Everytime I enter how much I workout my calories change.

Since I'm trying to lose weight, why do my calories always increase when I workout and enter how long I worked out in myfit?


  • dominoid747
    dominoid747 Posts: 33 Member
    Because you are burning calories working out and therefore need to eat more to maintain the same calorie deficit. The calorie target already has a deficit built in for you, if you work out, then you are earning yourself more calories whilst losing the same amount of weight.
  • disawell
    disawell Posts: 102 Member
    Because you are burning calories working out and therefore need to eat more to maintain the same calorie deficit. The calorie target already has a deficit built in for you, if you work out, then you are earning yourself more calories whilst losing the same amount of weight.

    I'm only just learning this now, and it *seems* counter-intuitive, but it is for real! MFP builds in the deficit for you too, so you don't need to go too much under your calorie goal for the day to be able to lose, in this case - less is not more and probably won't get you healthy results. Friend me if you want to! :)
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    You will also notice that as you lose weight, it is harder to burn as many calories. For instance if a 30 minute walk at 2.5 mph burned 300 calories at your current weight, the same walk after losing 20 pounds only burns 200 calories. (I totally made up these numbers, everyone is different in the variables).

    If you are exercising, you get rewarded with extra calories. It's kind of nice, because if you find yourself over on your calories you can just get in some extra exercise and you get those calories back, again.
  • raynavee
    Search up "TDEE" on Google. It will answer all of your questions.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    If you are following MFP's method, the number of calories they give you are NET calories. If you don't exercise, that is what you should eat. When you do exercise you are supposed to eat more calories to get your NET back up to the number MFP gave you.


    MFP Gave you 1400 cals

    You worked out and burned 500 cals, so now MFP is going to tell you your calories are 1900. You may not want to eat back ALL exercise cals, but you should at least get your net above 1200.

    This is why you will notice people on here that EAT 1200 cals get so much flack. A lot don't understand that when they exercise they should be CONSUMING more than 1200. Say you only EAT 1200 and then burn 500 with working out and don't eat back exercise cals, then you are really only NETTING 700 cals. Definitely NOT good for you :)