How To Lose Fat – The TRUTH About Fat Loss



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Surpisingly, refreshingly, accurate. Bravo OP!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I've been trying to explain all this to my cousin, who recently lost 7 lbs on that "three-day diet" where you basically just eat broccoli, tuna, weiners, and ice cream for three days. She swears that it's the combination of foods that "pulls fat off of you," rather than the fact that she lost some water weight because she went from eating 3000 calories per day to roughly 800.

    It disturbs me greatly when people talk about things like "pulls the fat off you"

    another one I heard recently described "fat working its way out of you" via the bowels.

    errrr no!

    Keep trying to explain it to your cousin though! the article linked to in the OP should help
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    And I remember thinking to myself "So you think eating bacon is crazy, but eating 500 calories a day and taking pregnancy hormones isn't?"

    That's how you tell the difference between people who are going to make it and people who will give up.

    Wait... what??? Pepple do this?!?! For real? How bloody stupid. Eat less, slow down your metabolism, and retain water, in hopes of a smaller waist line? Jeepers people, at least invest in intestonal worms or something.