Exersicing & eating healthy but



  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    No I don't. I just hate to see girls know they're doing all the harm to their bodies and want to continue just to achieve someone else's body.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    Go to the dr. and have them check your blood sugar levels. Same thing happened to me last fall, found out my blood sugar levels were incredibly low...I was exercising, watching my food intake and working with a personal trainer. Even my trainer was like there's something wrong, no way I could be gaining weight and inches. Turns out, while I was eating the right amount of calories, I wasn't eating balanced, and my body was counter-acting all the hard work I was trying to accomplish. Once I started to eat a heavier breakfast and less at dinner it made a difference. Now I"m seeing loss, but it's not overnight like I had hoped. I'm working hard for it! Good luck, hope you figure it out.
    "my blood sugar levels were incredibly low" does that mean you had alot of sugar grams or too low?
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    When you exercise, wo you use HRM. If not, you might be grossly underestimating.

    And besides, you may not have a lot to lose, like me, im 53kg going 50, at 5ft 3. and I am much older than you, metabolism will be only half of yours probably. Trying to lose these last 3 kgs, and it's been stuck for like ages, already dropped 2 kg from 55. and now, it's finally coming off, ever so slowly, like 0.2-0.3 kg per week. I did a few changes.

    1. Keep a deficit of 250 or so almost everyday. There will be a day or 2 when I'm hungry, I will go over a little but not to go over too much. Exercise 6-7 days a week
    2, did nike training club doing mainly toning and increase strength circuits 30-45 mins
    3, after NTC, cardio for 30 mins
    4, alternate days, elliptical with resistance followed by abs and core exercises from nike training club, and add some skipping.
    5. Heart rate - try to heat 80% for 30 s to 1 min every other 10 mins or so. For NTC circuits, you will get that throughout the circuit.
    6, eat 20-25% protein, try to go lean, eat more fish, avoid white carbs (white rice, bread) at night.
    7. Add yoga 15-45 mins, whenever I can. Walk whenever I can after lunch.
    8. Once a week, run at least 5km targeting 10 km.

    Without seeing your diary, and not knowing the intensity of your exercises, kinda difficult to comment what right or wrong.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    In regards to the low BMI you're trying to achieve...

    The only time I've had the type of body you are trying to achieve (in a healthy manner) is when I was dancing 20 hours a week (I trained & taught dance) & under the age of 22.

    So unless you're young & training hardcore, you might want to look at a more healthy realistic body image.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    On the water weight issue - if you eat a lot of sodium, you have to drink enough water to get it out. Drink a lot of water then workout (or take a hot bath). Should sweat some of the sodium and toxins out. That causes a lot of what we call "water weight" because sodium and caffeine retain water.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    any other feedback?