How do you feel about V8?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What do you think -- is v8 also healthy to drink for the majority of the day?

    Are you asking is V8 healthy to drink as your main source of liquid? As in drinking several a day. I really have no idea, but it doesn't sounds like a great idea to me. It's very concentrated in some vitamins.

    I love the low sodium tomato based (old school) V8. I drink one 5-6 days a week. It's a great source of potassium for me since I don't eat bananas or potatoes.
  • seventieslord
    seventieslord Posts: 59 Member
    low sodium v8 is so awesome. If you're going to drink something from a bottle you simply can't do better. It is very low in calories, high in taste (once you get used to the fact that vegetable juice should not be very salty) and very high in potassium.

    compare to tropicana orange juice.

    - less than half the calories
    - over double the potassium
    - more fiber and protein
    - has some vitamin A, OJ doesn't
    - has a lot of other nutrients listed, although I can't say 100% for sure since OJ doesn't list them and V8 chooses to
    - more "substance" so it's more filling
    - believe it or not, it keeps up in vitamin C, the only thing OJ really has going for it