One of the dumbest PC things to date.



  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I am curious - what will determine admission into university if we are using these benchmarks rather than a GPA? Because strictly using SAT/ACT scores will surely upset people whose children are "poor standardized test takers" and using some sort of essay format will harm the poor writers. I am being completely serious. What determines if you get into Dartmouth or a state school?
  • I once had a test graded in pencil. I could've erased my grade, replaced it with a 100% and a supportive smiley face. But the fact that it wasn't written in red pen didn't make my teacher any less of a doo-doo head. :mad:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I am curious - what will determine admission into university if we are using these benchmarks rather than a GPA? Because strictly using SAT/ACT scores will surely upset people whose children are "poor standardized test takers" and using some sort of essay format will harm the poor writers. I am being completely serious. What determines if you get into Dartmouth or a state school?

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I am curious - what will determine admission into university if we are using these benchmarks rather than a GPA? Because strictly using SAT/ACT scores will surely upset people whose children are "poor standardized test takers" and using some sort of essay format will harm the poor writers. I am being completely serious. What determines if you get into Dartmouth or a state school?

    Well in my district, they start giving them real grades at the middle-school level, but it just makes me wonder how far this will go. NCLB has destroyed our education system!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I am curious - what will determine admission into university if we are using these benchmarks rather than a GPA? Because strictly using SAT/ACT scores will surely upset people whose children are "poor standardized test takers" and using some sort of essay format will harm the poor writers. I am being completely serious. What determines if you get into Dartmouth or a state school?


    Probably! :laugh:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    How does this effect you?

    because i live in the world in which these kids are raised

    And how is not using a red pen going to effect the way these kids are being raised?

    Well then you kinda just proved the point the poster was making. How is using a red pen going to effect the way the kids are raised? It's a colour for f sake. Not like it's blood or anything. Perhaps they should be more worried about TEACHING rather than the colour of the pen?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member

    You could learn the art of capitalisation?

    Irony, party of one...

    Yes, it must be all the red ink marking I had as a child.

    In the UK.

    While we're at it, "standardised", "colour", "litre", "fulfil", "travelling", "defence", "analogue", "judgement", "cheque".

    Man, I wish I had my red pen right now.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Those are my gripes. Yes, it's helpful in the respect that you know your kids strengths and weaknesses, but I reward my kids for a good report card. Without even an average, I don't know wether to reward or punish my kid. I don't even know how to translate these things to her so she will know her own performance. I assume that the expectation is that kids shouldn't be punished, but I can't reward her when it isn't really clear that she did well.
    I've never known a smart kid who was smart (and got good grades) because their parents punished/rewarded them based on their grades. I aced almost every test in school and it never had anything to do with punishment/reward because that was WAY too far off into the future to even care about when I was a kid.

    However I had a friend in '83 whose parents promised him $100 per A on his report card, so I used my computer to print him out a fake report card with straight As on it while he actually had a C average. The "reward" system also worked real well for him, LOL.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    ...and people wonder why boys are growing up with no backbones and girls are growing up to be more masculine than the boys....
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    See this has been my complaint for years. These teachers go to State Conference's once or twice a year and hear lectures from some quack that convinces them to do something in their school system and the "don't use red ink" BS is a prime example of just that. The one that really chaffs my *kitten* is that our school has taken out spelling form the curriculum. When we asked why the answer we go back was " spelling is learned through repetition and phonics. Since we are now in the "computer age" there are now spell checkers on computer to help withe that." Yup, was the answer we go back. No joke. And that came out after the principal of our school came back from one of those conferences. Now we were left to teach spelling and proper punctuation of words to our kid who was half literally half deaf. Ton top it all off, we were having teachers telling us that our son had a speech and spelling issue. No **** you dumb *kitten*, you took the spelling program out of the schools and when we came to you for help with these issues you told us he did not qualify for any school program. Now that we have threatened to contact the state school board on several occasions we got some help, but only minimal.

    This all really started big after the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" was put into place. Since then things like "There is no loser's" mindset where it does not matter if you win or lose, you still get a big medal for "participation" so no child have to feel the agony of defeat. It just goes to show you that America has fully jumped on board with all the PC squishy "don't hurt anyone's feelings" crap.

    I love my country but come one, quit being *kitten* about every damn little thing.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Those are my gripes. Yes, it's helpful in the respect that you know your kids strengths and weaknesses, but I reward my kids for a good report card. Without even an average, I don't know wether to reward or punish my kid. I don't even know how to translate these things to her so she will know her own performance. I assume that the expectation is that kids shouldn't be punished, but I can't reward her when it isn't really clear that she did well.
    I've never known a smart kid who was smart (and got good grades) because their parents punished/rewarded them based on their grades. I aced almost every test in school and it never had anything to do with punishment/reward because that was WAY too far off into the future to even care about when I was a kid.

    However I had a friend in '83 whose parents promised him $100 per A on his report card, so I used my computer to print him out a fake report card with straight As on it while he actually had a C average. The "reward" system also worked real well for him, LOL.

    It's just positive reinforcement. I have offered my kids money, but the most part, I'm talking about praise. What am I supposed to say... "Great job on understanding those simple arithmetic functions, but you really need to work hard using algebraic expression."
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I got 10 bucks for straight As. And nothing for anything less.

    I was a pretty rich kid.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    See this has been my complaint for years. These teachers go to State Conference's once or twice a year and hear lectures from some quack that convinces them to do something in their school system and the "don't use red ink" BS is a prime example of just that. The one that really chaffs my *kitten* is that our school has taken out spelling form the curriculum. When we asked why the answer we go back was " spelling is learned through repetition and phonics. Since we are now in the "computer age" there are now spell checkers on computer to help withe that." Yup, was the answer we go back. No joke. And that came out after the principal of our school came back from one of those conferences. Now we were left to teach spelling and proper punctuation of words to our kid who was half literally half deaf. Ton top it all off, we were having teachers telling us that our son had a speech and spelling issue. No **** you dumb *kitten*, you took the spelling program out of the schools and when we came to you for help with these issues you told us he did not qualify for any school program. Now that we have threatened to contact the state school board on several occasions we got some help, but only minimal.

    This all really started big after the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" was put into place. Since then things like "There is no loser's" mindset where it does not matter if you win or lose, you still get a big medal for "participation" so no child have to feel the agony of defeat. It just goes to show you that America has fully jumped on board with all the PC squishy "don't hurt anyone's feelings" crap.

    I love my country but come one, quit being *kitten* about every damn little thing.

    Yes... making the children write things repetitively is apparently degrading to them... so my kid struggled with the times tables until I made her write them repetitively at home. Sure, it was part of a punishment, but she struggled no more.
  • I was offered all sorts of money for high grades, I didn't care, it was way more fun to skip class. Do kids really get teased for their grades? I haven't been out of high school THAT long and I was never teased for my grades, ever. What would they honestly say? My grades can kick your grades *kitten*? I say bring on the red pens, if a kid can't handle seeing red on his schoolwork he/she is going to have a hard time adjusting to real life where everything isn't rainbows and unicorns.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    When one is grading papers, the ink used for editing/grading should be a different color so the student can see what they did wrong. It can be ANY color other than what the student used. When I was teaching (and when I edited my kids' papers), I usually went for green or purple (but then, red is my least favorite color). If most students don't care, but it affects a few students negatively, I'd go for the solution that allows more kids to learn how to correct their mistakes and not make them the next time.

    Grades are not about punishment. Grades are all about "this is where you have deficits in your knowledge, and these are the holes we have to fill with appropriate skills or data".

    The most intelligent answer yet. :flowerforyou:
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    I've heard this for years.

    Teachers still use red pen.

    But people love to get on a soapbox and complain how the country is falling apart over something that isn't even happening.
    yup old news
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I do love it when people pine for the "good old days"

    Back when you could call people retarded, when you could call kids gay and beat them up, when kids with learning disabilities weren't permitted to be educated alongside everyone else, when girls were forced to take home ec and not allowed to play sports...

    Ah the good old days. Why on Earth did we ever change?


    Now everyone is just wimps for trying to be better people. :ohwell:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am curious - what will determine admission into university if we are using these benchmarks rather than a GPA? Because strictly using SAT/ACT scores will surely upset people whose children are "poor standardized test takers" and using some sort of essay format will harm the poor writers. I am being completely serious. What determines if you get into Dartmouth or a state school?


    I was going to say the same thing :laugh:. Whoever could afford admission could go.
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    I do love it when people pine for the "good old days"

    Back when you could call people retarded, when you could call kids gay and beat them up, when kids with learning disabilities weren't permitted to be educated alongside everyone else, when girls were forced to take home ec and not allowed to play sports...

    Ah the good old days. Why on Earth did we ever change?

    Remember how awesome it was that women did the laundry and dishes every single night too? I don't know why on Earth we did change. It's ridiculous. We need the core values back NOW!!!
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    But red ink scares me.

    And if we keep score and I lose, I will be upset

    And if I play dodgeball, I might get hurt