How did I get here?



  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome! Just remember, you are not on this journey alone! Lean on everyone here -

    I agree with small goals (makes it more reasonable - for me, if my main goal is my total loss wanted, I would feel like that is unattainable - even though I now it isn't), so 10% is my first goal as well.
  • KathrynCatlady
    KathrynCatlady Posts: 86 Member
    I would love to be friends. Your story reminds me so much of my own. I'll send you a request!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    First, congrats on coming here and stating that you wanted to change and posting pictures (I didn't have the courage to do it myself).

    I'm wishing you good luck and I hope you'll do amazing :)

    I really think the trick is to have an "enough is enough" moment and then commit to the program. Mfp really works if you really put time and effort into changing your whole lifestyle. You can do it!!

    Feel free to add me and I'll be supportive :)

    Have a great day xx
    Ginny, 24.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Welcome Rosee! I was on that same path. I have a good long way to go myself, but I am finally doing it. I am finally starting to feel less hateful towards my body and that makes it easy to take proper care of it. I have a trainer that did my measurements (body and body fat...yuck) and I started out at 290 lbs and they want me to end up at 190 lbs. I have a lot of lean muscle, it's just the fat that hides it. :smile:
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    :smile: Brave Girl that you are, to commit to being accountable to yourself. MFP is great for keeping track and insight. Best of luck to you!
  • srdeaver
    srdeaver Posts: 39 Member
    Don't beat yourself up for the past. The important thing is that you have recognized that something needs to be done and you are going to make it happen! This site is very easy to use -- just make sure you log everything you eat and get a support group around you. You are very brave to admit how much you weigh and to put these pictures on your post. You can do this! Time to get healthy. We are all here to support you!
  • missjennyd
    missjennyd Posts: 4 Member
    welcome!! YOU CAN DO THIS :)
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    i think you are beautiful, you can do it. I started at 310lbs and have a remarkably similar body shape... i hate those bits under my bra on myback even more than my belly.

    the first time i droped 140lbs, but i wasnt ready for it, things happened i wasnt expecting so i started again 4 months ago at 289lbs, im now down to 245 :) feeling a lot better about myself, eating well, back to exersizing again though thats only recent because at the start i didnt want to pressure myself an just wanted to focus on food.

    i have bad days and good days, i suffer from the cold a great deal now, but i have smaller clothes, i feel so much healtheir.

    it doesnt happen fast, it does happen at the speed thatis right for you, experiement and see what works for you
  • hammerjohns
    hammerjohns Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step to change your life! We will all the be here to give you all the guidance and support you need! This is a difficult process, I struggle everyday with eating the right foods and finding my way to the gym. It just makes things so much easier to see that I am not the only one who needs that little extra encouragement to find my way to being healthy and happy! I will add you and we can help each other!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Hi Rosee,

    So glad that you found yourself here. This is a step in the right direction. I have been where you are and while the task seems daunting, it is achievable.

    I just want to share some things that I struggled with initially. I hope this will help you avoid some of the mental pitfalls because, honestly, it is our own thinking that holds us back.

    * This won't happen overnight. In the spring, I will have been working on this for two years, and I'm STILL not where I want to be. I do not anticipate reaching my goals until year 3 so don't let impatience get you discouraged. Stay motivated.
    * Make friends. This site has a great social element to it. They can motivate you, inspire you, and guide you through this difficult process. I would not have the success that I have achieved thus far without the fantastic people on my friend's list.
    * Log in every single day. Even if you ate crap and don't have the courage to log your food (even though you should keep yourself accountable) seeing others' success will drive you to keep going.

    All my best. :flowerforyou:
  • jaebennetti
    jaebennetti Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome! I am so proud of you for being here.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    Stay strong and move forward.. and you'll get to where you want to be! It will take a lot of time and patience, so be prepared for it. One or two or three days of falling back, just pick yourself up and get back to it! Don't let anything or anyone distract you from your goal. You can do this! :happy:
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    We all ask ourself that did we get to the weight we are/were but i think what matters most is that we acknowledge there is a problem and just DO IT--start working towards getting it off. I commend you for posting BEFORE pics bc that means AFTER pics will follow and I'm confident that you're going to get the weight off. Welcome!!!
  • emoyap
    emoyap Posts: 12
    Welcome Rosee, let today be the first day of your new life. You can do it. O e small step at a time. Stay focused and even if you fall off the wagon we are all here to help you back on. You go girl!!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    hi there. I am sorry to hear about your past, but glad that you are taking that first step to make your body better. it is going to be hard, and you will stumble and fall a few times. It happens. Just dust yourself off and get back up again and keep going. any progress, no matter how small, will make you better than you were before. welcome on board and best of luck on your journey. Feel free to add me e:)
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    You can do this Rosee!!!! Just remember dont beat yourself up when you mess up, just get back on track and keep going.

    There are many different ways to lose weight and you will get many different opinions. The one thing I have learned on my journey is what is good for one person is not always good for another. You just have to find a plan that works good for you. If you crave carbs, maybe limit your carbs through out the day and only have a little at night. Don't deprive yourself, but if you know that once you start you can't stop, make sure you do it later, because you won't have all day to pack on calories. If you understand what I am saying.

    As far as exercise is concerned, walking is a really great way to start, don't jump in to fast, plus light weights with lots of reps.

    One thing I see I did wrong was I started learning to run long distance to lose weight. So now, I have to run a lot just to maintaine and have found it really difficult to lose anymore. I have decided to just run even longer, was doing half marathons, now gonna do full marathons. We will see how that works.

    Good luck to you and friend me if you would like my support.
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    Rosee, I know exactly where you are coming from I was normal healthy weight until I had my first child 13 years ago and I have yo-yo'd ever since, I got to a point where I couldn't look in a mirror or have a photo taken, I got on the scales eventually after a comment from someone and I was over 170lbs, i'm only 5ft 2ins so this was a lot for me, i also thought how did I get here.

    You have taken the fisrt step to being fitter and healthier, the lighter will be a great side effect. My advice is to take it a day at a time, if you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off and get back on, a bad ady doesn't have to turn into a bad week.

    Good luck.
  • onefiftyfives
    Hi Rosee... welcome, remember to say this everyday..

    YOU CAN DO IT !!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Aw Rosee...good for you, you've taken the hardest step, you want to change. And you know what? you CAN! make small goals, they build into big ones. Take the small victories as they come, because they become big victories. None of us that have some success have done it overnight or without sacrifice. Move you body, and change the way you eat. This is a lifestyle choice, not a short term goal. Keep your eye on the prize, a healthy, fit you.

    There are a lot of people here waiting to support you and celebrate with you. We all want to see you suceed. Add me as a friend if you wish, I'm supportive, can be sarcastic and vulgar at times...I'm a big flirt...but I will always wish you well.

  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Hi Rosee... welcome, remember to say this everyday..

    YOU CAN DO IT !!

    excellent advice...I always had a mantra!
    And don't give yourself excuses to skip the work out. I set a weekly goal for myself, and unless something really drastic happens, ie. popping a migraine, then I go to the gym whether I want to or not. but I started out with a small goal of walking for 20 minutes every ballooned from there as I got stronger.