It is NOT that simple.



  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    this thread should NOT still be going
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Everyone's body is different. Different things work for different people. Since when has MFP become a place for people to dictate what's right and wrong? Last time I checked, it was a place for inspiration and motivation.. not trolling.

    You are all not certified dieticians or doctors... and to those of you who are, you would need to learn everything about the person fully before preaching your words of health.

    We did learn more about her, on page 8 when she admitted that it didn't work for her BECAUSE of medical issues. She was preaching to everyone else that CI/CO isn't simple. It is, unless you have an undisclosed medical condition that you fail to mention during a very angry OP rant.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Look, for most healthy people it's basically calories in vs calories out. Things get more complicated with people who are overweight because they often have lower sensitivity to insulin. Weight gain and lower insulin sensitivity are a viscous cycle that lead to a situation where calories in vs calories out begins to fall apart. The first thing you should do is read up on insulin sensitivity and how fix it if yours if its too low, (hint: low carb).

    Agreed! I recently found out I am highly insulin resistant and am now on a doctor-supervised diet that has me eating lower carbs (not super low carb, but a LOT lower than I was, and choosing healthier carbs) and higher protein and also taking Metformin. I'm counting calories and exercising. It really is like magic. I'm losing weight steadily and it's not really that hard once you get past the first couple of weeks.

    So I have to weigh in on the conclusion that it's a mixture of calories in/calories out and choosing the right calories.

    Just Metformin alone would cause you to lose body fat but what you are doing will really help as well. If you keep on exercising and losing body fat, one day you should be able to get off the Metformin (I know people who have and just control their Type II with diet and exercise alone).
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    After nearly 20 years of various symptoms, half a dozen doctors, and nothing more than "Eat less to lose the weight", I did finally receive a diagnosis of PCOS (including the accompanying hypoglycemia), and later, of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of hypothyroidism that is primarily triggered by gluten.
    But that process taught me that not only is it just plain incorrect to oversimplify weight loss with such broad statements, but it can also be dangerous if taken too strictly/literally.

    You'll find that in almost everything in life there are many many layers of shades of gray and very few black and white areas. Almost all human knowledge (with rare exceptions like integer arithmetic) is an approximation. CI/CO is a black and white surface approximation to a much grayer reality. But it is still many many times more accurate a representation than what you presented as a counterargument.

    The "simple" layer exists because it succeeds for the largest numbers, in which cases there is no need to dig deeper into the grays. When that doesn't seem to work, then you need to start looking deeper, which in your case discovered that you are a shade of gray, but still almost identical to the black and white layer. Meaning, if you were to overeat your "whole foods" you would still gain weight as well.

    I haven't read zillions of "help I'm stuck" threads but it seems to me that all of them I've read had at least one post saying "have you checked for thyroid/PCOS/etc" in it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    this thread should NOT still be going

    If you mean that you think an MFP mod should have locked it by now, I agree.

    However, if you mean that people should stop posting in it and let it die, I disagree. Even today, we still have people who read only the first page (or even up to the first seven pages) commenting with less than all of the relevant facts. Before long, we'll have a less-than-all-the-facts sandwich with the necessary facts lost somewhere between the cheese and, I mean, between pages 1-7 and however many pages at the end.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I have seen so many people here quote the "calories in, calories out" mantra it's ridiculous.

    If that is true, please explain how I could be my heaviest while consuming only 1100 cals a day, and "suddenly" lost 60 lbs when I changed my diet to 1600-1800 cals of whole foods. It was the QUALITY of food that changed my health, not the QUANTITY. Not only that, but for overall HEALTH AND WELLNESS, there needs to be much more to it than simply BMI or BF%. There is such a thing as a "skinny fat" person--who may not be "obese" but is still extremely unhealthy. There are thin people who eat 2500 cals/day and obese people who eat 1000 cals/day.

    It is absolutely NOT as simple as cals in, cals out. It's much more complicated. Our bodies are so much more complex than that. I can't tell you how many times docs told me I should simply eat less to lose weight. Which is how I got down to 1100 cals/day... and 235lb. I met a trainer who told me to EAT, but to eat WELL, and SURPRISE!!! I lost weight. Go figure. Now, two children later, I'm trying to lose a little more. Not at my heaviest, by far, and even 10lb under what I weighed at high school graduation... but still not where I want to be. Point being, I have SEEN FOR MYSELF what "lower cals" can do, and what "more cals" can do. And I am here to tell you that QUALITY IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY. You cannot be healthy when you eat fewer cals but all processed food; and you can be healthy by eating more cals of whole foods.

    Please stop perpetuating this lie. It's just not that simple.

    It's great to meet a medical marvel. You must be the only person in history to become obese by eating 1100 calories per day. Nice to meet you :)
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    After nearly 20 years of various symptoms, half a dozen doctors, and nothing more than "Eat less to lose the weight", I did finally receive a diagnosis of PCOS (including the accompanying hypoglycemia), and later, of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of hypothyroidism that is primarily triggered by gluten.

    As an aside, the autoimmune response in Hashimoto's is not always triggered by gluten. What the truth is, is that autoimmune diseases often run together, and Hashimoto's often runs alongside celiac disease, and in cases where the patient is also a celiac, there may be a link with gluten. If you have Hashimoto's, you should get tested correctly for celiac disease so it can be ruled out as a complication.

    Hashimoto's can also exist on its own, too. Friend of mine has it and is not a celiac.

    I have celiac disease, diagnosed in 2002 by duodenal biopsy and antibody tests.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Important relevant information from OP here:
    After nearly 20 years of various symptoms, half a dozen doctors, and nothing more than "Eat less to lose the weight", I did finally receive a diagnosis of PCOS (including the accompanying hypoglycemia), and later, of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of hypothyroidism that is primarily triggered by gluten.

    Edit: to try (and fail) to fix the link. Apparently, MFP likes to ignore # in a url. So anyhow, the relevant post is on that page.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505

    For the folks who can't help themselves... might be helpful reads.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    It's been said, but for anyone that hasn't read all the other pages:

    OP has "PCOS (including the accompanying hypoglycemia) and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of hypothyroidism." Revealed on page 8.

    Comments were made stating CI/CO works, with the exception of certain medical issues (pages 2, 3 and 5).

    OP felt it "wasn't necessary" to reveal said medical issues (and also claimed no one "asked" about them, even though people referenced the "with the exception of medical issues" clause).

    OP is losing weight by consuming less calories than she burns, along with medication for said medical issues.

    OP has left thread a loooooong time ago.

    Now will someone PLEASE find me a good headdesk gif??

    * Did not feel like using many articles or pronouns today.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have seen so many people here quote the "calories in, calories out" mantra it's ridiculous.

    If that is true, please explain how I could be my heaviest while consuming only 1100 cals a day, and "suddenly" lost 60 lbs when I changed my diet to 1600-1800 cals of whole foods.

    dont think it has anything to do with calories in and calories out but more to do with eating below your BMR. I ate at half my BMR for a year by accident and gained 100 pounds.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    nmind, just saw you have PCOS, im not one to give advice here.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    So has the OP deactivated yet or what?
  • EstiloPanama
    It's really almost trial and error...some need to eat more, some less. Some less carbs, some less sodium, or fat. It's weird. I'm still experimenting. But the calories in, calories out doesn't really work when you're outputting more calories than you're eating...people are just rude around here sometimes...
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    There is such a thing as a "skinny fat" person--who may not be "obese" but is still extremely unhealthy.

    I really hate this term and think it needs to stop. It's used way too much to shame otherwise healthy women who just happen to not be muscular. I don't believe you have to be muscular in order to be healthy.


    ^^^ This. I'm sorry, but I"m wearing a size 6 now instead of a 12. People want to tell me I'm doing it wrong and say I'm skinny fat? Whatever. I'll take my skinny fat @$$ and put into my size 6 pants rather than have my fat, fat @$$ squeezing into a 12.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    this thread should NOT still be going

    I'm here because I wanted to add a little drama to my day.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    this thread should NOT still be going

    I'm here because I wanted to add a little drama to my day.

    Your taste in drama threads is impeccable.

    (Edit: for maximum effectiveness.)
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    One part of the OP's comments that was absolutely correct is that is is way more complicated than just calories in / calories out. I have been studying as much as I have time for and the one thing I know for sure is that there is a lot more to learn. The other thing that I have come away with is that some of the leading edge players in the nutritional game can come off as a little crazy but they are also obviously incredibly intelligent. There are a few doctors out there that aren't just front men for business and so closed minded that there is only disgusting slime left between their ears. Hopefully as time goes on the money side of our health care and nutritional intelligence will lose out to the guys that really are smart.
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Is there any chance we could all ignore the same girl trying yet again to derail another thread with her own issues? It's getting really old at this point. This thread has nothing to do with "skinny fat". Don't fall into her trap, you'll only end up with strikes.

    Ah if only she'd post gifs.. then they'd do something...

    Funny. Ignored her in thread from a couple of days ago and didn't realize she was back until you mentioned this ... then I noticed the "you are ignoring this person"! ;-) So peaceful in here!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's been said, but for anyone that hasn't read all the other pages:

    OP has "PCOS (including the accompanying hypoglycemia) and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of hypothyroidism." Revealed on page 8.

    Comments were made stating CI/CO works, with the exception of certain medical issues (pages 2, 3 and 5).

    OP felt it "wasn't necessary" to reveal said medical issues (and also claimed no one "asked" about them, even though people referenced the "with the exception of medical issues" clause).

    OP is losing weight by consuming less calories than she burns, along with medication for said medical issues.

    OP has left thread a loooooong time ago.

    Now will someone PLEASE find me a good headdesk gif??

    * Did not feel like using many articles or pronouns today.


    And since you wrapped that up so nicely, here ya go:
