Beautiful Blues 3/16/10



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    ttthumper- Wow, you worked out for 3 hours!! And I thought I worked hard today, almost 2 1/2 hours. I think you made up for missing your workout yesterday. Keep up the good work. You're totally right about weight loss not showing so much when we keep wearing the same clothes. I've noticed that myself and I am making it a point to move down clothes size as I lose weight and to were fitted clothes that make me feel nice and sexy. I think it will help me lose more weight too, because bigger clothes makes me feel like I'm not changing by hiding my body. Yeah for shopping for new clothes!!!

    chrissy- I voted for you for the Bat contest. Here's wishing for good weather for Sunday. You're so brave to do that!!!

    msh- It sounds like you have all things planned out for the camping trip. Enjoy yourself and you'll do great!!!! Don't you love moving down clothes size! Enjoy your new clothes and new size as well!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Thanks TTThumper I could use the help.

    Not sure if I am going to have time to do YogaX today( I got a late start today) so I think I willl play on my Wii and maybe do some yard work and house cleaning and time and weather permiting I might go wogging. I am trying hard not to losr the momentume I have found this week so I am going to do something to keep moving. I have been under my cals so far all week and I am trying to keep that going too.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Smadag - YogaX is not that high impact - You said you can play on the Wii, maybe do yard work and house cleaning and if you have time wogging. To me seems you have time to do YogaX. :wink:
    Yes it is 1.5 hours, but if you dont' have time perhaps skip through some of the first 45 mins.
    Yoga is a great workout to do, core work, exercising muscles with the holding in position -
    Go Get it done - you'll feel better afterwards.

    One thing I've learned on my journey. Many times I've gotten lazy, not motiviated, felt like I don't want to do this workout right now, or I'll do it later. Other chores got in the way sometimes.
    In the past, my lazy side won, I sat on the couch, got on the computer, lounged around, and then the next day, wanted to put off another workout.
    I make an appointment every day!!!!. Except for Tuesday when I was extremely tired and napped on the couch :laugh:
    Make sure you get to your appt, do your exercise , and then you can do other chores around the house. You'll feel better after your workout, and once you get a few days in a row of exercising, your body, and your mind looks forward to the exercise.

    Pet Peeve. - This is something that's bugged me about a lot of people on this site.

    This is not meant for anybody, as I've seen lots of people comment... "I don't have time to do a workout"..

    Well if you don't have time to do a workout, you shouldn't be online surfing and writing messages for 15-30 mins, and you shouldn't be watching a 30 min or 1 hour tv show.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Smadag - YogaX is not that high impact - You said you can play on the Wii, maybe do yard work and house cleaning and if you have time wogging. To me seems you have time to do YogaX. :wink:
    Yes it is 1.5 hours, but if you dont' have time perhaps skip through some of the first 45 mins.
    Yoga is a great workout to do, core work, exercising muscles with the holding in position -
    Go Get it done - you'll feel better afterwards.

    One thing I've learned on my journey. Many times I've gotten lazy, not motiviated, felt like I don't want to do this workout right now, or I'll do it later. Other chores got in the way sometimes.
    In the past, my lazy side won, I sat on the couch, got on the computer, lounged around, and then the next day, wanted to put off another workout.
    I make an appointment every day!!!!. Except for Tuesday when I was extremely tired and napped on the couch :laugh:
    Make sure you get to your appt, do your exercise , and then you can do other chores around the house. You'll feel better after your workout, and once you get a few days in a row of exercising, your body, and your mind looks forward to the exercise.

    Pet Peeve. - This is something that's bugged me about a lot of people on this site.

    This is not meant for anybody, as I've seen lots of people comment... "I don't have time to do a workout"..

    Well if you don't have time to do a workout, you shouldn't be online surfing and writing messages for 15-30 mins, and you shouldn't be watching a 30 min or 1 hour tv show.

    Have a great day everyone.

    I agree-the I don't have time for a workout - is totally a choice. And one that's ours to make!
    My mom told me that I was sacrificing my family time - making me sound selfish for taking me time to workout....well here's the deal if I don't, I am grumpier, when I didn't I sat and watched TV - real quality family time there....I have so much more energy now with working out, house is cleaner than it use to be and I am so much happier-how is that sacrificing family time?!?! It ticked me off considering her family time when I was young was to sip on her booze and go to bed feeling sick every holiday.

    Boy that turned into a point is I truly feel like I am a better mom, employee, and friend since I started working out.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I guess it's update time for me. :flowerforyou:

    I tried a week with no exercise and only eating 1240 calories ... but, I gained a pound and found that I was really hungry all day long! I guess the week that I'd tried that about a month ago, me being sick really kept my appetite at bay. Just a mental note ... exercise, unless physically impossible! Why? Exercise = more calories = happy tummy = happy me! :wink:

    Last week I ate an average of 1500 cals per day, worked out each day, and dropped 3 pounds! I was up to 231. Now I'm at 228. This is my new lowest weight. The last time I remember weighing myself before this journey was in high school. Maybe my sophomore year. I weighed 220 pounds. :sick: I am now 8 pounds away from that weight today and it's great! Can't wait to get below my high school weight!

    This week I've been doing the same as last week. Eating most of my exercise calories, really paying attention to how hungry I am as to how much of them I eat... working out every day ... even getting in some "accidental" exercise when I helped a friend stock the cooler at his job last night. He has a bone disease and limited movement, so he really needed the help! In return, I've talked him into getting up at 7:30 and having breakfast with me on Sunday at 8. :smile: I heart IHOP For Me options!!

    OH! After this weekend, I will have three weekends under my belt that I've kept within my calories!!!! This is HUGE for me, because Saturday nights were usually my "cheat" nights. I would eat whatever - kind of within reason, but definitely not within calories! I've found that I can treat myself (Applebee's Shrimp Diavolo, Outback's Grilled Chicken and Green Beans, mmm!!), feel like I've "cheated" and stay within my calories. It's great!! I am loving it!!

    I have a goal. I'm not sure how realistic it is, but I'm putting it out there to you guys so I can be accountable. I am going to the beach with my boyfriend and three best friend's on June 18. I weigh 228 now. There are 13 weeks till June 18 ... I would like to weigh 210. That's around 1.3 pounds per week. I am going to try! :bigsmile:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chrissy- You're so right about exercise allowing us to be a better person because we relax and feel better about ourselves and can then be a better person, parent, mate....

    tthumper- I like that idea about making an appointment to exercise. I also like the motto in beachbody "just push play". So many times it's as easy as that, and the body and mind won't even realize that you are almost done with a workout.

    llcorrell- Awesome!!! Congrats on your weight loss. It looks like you have made a plan to stay within calories and stay fit in weekends out eating. And you so deserve those calories, so enjoy them!!!!

    smadag- I'm glad this week you are feeling better in terms of working out. Keep up the good work and use this momentum to keep you going.

    So I'm on my gym clothes and am getting ready to do Insanity Max Recovery and Cardio Abs. "Just Push Play" Here I come!!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your day all!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    After reading ttthumper and Chrissy's comments I go toff my butt and did half of the yoga X until my migraine got so bad I couldn't see straight. I suck at yoga I am very unbalanced but I guess that will improve with time. I feel a ltittle better now but still not great. I do legs and back tomorrow and I will hit play first thing before I do anything
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    almomay - Thanks!! And, your workouts completely inspire me ... you're one crazy fit chick! :smile:

    smadag1 - I hope you feel better!! I know it feels like there is always something getting in the way of working out or eating right ... trust me ... but, you've lost weight, you're on your way and you're on MFP. That's a huge part of it. :flowerforyou:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Leigh - Awesome job, we knew you could do it. - There's alot of people who use that theory.. If I work out I can eat more :laugh:
    3 weekends is a great start. Before you know it, it'll be 3 months under your belt...
    I also have my "cheat meals" which to some might not be a treat.... A Chicken Roti, and a Deli Chicken sandwich with Hot peppers.

    One advice about your goal. You might have ups and downs. There might be weeks again where you might not lose anything, or gain 1 lb, then the next week you might lose 2-3 lbs.
    Remember don't get discouraged about the scale. Keep doing what your doing and when you go to the beach you will be healthier and have less weight than now. If you haven't get a few measurements, or use a belt/pants as a measure.

    Smadag - Some Yoga moves are definately hard to try and keep the balance. Yes it will get better in time. I hope you had a great workout with Legs and Arms today. Remember what Tony says.

    "Do your best, and forget the rest"

    Almomay - I've gotten dressed for workout many times and still sorta put it off, put it off another 10 mins, put it off another 5. I just say to myself sometimes. JUST GO DO IT, by the time I'm into it, having a great workout, before I know it, it's done. Then afterwards it's a great feeling.

    Chrissy - Your just awesome - Keep it going, and we all know your mom is wrong. What family time are you sacrificing? Your trying to be healthier for longer years to come, to spend better and healthier years with your family and teaching them better habits.

    Short story.
    Friend of mine wanted a racing bike... Wife wasn't so sure, lots of Money etc. My buddy said, well we could use the $1,000+ to go on a trip or something, or I can buy a bike and I'll be alot healthier and around alot longer for ours kids.
    Conversation ended there.

    Have a great day everybody!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    OK I have a couple of questions for those who have done / are doing P90x

    I have a very very had time fitting my workout into my weekends because it is the only time I can spend with hubby because of his work schedule and I was struggling a lot with back and legs because of my knees hurting today so could I skipp legs and back and go on to the next one or should I just not do whatr I am suppose to do on Saturday?

    I stuggled a lot today with legs and back because I have no way of doing pull ups and my knees were hurting while doing lunges and there are tons of lunges and I was trying not to over do it but i am not sure what to do any suggestions?

    I did what I could but i am not sure it was enough
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everybody,

    smadag1- For the weekends just try to be creative and fit in exercise when you and hubby are not planning anything. Like maybe if he has to watch a game, or if he sleeps in, you can get up a little earlier. In terms of pain in your body, you shouldn't be feeling that much pain and if you are then I would be careful because you don't want to strain your muscle. Soreness is different from pain. Also you would want to stretch before and after an exercise because that helps to make sure you don't get pain. I have switched my exercises when I just can't do it for that day, but I try to stay consistent for the most part. When you're not sure, just modify exercises to fit your body and your ability. Tony Horton and the other fitness instructors advice that all the time. One thing I'm doing with Insanity is to pace myself because the exercises are very high intensity. In the beginning I couldn't do the moves as fast as everyone in the dvd, so I just finished them at a slower pace. And I did take breaks when needed, and only you will know when you need breaks. The important thing is to keep going and sooner or later it will be a breeze for you. Just remember to set aside time for you during the weekends, because this is your time and you deserve it.

    tthumper- Good job with P90x, you have things all planned out for a good workout. Enjoy your workout!

    Chrissy- Enjoy your race this sunday. You are inspiring and make me want to sign up for races this summer.

    leigh- Thanks for calling me fit, I guess after 6 months of working out I've become one of those fit people I admire and I'm on my way to becoming more healthy. Keep doing a great job, I saw on your update that you are losing weight. The changes you have done have payed off, and sometimes a little reassessment pays off. Keep at it girl!

    I'm planning on doing P90x after I finish through Insanity's 60 days. I have 3 more weeks of Insanity and I feel great. I need to pick up weights for P90x and the chin up bar. I was going over the P90x nutrition guide so I've just changed my macronutrients to 40-40-20 which is more in line with Phase 2 of this plan. I was doing 30-40-30 before and I think I was eating too many fats and I need more carbs because the workouts I'm doing are very high intensity. The first month of Insanity everyone says the weight is slow to come off because the body receives sort of a shock with this new exercise program. My body is more toned and I'm stronger and have more muscle. People say month 2 is when the weight loss starts, so I'm waiting patiently and looking forward to that. Weight is just so tricky in the way it just decreases and increases.

    The day after I did Yogax I was feeling sore everywhere and was shocked at how much of my body yoga worked out. I see alot of people who are yoga fans and I always wondered how people can stay fit with yoga, but it actually works.

    My plan for today is to do Insanity Max Interval Circuit and P90X Stretch so I'll work out for a total of 2 hours. My body is craving the stretch exercises to quiet my mind and relax my body. I've put my toddler to nap and in a few minutes I'm going to get to it and spend this time for myself.

    School is back on track and the assignments are manageable and I'm making a plan on how to separate my assignments. I'm trying to get back to where I was before where I exercised in the morning like at 6:00am so that I can get used to what my schedule would be like once I start working. Anyhow, that's one of my assignments. :)

    Enjoy your day all, and have a great weekend!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been internetless the last few days, probably a good break for me because I am a little bit addicted. :tongue: We are all moved--at least stuff wise, we still have tons and tons of stuff to put away but very little is at the old house. Few! It has been a long week! I plan on starting back up on everything as soon as I don't have to wade through boxes anymore. Take care everyone!!

  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Although I was very busy today, I managed to get in Insanity Max Interval Plyo and I'm better at these workouts.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi all,

    Today I did P90X Core Synergistic for 57 minutes and I've got to say my moves have improved from the last time I did this.

    Have a good night all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    How am I doing? Pretty well until the last two days, but everyone has to let up once in a while, right? My eating plans went out the window, and I'm pretty sure that in the morning the scale may something like "You've got to be kidding! How many of you are standing on here at once??" I capped it all off with a Chinese buffet tonight. Oh, well, back at it in the morning!

    My camping trip? Well, it was certainly a once in a lifetime experience, I hope. Twenty relatives attended (not a record but a fair number). Against all forecasts, the weather went from 70+ degrees to thunderstorms to sleet to snow in what seemed like a few hours (actually I think it was 12 hours). After shoveling the snow and scraping the ice off of equipment to break camp, what was left of the weekend was enjoyed at the motel and my niece's house. Good times!

    I've got to get things around for work in the morning and get to bed. We just got home less than an hour ago. Good night!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Where's all your weights?? I have only one message today. I know you guys are out there!:bigsmile::laugh:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am not going to weigh myself for a couple of weeks seeing the number not move is discouraging so I just will not do it for a while
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi all,

    Debnu- I just sent in my weight, hasn't changed but atleast I'm not gaining this time around.

    smadag- sounds good, the scale be so discouraging sometimes. People say to go by measurements and compare them to see more changes.

    msh- Sounds great, getting off course is good once in a while and you have a great mentality to get back on track. Awesome!

    Just did some homework review this morning and in a bit I'll do Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning and P90X Yoga X.

    Take care all!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey everybody, Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    I know that feeling.:mad: :sad: I guess I can say I'm in a plateau. shrug.
    It's been almost a month now since I've lost weight. I'm not gaining much, but not losing either.
    I don't let the scale bother me, I keep noticing my space in my belt/pants and definition I'm getting when I look in the mirror.

    I'm not sure if I need to bump my calories up a bit more or not. I'll see how this week goes at ~2000 calories (incl exercise).
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I got a few more weights--yay! I will put up the board tomorrow, so keep em coming!

    I have decided to take the plunge and order p90x! I need something different and new and I think that will do it. After realizing that we are not going to have to pay taxes this year--thank you bad economy for the refund:laugh: I think I can afford it too! :bigsmile:

    Here's to exercise!:flowerforyou:
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