PANACEA study: eating meat promotes weight gain



  • animemoon5
    animemoon5 Posts: 55 Member
    Has to be an issue of cause and correlation.... When you think of the most unhealthiest and fattening foods, you think of super greasy double cheeseburgers, fried donuts and double fudge cakes.... None of these are "Vegan" even the donuts, cookies and cakes are made from eggs..... Vegan food is pretty limited, and there are very few choices available when going out to eat...... Vegans usually have to stick to salads, cook from home, and spend quite a bit of time at the health food store..... I wouldn't say "Meat" is what causes the difference in weight gain, a lot has to do with simply ease of access.... A vegetarian has higher chances of gaining weight than a vegan, because now they have the option of cheese fries and brownies, as well as the other foods, and a meat eater has a higher chances because now they can throw in the triple cheeseburgers.. in addition to everything else.

    People with junk food diets, (Meat eaters or vegetarian) usually don't go for vegetables or whole grains, the more refined and plain the better...... It's the difference between white bread vs. sprouted 7 grain bread.... junk food eaters look at the latter see the grains and seeds and think "Yuck" From what I've witnessed, vegans who's diets require such things, tend to tolerate this stuff much better... It's nothing new odd or strange to them, they don't freak out at the texture or the "Health" look of it....

    Meat in itself is definitely not the issue...... One thing is certain, and that is protein keeps you full longer, and meat has plenty of it.... A meat eater, who chooses poultry or fish over 80/20 beef , switches to whole grains, unprocessed foods and adds in their veggies can have an entirely healthy diet........ lose weight, and keep it off if they stick to it....

    I also would like to add, meat is expensive, and during the times when the budget is tight, if I skip out on the meat for a day, my calories skyrocket.... I start trying to fill up on "Cheap carbs" which never satisfy me..... and I end up gaining weight.... as I've begun counting calories, I've learned if I spend a bit extra on the good lean meats, and have that at every meal, especially in the morning, I stay full throughout the day and rarely feel the need to snack.... as a result I lose more weight.....
  • SMiller074
    SMiller074 Posts: 51 Member
    Um.. Like I'm going to trust any study that has been named PANACEA.
    That's just not very scientific.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    Large studies are usually bogus

    Their limited. Studies like this are called Epidemiological studies basically observational using data that is fairly general over long periods of time, and never, ever 100% accurate. Without controlled experiments there can never be a relationship beween cause and effect, just can't happen. That leaves us correlations, which by their nature are easily manipulated in these types of studies to confirm or reaffirm an hypothesis. This one being that chicken specifically was the cause of weight gain. In their opening statement they hypothesized that meat and it fat content could contribute to weight gain. Chicken consumption was compared to all other meats including all red meat and processed meat and for some reason chicken beat them out calories wise, obviously, well not really. Red meat consumption is at an all time low world wide, and processed meats statistically are not consumed as much. Poultry on the other hand has risen worldwide over the last 20 years as the go to meat protein because of it's lower calorie content and it's supposedly better choice to consuming red meat.......basically everyone is eating chicken. Chicken is the squeaky wheel in the food questionnaire, it's everywhere in all Countries and in more meals than red or processed. Basically without thinking the correlation would be meat contributes to weight gain and chicken is eaten the most often, therefore chicken contributes to weight gain and not red meat or processed meats, right, that makes sense.

    One of my favorite quote of JFK

    “For the greatest enemy of truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Eat more oily fish and seafood rich sources of bioavailable vitamins D and B12, DHA and EPA, or vegan wholefoods which are not.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I went through a phase of eating only vegan food once. I got fat. Probably because I ate way, way too much lentil curry.

    Yes meat helps you to gain weight, you lift heavy weights, eat meat, and your muscles grow. Personally I think that's a good thing.

    ETA: that's not to say you have to eat meat to gain muscle, there are other sources of protein (before anyone takes the above the wrong way)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Yes, EVERYBODY PANIC, you might gain 1 pound in 32 years by eating an extra 100 calories of meat a day... :noway:

    LOL, thank you for taking the time to look up the quack's ridiculous study. It looks like Dr. Michael Greger is about as dishonest as they come.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Surprise, surprise. Lying for their (vegan) religion.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Has to be an issue of cause and correlation.... When you think of the most unhealthiest and fattening foods, you think of super greasy double cheeseburgers, fried donuts and double fudge cakes.... None of these are "Vegan" even the donuts, cookies and cakes are made from eggs..... Vegan food is pretty limited, and there are very few choices available when going out to eat...... Vegans usually have to stick to salads, cook from home, and spend quite a bit of time at the health food store..... I wouldn't say "Meat" is what causes the difference in weight gain, a lot has to do with simply ease of access.... A vegetarian has higher chances of gaining weight than a vegan, because now they have the option of cheese fries and brownies, as well as the other foods, and a meat eater has a higher chances because now they can throw in the triple cheeseburgers.. in addition to everything else.

    People with junk food diets, (Meat eaters or vegetarian) usually don't go for vegetables or whole grains, the more refined and plain the better...... It's the difference between white bread vs. sprouted 7 grain bread.... junk food eaters look at the latter see the grains and seeds and think "Yuck" From what I've witnessed, vegans who's diets require such things, tend to tolerate this stuff much better... It's nothing new odd or strange to them, they don't freak out at the texture or the "Health" look of it....

    Meat in itself is definitely not the issue...... One thing is certain, and that is protein keeps you full longer, and meat has plenty of it.... A meat eater, who chooses poultry or fish over 80/20 beef , switches to whole grains, unprocessed foods and adds in their veggies can have an entirely healthy diet........ lose weight, and keep it off if they stick to it....

    I also would like to add, meat is expensive, and during the times when the budget is tight, if I skip out on the meat for a day, my calories skyrocket.... I start trying to fill up on "Cheap carbs" which never satisfy me..... and I end up gaining weight.... as I've begun counting calories, I've learned if I spend a bit extra on the good lean meats, and have that at every meal, especially in the morning, I stay full throughout the day and rarely feel the need to snack.... as a result I lose more weight.....
    Oreos, potato chips, and French fries are all vegan. As are most breads (no eggs usually, flour, salt, water, yeast is all you need.) plenty of higher calorie vegan foods. If you think you have to stick to salads to eat vegan, you just aren't familiar enough with food.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Yes, EVERYBODY PANIC, you might gain 1 pound in 32 years by eating an extra 100 calories of meat a day... :noway:

    LOL, thank you for taking the time to look up the quack's ridiculous study. It looks like Dr. Michael Greger is about as dishonest as they come.

    yep^^^^ this......