May I PLEASE have your undivided attention

Since I've been seeing so many people complain that they don't want to lift weights or do any strength training because they're not trying to get ripped or bulk up or they just don't like to, please consider something:
You won't always be young - you will age and you will become elderly and there are other factors besides weight loss to think about in regards to exercise and more specifically strength training. Now I'm not saying you HAVE to strength train, however I think an educated decision deserves consideration on all matters of the subject.

Maintaining muscle mass as we age should be an important part of a healthy lifestyle as it contributes to skeletal strength and helps prevent injury. People with weak muscles are less able to maintain good posture, keep their balance, or live independently. As a result, diminished muscle mass makes you more prone to falls, breathing problems, and psychological problems such as depression.

You don't have to go get a gym membership and start lifting heavy weights. I don't go to the gym, I work out at home. I have hand weights. I incorporate strength training dvds into my routine. I also do fun things like trying to do squats with my 6y.o. on my shoulders or using her to bench press. She loves the airplane game and it's a great way for me to do weighted leg presses.
Now, there is NO WAY I'd be able to do these things or easily carry her, my purse, and her backpack from the car, THROUGH THE SNOW and to our entry way if I didn't do push ups, shoulder presses, bicep curls, lat raises, etc etc first. I've built up my strength. Also, I hate making multiple trips bringing in the groceries. 10 bags? Notta problem! I got this!

Some other reasons to incorporate some kind of strength training:

~muscle tissue will burn seven to 10 calories daily per pound. Fat burns two to three calories daily per pound. Replacing a pound of fat with a muscle, therefore, helps you burn an additional four to six more calories each day [ref:
Cedric X. Bryant, chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise]

~No cream will reduce cellulite - only reducing over all body fat

~Boobs are just fat however there is muscle under there; wanna perk them up a little? Build the muscle underneath
*Chest flys, push ups

~Muscle is denser than fat, therefore takes up less space; Two people may be the same height and weight, but the person with a higher body fat percentage will wear a larger clothing size

Now, I would not consider myself a veteran by any means and far from being a "know it all", "arrogant", "up on a high horse" or whatever silly insult I've had thrown my way. I do not believe that you should only lift weights & not do cardio. I'm suggesting that if you do only cardio, maybe you should consider also including strength training. Cardio is great for burning off body fat & great for your heart.
I'm suggeting you learn as much as you can about how the human body works. How to prevent disease without pills. How to not only have a long life but a healthy & happy life filled with quality.
There are no quick fixes and goals are fantastic to have but be flexible. Balance.

Anyone can paint a portrait but a real masterpiece takes time, dedication, patience, and a lot of LOVE.

Learn to LOVE your body and treat it the way you would treat anything else you love.


  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    Excellent post my dear!! People who only do cardio and not going to see much in the way of toning their muscles, they will lose fat but not define themselves. Same goes for people who only strength train they will define their muscles but not lose fat. You need a good combination of the two! I am guilty of this myself, I never did cardio and only strength trained, then I tried working cardio in my routine with strength and BAM! dropped all those excess lbs I couldn't lose before!
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    I am going to keep my opinion about people who don't lift because they don't want to be "ripped" to myself. But nice post.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    My name is Danny_Boy13 and I approve this message. Excellent post!!!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You absolutely have my undivided attention!

    Excellent post!!
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    Absolutley spot on, well said!
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member
    Bump for later

    Thanks for posting!
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Wait.....are you YELLING at us by putting "please" in caps? Because, if so, that's rude and offensive and you need better tact.

    Tee hee.

    You had my attention yesterday, and I still love your post and thank you for it.
  • Narla444
    Narla444 Posts: 41 Member
    Love it! I think you hit the nail on the head with the part about avoiding injuries as we age.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Excellent post. Two thumbs up!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Agreed; muscles are useful things to have (says the woman who has been seriously slacking on her strength training lately). I belong to a long hair group, and I'm really disappointed in the many comments I've gotten from women who "can't braid my own hair; it makes my arms hurt (or shake or too tired)." (so Self - get it in gear; back to strength workouts!)
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Wait.....are you YELLING at us by putting "please" in caps? Because, if so, that's rude and offensive and you need better tact.

    Tee hee.

    You had my attention yesterday, and I still love your post and thank you for it.

    :laugh: dag nabbit!! :wink:
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Agreed; muscles are useful things to have (says the woman who has been seriously slacking on her strength training lately). I belong to a long hair group, and I'm really disappointed in the many comments I've gotten from women who "can't braid my own hair; it makes my arms hurt (or shake or too tired)." (so Self - get it in gear; back to strength workouts!)

    Ya'know it's funny b/c I didn't think about it till I read this but I remember when my arms would get tired while doing my hair!

    See right there - a simple every day task that is made easier through strength training
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Agreed; muscles are useful things to have (says the woman who has been seriously slacking on her strength training lately). I belong to a long hair group, and I'm really disappointed in the many comments I've gotten from women who "can't braid my own hair; it makes my arms hurt (or shake or too tired)." (so Self - get it in gear; back to strength workouts!)

    Awwww. So, it was easier to read her post today? Good!
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Excellent post my dear!! People who only do cardio and not going to see much in the way of toning their muscles, they will lose fat but not define themselves. Same goes for people who only strength train they will define their muscles but not lose fat. You need a good combination of the two! I am guilty of this myself, I never did cardio and only strength trained, then I tried working cardio in my routine with strength and BAM! dropped all those excess lbs I couldn't lose before!

    And you look AMAZING! Plus I think you're one of the few brides I know that doesn't have to worry about dropping a size for her wedding b/c you already look fabulous
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Love this post. :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: :drinker:

    Apologies in advance for a slight hi-jack. I got on a roll.

    Lifting weights was never a consideration for me before reading MFP. I wasn't afraid I was going to bulk up, because I knew that someone like WWE's Chyna works way harder than I ever would to achieve her physique. I just didn't think it was necessary for my lifestyle.

    And there was a small fear of hurting myself, since I used to dislocate body parts on a regular basis. I'm hypermobile and had always been accident prone. I had braces for my knees and wrists from frequent injuries, and I'd knock my back out a few times a year. And sometimes I'd dislocate my hip during intimate moments. :blushing: I felt... old.

    Know how many times I've been injured since I joined this site two years ago? Once. A stress fracture in my ankle a year ago. From running. No back injuries. No twisted knees, sprained ankles or wonky wrists. No embarrassing and painful moments during nookie, either. Strengthening my muscles made my joints more stable. It amazes me that I was someone who once threw out her back from twisting funny while cleaning up cat puke, and I now squat and deadlift 1.2x my body weight.

    There was a smaller fear that I'd "lose my curves" from lifting. Boy, was that silly! It's just made me curvier... my waist smaller, my butt perkier!



    And it doesn't take "hours and hours in a gym" like I once thought it would. I lift at home, about 3x a week, and about a half hour each time. All my lifting takes about the same amount of time per week as watching one movie or three sitcoms.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm glad to see this here. :wink:
    There are SO many reasons to strength train other than just looking hot in a bikini. Looking hot is just a nice side effect.
    I'm thankful to all the beautiful MFP women who shared their stories and pictures and workouts. I don't think I would have ever picked up weights without the inspiration from you ladies. But I'm so glad I did!
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Bumping for later! Thanks for posting!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I just started lifting (again) a few weeks ago. In the past I have given up too quickly.

    Thanks for the inspiring post.

  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Love this post. :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: :drinker:

    Apologies in advance for a slight hi-jack. I got on a roll.

    Lifting weights was never a consideration for me before reading MFP. I wasn't afraid I was going to bulk up, because I knew that someone like WWE's Chyna works way harder than I ever would to achieve her physique. I just didn't think it was necessary for my lifestyle.

    And there was a small fear of hurting myself, since I used to dislocate body parts on a regular basis. I'm hypermobile and had always been accident prone. I had braces for my knees and wrists from frequent injuries, and I'd knock my back out a few times a year. And sometimes I'd dislocate my hip during intimate moments. :blushing: I felt... old.

    Know how many times I've been injured since I joined this site two years ago? Once. A stress fracture in my ankle a year ago. From running. No back injuries. No twisted knees, sprained ankles or wonky wrists. No embarrassing and painful moments during nookie, either. Strengthening my muscles made my joints more stable. It amazes me that I was someone who once threw out her back from twisting funny while cleaning up cat puke, and I now squat and deadlift 1.2x my body weight.

    There was a smaller fear that I'd "lose my curves" from lifting. Boy, was that silly! It's just made me curvier... my waist smaller, my butt perkier!



    And it doesn't take "hours and hours in a gym" like I once thought it would. I lift at home, about 3x a week, and about a half hour each time. All my lifting takes about the same amount of time per week as watching one movie or three sitcoms.

    No apologies for a "hijack" b/c this is precisely the type of example that is needed.
    I think you're amazing and always take time to read your posts when I come across them
  • Brilliant post :)

    I am starting weights next week :D
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    Great post girl!
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Awesome! :flowerforyou:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Great post! Many people, especially women have many misconceptions about building muscle. Many think it will bulk them up, and just make them look bigger, by adding muscle to fat, or atleast I used to, because that info was handed down to me. So not true! Muscle replaces fat, which causes you to lose inches, and speed up metabolism, and gives you that toned look. :D I know you already basically said all this...just a recap. lol
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Love the pics BTW! You're a hottie! Wish I could get that flat, toned tummy!!! Def jealous!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    ;) I like the title change from last time. As I said before, great post!
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Well said!
    I am 40 and I would like my next 30 years to be as "graceful" possible!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I like this just as much today as yesterday ;)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member