (as opposed to 3500 calories). this happens because the body using ketones for energy is less efficient than glucose + fat + a little protein. so you have a pound of fat that would give you 3500 calories of energy under the average american's diet giving you only 2800 calories on a ketogenic diet. it is basically wasting calories because of the mode of energy expenditure you are using.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I completely agree with this. I see so many people eating under their goals, but not exactly eating healthy. I feel way better and my body is starting to do what I want it to do because I changed some items to whole grain and on other things I went to organic. Instead of cookies I grab a yogurt. It's the small changes that make a big difference.
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    I eat healthy, I eat junk. I eat whatever the *kitten* I want. I drink water, beer, tequila, rum. I cook my own meals, but also go out. I have a fcuked up sleep schedule due to work, I hardly work out due to a back injury where I am not allowed to. But, I log everything I eat. I am losing weight. 9 lbs since the first of the month. I have more energy than ive had in a long time. I count calories and it works, FOR ME. Don't come in, and vomit your views all over and throw articles around and declare there is only one way! If it works for you, that us awesome and I wish you continued success, but don't tell those of us who have found something that works for us that it won't work. Why are you on a calorie counting website if you don't believe in calorie counting, even better why are you on the forums? Maybe a paleo(so) based website would be a better fit for you?

    you should have concluded your post with this gif, for proper effect. :bigsmile:

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First of all, NO, I am not condoning anorexia.
    When I was anorexic, I lost approximately 3/4 lb per week on 1,000 or fewer, sometimes 300 calories per day, over a period of 6 months or so? I'm not sure how long it 'took' me, but I know I lost at that rate because I kept immaculate records. (Thank you ocd) I also exercised a lot but obviously I wasn't healthy. After my recovery (1986) I gained weight, but it took me 2 years to get up to a normal weight. Fast forward to the 2000's I gained weight because I sat around, didn't eat healthy foods and ate too many calories. It took me 4 months to lose 40lbs on MFP, eating anywhere from 1200 (on days with no exercise) to 1800, sometimes more, calories per day. That is 40lbs in 16 weeks. Y'all can do the math. So, I have to say it was MUCH easier losing weight by eating more. However, I don't think I would have lost the weight so fast without exercise, but then again, I exercised even more while anorexic.
    Is this relevant? Maybe. I lost weight while I was eating 1000 calories or less, but I KNOW I was eating that much. When you're anorexic there is no such thing as cheating.
    I'd also like to add that if the op was truly only eating 1100 cals and weighed 250 or so, wouldn't an obese persons tdee be high enough to lose weight? When I was heavier and eating like a pig, my heart rate would skyrocket just walking across the room. Maybe she was bedridden. IDK.
    Just sayin.
    DAMETRE Posts: 24 Member
    DAMETRE Posts: 24 Member
    I had a coworker who swore that she tried everything, even Weight Watchers but could never lose weight because she only ate one to two times a day and would always have all these points/calories left over.....

    She never logged or considered it may have been the full size Snickers bars, Reese's PB cups, Doritos, sodas and candy such as Laffy Taffys that she consumed at all times during work. Every day.

    ^^^ this When I started logging my food it changed my whole way of thinking, I could not believe the calories that I was really taking in. No to mention the sodium.
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    Can I ask a serious question?

    I do buy the calories in/calories out thing, however, I notice that I do SIGNIFICANTLY better losing weight when I cut my carbs and up my protein. Why is this, if I'm eating the same number of calories? (note: I eat 1500-1600 cals, usually around 100g of carbs & 160g protein).

    Wouldn't this somewhat defy calories in/calories out? I'm not arguing, genuinely curious.

    The thermogenic effect of food could also have something to with that. You actually need to spend some energy in order to get the calories from the food you eat. This effect is not considered in the calorie count for food, but factored into your daily energy requirements. Usually this is estimated to be between 10% and 15% of your calorie intake. Fat takes the least amount of energy to process and protein takes the most. So on a diet high in protein and low on fat/carbs you would be spending more energy on processing your food. By altering the composition of your diet you are affecting the calories out side of the equation.
  • rheelizabeth
    rheelizabeth Posts: 160 Member
    How long did you consume 1100 cals per day for and do you still have those tracking records?

    Roughly a year, possibly more. But it was mostly processed foods--just smaller quantities.

    Weightloss is magic

    what makes you think you were overweight at 1100 calories a day?

    Ummm... Being 235 lb. Am I understanding this question correctly? I was clinically obese and was only consuming 1100 cals a day. I increased my intake, but changed the quality of food, and lost 60 lb.

    I think it is more likely you did not track properly

    We need an eyeroll smiley.

    Yes, because it is so impossible for me to have only consumed 1100 cals and be nearly 100lb oveweight. It MUST be that I just didn't track properly. And the part about losing 60 lbs when adding cals... that was a fluke, right??

    Yes exactly I'm glad you understand now

    I had the same issue... I ate 2 pot noodles a day... and drank unsweetened tea, so I ate about 800 calories a day give or take... and I had a BMI of 37.
    Since increasing my food intake to 1500-1800 I am losing... slowly.. but still losing.

    I 100% agree with you.. it's not that simple
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    How long did you consume 1100 cals per day for and do you still have those tracking records?

    Roughly a year, possibly more. But it was mostly processed foods--just smaller quantities.

    Weightloss is magic

    what makes you think you were overweight at 1100 calories a day?

    Ummm... Being 235 lb. Am I understanding this question correctly? I was clinically obese and was only consuming 1100 cals a day. I increased my intake, but changed the quality of food, and lost 60 lb.

    I think it is more likely you did not track properly

    We need an eyeroll smiley.

    Yes, because it is so impossible for me to have only consumed 1100 cals and be nearly 100lb oveweight. It MUST be that I just didn't track properly. And the part about losing 60 lbs when adding cals... that was a fluke, right??

    Not being confrontational, just wondering - did you exercise* whilst only eating 1100/day and getting fat (ter)???

    *REALLY exercise?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    How long did you consume 1100 cals per day for and do you still have those tracking records?

    Roughly a year, possibly more. But it was mostly processed foods--just smaller quantities.

    Weightloss is magic

    what makes you think you were overweight at 1100 calories a day?

    Ummm... Being 235 lb. Am I understanding this question correctly? I was clinically obese and was only consuming 1100 cals a day. I increased my intake, but changed the quality of food, and lost 60 lb.

    I think it is more likely you did not track properly

    We need an eyeroll smiley.

    Yes, because it is so impossible for me to have only consumed 1100 cals and be nearly 100lb oveweight. It MUST be that I just didn't track properly. And the part about losing 60 lbs when adding cals... that was a fluke, right??

    Not being confrontational, just wondering - did you exercise* whilst only eating 1100/day and getting fat (ter)???

    *REALLY exercise?

    FYI, in case anyone didn't read up to page 8 - she finally revealed that she had a medical condition.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    How long did you consume 1100 cals per day for and do you still have those tracking records?

    Roughly a year, possibly more. But it was mostly processed foods--just smaller quantities.

    Weightloss is magic

    what makes you think you were overweight at 1100 calories a day?

    Ummm... Being 235 lb. Am I understanding this question correctly? I was clinically obese and was only consuming 1100 cals a day. I increased my intake, but changed the quality of food, and lost 60 lb.

    I think it is more likely you did not track properly

    We need an eyeroll smiley.

    Yes, because it is so impossible for me to have only consumed 1100 cals and be nearly 100lb oveweight. It MUST be that I just didn't track properly. And the part about losing 60 lbs when adding cals... that was a fluke, right??

    Not being confrontational, just wondering - did you exercise* whilst only eating 1100/day and getting fat (ter)???

    *REALLY exercise?

    FYI, in case anyone didn't read up to page 8 - she finally revealed that she had a medical condition.

    ^ This. I wish a disclaimer could be added to the first page in order to warn people that they are wasting their time.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    You cannot be healthy when you eat fewer cals but all processed food; and you can be healthy by eating more cals of whole foods.

    Um, stop overgeneralizing based on your own personal experiences. For some people it is that simple - for others, it's not.

    pretty sure she was trying to tell other people to stop overgeneralizing. that was the entire point of her post and you missed it.

    Pretty sure you missed my point - for some people it is that simple, for others it isn't. And there she is making a generalization that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. Also, the title of her thread is over-generalizing. If she had said "It's not that simple for me," it would have been fine - but she didn't. Also, she didn't disclose off the bat that her medical condition is making it difficult for her.

    So there you go.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    So the OP has decided to let us know that she has a medical (hormonal) issue which puts her outside of the magisterium of healthy (normal) individuals. I'm not sure what the point was then...
  • Kmenczynski88
    Kmenczynski88 Posts: 70 Member
    I think this is part of it. Most of the loudest cals-in/cals-out chanters are male. Being malnourished can absolutely change your rate of metabolism.

    And for the bazillionth time, yes, I was eating only (on average, of course) 1100 cals/day, because I skipped breakfast, ate hardly anything for lunch (protein bar and a juice), and then the majority of my cals came from dinner, which was usually something that came out of a box. I was AFRAID to eat more, because I was overweight, and I avoided food as much as I could. I was not at a desk job, worked out, was otherwise fairly active (not sedentary), and still could not lose weight. I added cals, but changed the quality of food, and I lost 60lb in 5 months.

    It is that simple... your calories were too low, too quickly. You created such a deficit that you actually slowed your metabolism and thus hit a plateau.

    Watch this video:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I think this is part of it. Most of the loudest cals-in/cals-out chanters are male. Being malnourished can absolutely change your rate of metabolism.

    And for the bazillionth time, yes, I was eating only (on average, of course) 1100 cals/day, because I skipped breakfast, ate hardly anything for lunch (protein bar and a juice), and then the majority of my cals came from dinner, which was usually something that came out of a box. I was AFRAID to eat more, because I was overweight, and I avoided food as much as I could. I was not at a desk job, worked out, was otherwise fairly active (not sedentary), and still could not lose weight. I added cals, but changed the quality of food, and I lost 60lb in 5 months.

    It is that simple... your calories were too low, too quickly. You created such a deficit that you actually slowed your metabolism and thus hit a plateau.

    Watch this video:

    She has a medical condition (see page 8)'s annoying and something the OP SHOULD have mentioned to start off with in the original post. :grumble:
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I think this is part of it. Most of the loudest cals-in/cals-out chanters are male. Being malnourished can absolutely change your rate of metabolism.

    And for the bazillionth time, yes, I was eating only (on average, of course) 1100 cals/day, because I skipped breakfast, ate hardly anything for lunch (protein bar and a juice), and then the majority of my cals came from dinner, which was usually something that came out of a box. I was AFRAID to eat more, because I was overweight, and I avoided food as much as I could. I was not at a desk job, worked out, was otherwise fairly active (not sedentary), and still could not lose weight. I added cals, but changed the quality of food, and I lost 60lb in 5 months.

    It is that simple... your calories were too low, too quickly. You created such a deficit that you actually slowed your metabolism and thus hit a plateau.

    Watch this video:

    She has a medical condition (see page 8)'s annoying and something the OP SHOULD have mentioned to start off with in the original post. :grumble:

    But that would have made her look like a total idiot for her rage post right from the start...oh, wait...