Wisdom Teeth Extraction - What can I eat?



  • michellew91
    michellew91 Posts: 47 Member
    Oh I love oameal! I'll give it a go, maybe add it blended to smoothies. I think being able to open my mouth big enough to accommodate more than a straw could be the biggest issue...
    I'm not sure if you have been told this already, but you should not use a straw, it will dislodge the blood clots in your mouth and give you dry socket
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I had mine out years ago and my husband just had his out. After a day or so he could handle boxed macaroni and cheese. He liked Greek yogurt too. He asked for a bunch of pudding but I ended up eating most of it.
    Be careful about oatmeal, or anything that has a lot of little pieces (rice, etc). The bits tend to get stuck in the holes. That is annoying and uncomfortable.
    Definitely don't use a straw or smoke or rinse your mouth for at least a day or so. My husband rinsed his mouth and smoked and ended up with dry sockets. Not fun.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    ^Definitely be careful about the straw! I had mine taken out last year and honestly, the day of the surgery I had no appetite but I had some broth, very watered down mashed potatoes, and some pudding. I ate mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, smoothies (with a spoon!), pudding, icecream, and lots of yogurt for the first few days. Then I moved onto things like noodles, scrambled eggs, some soups, bananas, soft bread.
    Be careful of rice, peanut butter, soda, and spicy things! Follow your surgeon's directions exactly and you will be fine! I was out at the mall 2 days after my surgery. Also, make sure you take your pain medication when you are supposed to, at least for the first few days. Don't wait until you feel the pain to take them! Good luck with everything!