friends and family encouraging unhealthy eating



  • Here's something I've learned: usually enablers are doing it for one of two reasons: they love you and see "yummy" food as a way to show it or becuase they feel guilty/weird/left out tha you are moving a directly they are not. If it's reason number one then give them another way to love you. Keep it positive by saying "I know you love me and want what's best for me. Thank you for the offer of a burger. When you get one can you grab me an apple?" or something like that. If it's reason number two then give them a way to be involved. "I'd love to take a walk with you instead". I know it sounds pretty Marry Poppins but it works for me :smooched:
  • Don't let them get to you, one of my family members always says something about my weight. I will not listen to it anymore!!! This is my life and I am changing for me NOT anyone else.