New Round of P90X!



  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    I've officially lost 50lbs! I thought everyone should know.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 55/90 - yoga x done!
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 57/90 - chest, back and abs done! Who else is still pushing play?
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Busy weekend Nate,,,,but I'm still here. Day 50/Yoga is done...core synergistics tomorrow. By the way Congrats on losing
    50 lbs !! Your pics show big changes my friend !!
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 58/90 - plyo x done!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm baaaack!!!!!! Wow, 2 weeks in paradise and I'm nice and refreshed! I'm happy to say that I did a ton of walking and actually did go to the gym while on vacation!

    How's everyone doing here?
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Day 51... core synergistics is finished ! Nate and I have been the only ones still pushing play(or atleast reporting it). I been
    doing awesome....and it looks like Nate has too. Sounds like your vacation was fantastic !!!
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 59/90 - shoulders and arms done! I didn't have time to do the ab ripper today, so I'm moving it to Friday.

    @ddavies - hope you had a great vacation, and welcome back!
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Day 52....Kenpo X DONE ! What a fun workout....makes me think about Les Mills Body Combat down the road.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    It's been a busy two days. Nevertheless, I did my yoga yesterday, and legs and back today. Kenpo is tomorrow. I can't wait!
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    day 54/ Core Synergistics in the bag !! Have a great weekend !
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 62/90 - kenpo x done! It's hard to believe I'm over 2/3 of the way through. To be honest, when I started I wasn't sure I'd make it all the way through, and now I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it's over. I'm thinking of doing Insanity next, but am open to suggestions.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 64/90 - chest, shoulders, triceps and abs done!
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Day 57 Back and chest + Ab Ripper complete. Set new highs in reps in all catagories !!
    Nate: I think you have 2 ask yourself what you goal is for your next Workout you tackle after
    P90x. Weight loss....Insanity is good for that. I've heard people say it is tough on the Knees...
    but no knee should be fine.
    My Doctor and Chiro both are all about Core Strength as you get older...Im 47. So I did
    P90x2 last year. Only negative was buying equipment...balance ball, med balls, and
    foam roller. I can honeslty say p90x 2 is Awesome to build core strength. Phase 3...the
    performance part is really challenging.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 65/90 - Plyo x done!

    I've thought about both Insanity and P90X2. The reason I'm leaning towards Insanity is just for a bit of variety. Also, despite massive weight loss over the past six months, I'm still a tad bit overweight, so Insanity doesn't sound like a bad option. After that, I definitely want to have a go a P90X2. I've looked at the info on BeachBody and would really like to give it a try.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Currently in my recovery week for Phase 2. Hard to believe I am past the halfway point! I like the changes I am seeing in my body. Although not really bulking up much but I am seeing more definition. Some of my t-shirts are fitting tighter across my lats - I guess the pullups are working! At the beginning I couldn't do more than a couple pullups with proper form but now I can crank out 10 when I'm fresh. During the workouts I still use a chair a lot because I can't do very many when I'm getting tired. But it's forward progress for sure!

    I did Core Synergistics yesterday - I really love that workout. I use a Bosu ball for several of the exercises which adds some challenge. I wanted to do some extra stuff (abs) but towards the end I heard about the bombings and couldn't go on. Today is my running day and tomorrow I think I'll give Cardio X a try.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey guys!!! Sorry, I promise I haven't forgotten about you all! I've just been super busy lately!!!! Lots going on! I signed up for my personal training cert, very excited about that! I'm also partnering with someone and their fitness studio, while working full time (quitting in July!!!!) and started Insanity last week! Whew!

    Anyway, I'm pushing forward and making things happen and it feels amazing!!!!

    Glad to see most of you still at it! Keep up the good work, it will pay off and I see it has!

    Nate: Congrats on your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Day 58 Plyometrics got pushed played on ! Keep bustin !!:wink:
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 66/90 - back, biceps and abs done!
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Day 59 Shoulders and Arms....along with Ab ripper complete. Ya know I never thought I would be able to do the Ab Ripper to completion without any number of pauses....but I've conquered it :).